The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Hello i would like to join the guild.

IGN: Sephemania

Thanks in advance!
Hello can i join
looking to join
ING: blondiinike
Hey, active player currently my first league but plan playing mostly standard

I am extremely active and extremely generous with my time and items.

IGN: Oppressor_of_Men
IGN: Atarimo
I would love to join the guild
Hi looking to join my first guild!
Ign: Aethilius
Hi, I would love to join the guild.
IGN: LameRind
Hi would love to join.

Active player in standard. Mapping up to T16.

remove this post, please~
Last edited by bvanharjr on May 22, 2018, 4:08:12 PM

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