The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Hey, I would like to join this guild! :)

IGN: Lok278872

Character Name: MestreLim
IGN: Briskino

Sounds like a guild I'd like to join.
I'd like to join:
Hey hey :)
IGN:VelsariaWolf (Experimental Frostblade, WildStrike dual dagger crit rainbow won hc race 2014 left poe 2015 and played Diablo 3 till 2018 now i play both 75% PoE :) 25% D3 )
KuronaBlade (Experimental KingMaker Auramaster crit IceCrash or Infernal Blow very tanky my 1 hero is 4500-5000life this will be like 6000-8000 with 15k armor)

P.S. I look for guild to have fun mapping and to put my items in gstash coz i dont trade items below 2c i vendor them so better someone who might like them to take them :)


just started poe in the end of abyss didn't have much time to learn the game, i'm currently trying different builds to find something i can play the game in a smooth way and earn some challenges.

i look for a guild with an active playerbase and friendly one.
IGN: FarmingCev

Just farming Oni now then going to push out this season like a champ :)
IGN: SirFabu
Hello there, I would like to join !
IGN: Venator23
IGN is TasteyNipple

I would love to join an active community!

Hi there, I'm a returning player looking for a guild. IGN is ArchieHawk, level 78 Jugg. Looking for some people to map and hang out with, not a veteran but not completely new either.

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