The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Hey I've been getting really into the game recently and have been looking for a guild. if you're still recruiting ign:Lourdinn (not my current flashback char but has the least ass name)
Your guild sounds awesome! I would love to join, I feel like it would help me learn the mechanics and potentially get me into maps. Please invite 'quickseemee' to your guild. Thank you!
Last edited by Ashathe on May 9, 2018, 1:23:08 AM
Hello, I’ve been looking for some people to play POE with! I’d love to join your guild. Please invite Ekwinox to your guild. Thanks!
Hey. Saw your post on reddit. Haven't really tried the guild thing. Don't ever play in a party. Guess it'd be fun. LMK :)
Hello there just saw the message on Reddit..
I would be nice to be invited
I’m interested. I’ll look you up next time I’m online.
Hello, I'm looking for a new guild. Been playing since jan 2013.
IGN SupriseHuggs
IGN: Atarim
Would be interested in joining the guild to chill
If you guys are back I want back in too!
IGN: Fireflashback

I'll see you guys on DC.
IGN: potato_is_life

Currently playing flashback SC, interested in joining an active guild, pushing T15+ maps would be alot more fun in a group!

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