ok that was bound to happen

interesting.. A game about farming gear and everyone complains about players that spend more than they do on said gear. We might as well give everyone in PVE equal gear so they could be "equal" too.

It took me about a week to gear my LLD hero in bloodlines and thats with selling 0 race/pvp rewards. I can say that my hero in bloodlines and hardcore are about on equal footing in terms of gear. Some people want to invest in their PvE gear, some want to invest in their pvp gear, yet the people that put their currency into pve gear want equal footing as people who invest heavily in pvp gear?

None of this makes any sense to me in a game about progression. Farm currency, upgrade your character, kick ass. Isn't that the entire reason behind arpg's and games like this? Why does everyone want to be given everything, smh.
killtacular wrote:
interesting.. A game about farming gear and everyone complains about players that spend more than they do on said gear. We might as well give everyone in PVE equal gear so they could be "equal" too.

It took me about a week to gear my LLD hero in bloodlines and thats with selling 0 race/pvp rewards. I can say that my hero in bloodlines and hardcore are about on equal footing in terms of gear. Some people want to invest in their PvE gear, some want to invest in their pvp gear, yet the people that put their currency into pve gear want equal footing as people who invest heavily in pvp gear?

None of this makes any sense to me in a game about progression. Farm currency, upgrade your character, kick ass. Isn't that the entire reason behind arpg's and games like this? Why does everyone want to be given everything, smh.

I can't agree with you more.
IGN: Beardedwizzard
this isn't about competing with guys like you, Killtacular.
I saw you in an invitational, and I'm sure you'll beat me in a PvP match given completely equal build and gear.
but I'm not talking about having equal chance when facing players like you.
and I'm not talking about having equal chance facing players with utterly insane gear, I have no chance to beat from the get go.

I'm talking about frequency. avoiding the frustration of unfair encounters.
being able to join a PvP match and not get an endless series of opponents who are far superior in gear, skill, or both.
that's what GGG's matching algorithm is supposed to do, to keep PvP an enjoyable experience rather than a frustrating one - but it didn't happen.
and it didn't happen either because the algorithm failed repeatedly in my case, or because EVERYONE in Bloodlines LLD are insanely-geared with a heap of Exalts.

my point is, I sincerely hope the former is true. because that can be easily fixed.
if the latter is true however, that makes people who aren't "rich"/"pros"/both locked out of PvP.
makes a whole feature of the game, unplayable for so many players.

including ones like me, who enjoy occasional, "casual" PvP every now and then, since Open Beta.
to me, winning or losing isn't as important as a really good match-up.
I may win a match, but I'll enjoy the victory only if my opponent made me EARN IT.
I may lose a match, and I'll not be as frustrated about it as I am losing to someone with a fkn super-wand who 2-shot me in 3 seconds from off-screen, again, and again, and again, then being matched against him yet again.

as a "pro", I hope you can see what's wrong with such a situation.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Feb 9, 2015, 12:56:19 PM
johnKeys wrote:
this isn't about competing with guys like you, Killtacular.
I saw you in an invitational, and I'm sure you'll beat me in a PvP match given completely equal build and gear.
but I'm not talking about having equal chance when facing players like you.
and I'm not talking about having equal chance facing players with utterly insane gear, I have no chance to beat from the get go.

I'm talking about frequency. avoiding the frustration of unfair encounters.
being able to join a PvP match and not get an endless series of opponents who are far superior in gear, skill, or both.
that's what GGG's matching algorithm is supposed to do, to keep PvP an enjoyable experience rather than a frustrating one - but it didn't happen.
and it didn't happen either because the algorithm failed repeatedly in my case, or because EVERYONE in Bloodlines LLD are insanely-geared with a heap of Exalts.

my point is, I sincerely hope the former is true. because that can be easily fixed.
if the latter is true however, that makes people who aren't "rich"/"pros"/both locked out of PvP.
makes a whole feature of the game, unplayable for so many players.

including ones like me, who enjoy occasional, "casual" PvP every now and then, since Open Beta.
to me, winning or losing isn't as important as a really good match-up.
I may win a match, but I'll enjoy the victory only if my opponent made me EARN IT.
I may lose a match, and I'll not be as frustrated about it as I am losing to someone with a fkn super-wand who 2-shot me in 3 seconds from off-screen, again, and again, and again, then being matched against him yet again.

as a "pro", I hope you can see what's wrong with such a situation.

As a casual pvper, with no issues winning or losing why are you so concerned then? You can't casually do anything and expect top results. [Removed by Support]

Find ppl that casually PvP too, PvP them. Brain storm with them and create an enjoyable PvP setting you guys are happy with. If you want more populated equal geared PvP where everyone's the same guy minus their name...play a different game.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by Jared_GGG#0000 on Feb 10, 2015, 6:44:32 PM
next time think before you write.
not to mention read before you reply, but you won't get to that level.
have a nice day.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Feb 9, 2015, 1:59:11 PM
not reported

next time think some more before you write.

In an ideal world match making will match people of equal skill/gear levels given enough people to fight against.

Its not an ideal world though and the pvp que is not overflowing with people wishing to pvp. So when you do get a chance to fight its most probably someone who is really into pvp so chances of getting a similarly geared person are kind of low at the moment.

Have a nice day :)
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
@andkamen, not reported, because unlike Mr. Mulla (Chris have mercy on his soul), your post isn't disgusting and antagonistic, and you did read mine.

you don't agree, and that's perfectly fine.

I'm for an overall positive PvP experience.
winning when I deserve to win. losing when I deserve to lose.
to me, being grossly over-geared so my opponent's skill doesn't matter when I win, is a minus. exactly as much as being grossly under-geared so my opponent one-shots me before I can do anything, is a minus.

I'd like to have as many fair matches and as few minuses, as possible.
that's what "positive PvP experience" means, to me.
if you're telling me I cannot currently achieve that unless I have a couple stacks-o-Exalts to throw at an LLD char - that's saying "stick to PvE" to someone who knows and enjoys a well-set-PvP.
and I will, sadly. because I don't. one less guy in your queue.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Feb 9, 2015, 2:28:47 PM
What andkamen is saying isn't wrong. There is a very few amount of people that queue up. If you happen to find someone in queue and requeue again right after, chances are it will be the same person. I'm not saying the matchmaking system isn't broken, but when you and the other guy are the only ones in queue, you'll be facing each other regardless.

Only suggestion I can see is by changing leo. Change the daily to hourly and lower the exp gain from it. Remove anything larger than 3v3 and make 1v1's the most frequent "daily", hourly or whatever you want to call it.
johnKeys wrote:

that's what GGG's matching algorithm is supposed to do, to keep PvP an enjoyable experience rather than a frustrating one - but it didn't happen.

GGG algorithm works pretty good when many peoples with different level of skill and gear queue.
And example was introducing queues in std at beggining when many peoples was joining, you were faced against similar skilled//geared players.
But in BL/torment almost noone queue and thats why you face same opponents over and over.
What is bad is your attitude - instead of thinking how you can improve or outsmart given player you rather bitch about how unfair to meet that player is. You might wear it in smart words but if you shorten that what left is: "I deserve better, and all these op geared nolifes shouldnt be so impossible to beat, GGG plz do sth that will shorten gear gap beetwen me and them."

What I definitely agree with you though is that queue experience for newers could be really rejecting but there is nothing we can do because of small base.
inb4 kuan is reported :)
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731

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