The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

I am looking for a nice relaxed guilde with a fair ammount of activity to learn the game better. I have enjoyed this game and the complexities alot and would like to join like minded individuals.

Last edited by Mandrol on Oct 24, 2017, 9:26:28 PM
IGN: ChiliiLightning

Currently i am looking for people to play with. Most if not all of my friends have stopped playing and i really enjoy PoE. I do have discord and can hop in at anytime.
Hi guys and gals looking for a Home in Poe this sounds like the best place for me been playing since 2013 on and off but POE has become my main game now So looking for a great group of people to hang out with.

ING Maljester

ING for current character MalSlayercyc

Look forward to hear from you

Would love to join. Looks to be a great guild you've got.
looking for some friendly peeps to run with

IGN: RockNRoll_Express
Hi, I would like to join

IGN Xiorron
ign: Voxroxn

I'm looking for a friendly and active guild.
IGN: Fleiss
Would love an invite!
Hey, I'd love to join!

IGN: GenuineRussian
I would like to join. Invite plx

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