NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

I normally don't comment, but I just can't resist bowing to your amazing work.
Keep it up! I really appreciate your time and effort.
Thanks for all the support and the feedback guys :)
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Dec 11, 2015, 11:49:37 AM
Thank you for all of the work and time that you put into this lootfilter!

Is there any changes made for 2.1? or nah
E/ also I have no clue how to edit a loot filter...
Last edited by Sly1183#2653 on Dec 11, 2015, 12:37:50 PM
Thank you for great filter mate ! :)
just go into your file delete the old one, then copy and paste the new one, simple as that takes 10 seconds.
Best. Lootfilter. Ever. Made.

In game name - VomitingRainbows - GMT +1
Thanks Sink. At least an Ex picked up that was missed, saved through your filter.

keep it up!
Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
The 513 Line for me,not workin, where is the Glimmer of Hope div. card
RE-dl my filter if its not working, there was a mistake in the GGG patch notes!
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.

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