The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

I'd like to join the guild

IGN: BloodyGIR
Hi would like to join

ign kumatsuflick
I'm interested in joining :)

IGN: WhispersOfSummons
'You know why I enjoy Math? If something doesn't exist we simply create it.'
Guild description sounds like something I would be interested in.
Currently playing Harbinger SC league.
NA east coast player, usually on in the evenings.

IGN: OnlyOnePurposeForBees

Edit: Might be helpful to be unguilded first...
Last edited by lukhien on Sep 20, 2017, 12:44:15 PM
Sounds interesting.

IGN: Adeben
Hi I want to join

IGN: AnotherSummonerDB
IGN: okaysonz

Thanks :)
IGN : GayRunsDeep - as retarded as that sounds im serious about joining a guild

I'd like to join.

IGN: LillieAuras
Hey there, if there is a spot open for me, i would like to join you :)

IGN : Facecheck_RIP

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