The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Hello guys !

I would like to join your guild.

I'm playing this game from 2013 as you see it on my profile.
I love the game and I want to start 3.2 with a nice guild.
I can install discord if you guys prefer voice chat.

IGN: kaanj
Character name: Monster_Buster

Hi there. My IGN is LEDLAMP. I'd love to join your guild to get started in the 3.2 league.
Hey I'd like to join the guild, in game name is Slashway give me a call :)
Hey, I would like to join this guild! :)

IGN: TheBlackDude

Character Name: AllAboutThatOni
Hi I would like to join your Guild.

IGN: KingDBorn

Character name: ColdofSteel

been playing since 2013
Last edited by kingdborn on Mar 3, 2018, 8:24:20 AM
ign= GyroXoirino
char name = TheSigou
char name: DK_Beast_RF
IGN: dobran
Character name: DualingJohn
My IGN: EleCritCyclone
Character Name:FoxerHR
hi looking for a nice guild
gm eni_cyclone

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