The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Hey I would like to join!

(yes I couldn't find a good name)
I live for my e-peen
Hi, my IGN is Sick_Individual_
Im a returning casual player who's more active right now. Playing mostly on standard but I sometimes try the new leagues if Im interested. I was always helping people in my last guild and I always donate uniques that I dont need because I dont have much space in my stashes.
P.S: Dont forget the underscores on my name. :3
seems good

IGN: TwoSpoopyTwoCreppy
Hello, I would love to join!

IGN: JumbGo
Anymore room? Looking for a guild to chill and chat.

IGN: Xevir
Hi I just got back to the game recently, would like to join the guild, thanks.

IGN: Sheptain
Add me if there's still room, IGN: Grizunk
I would love to join if there is still room

IGN: (Zetapact)
Hi i would like to apply to your guild.

IGN: SithMalgus
Standard SC

thank you!

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