Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

first up thanks a lot for this gem of a build guide, it was my first build when i got into the game in delve league, decided to league start with this again this time.

i cant find the cluster jewel set up in the POB, can you provide that.

Thanks alot
Great build. This is the first time I've done Arc and I found a 4-link B-B-B-B pretty early so it's been face roll smooth. The only downside is this league mechanic is cancer, so I'm finding it hard to stay motivated.
I just wanted to say Thank you for this guide! I started this build on harvest and so far, at lvl 60, I am having much fun. Wanted to try caster and not some slammer that will raise the prices for the items :D the guide is very clear and detailed. That's all really :) so thank you again.
I’m lvl 89 doing t12 maps and build has been great. Now I notice some issues though. Killing the conquerors and map bosses takes ages and gives me mana issues. Damage seems very low on this tier or the bosses just have soo much health. I can clear the map in 1-2 minutes but just had 2 3-stone conqs that took 10 min plus. Rotation is

- when mana is full, hit arcane cloak
- orb of storms
- arc move arc move arc move arc , use mana flasks and keep casting until mana empty
- run until mana full between the bodies from desecrate if there are still some, otherwise flame dash to spawn some.
- repeat

I have trigger socketed gems and essence wurm
I haven’t ascended yet in Uber lab as I still have 2 missing trials. Could that explain it? ( use added lightning as 6L instead of ele focus for now )

Thanks for any tips or advice. My profile is public.
I think you should try with ele focus. Added flat damage from the added lightning gem does next to nothing since you get so much added flat damage from archmage and arcane cloak already. you want to multiply that instead with the more multi from ele focus.
Enki91 wrote:
I'll try to communicate the playstyle and how to fix mana issues better once I got some ideas to do so, for now please just follow this advice: if you're in trade league, buy a Kitava's Thirst, check the gem setup for that and use that until you have the trigger craft on your weapon. And if you still have mana issues with that, then try to adjust your playstyle.

I do have trigger craft on the weapon, but I do not get the insane amount of mana regeneration that I can see in the video.
I can run smoothly packs in T13-T14, but I have issues in long fights (map bosses) due to the lack of reliable mana regeneration.
Probably there's something that I do not get... which is the suggested base mana regeneration to get a consistent combat regeneration (with all buffs)?
Hi i'm new to Enki's Arc build and am lvl 60 and am wondering how do I use Elemental Equilibrium with this build? What do I cast first before I use Arc and orb of storms? Cause if I just used Orb or storms and then Arc they would get 25% resist to lightning?
roark182 wrote:
Hi i'm new to Enki's Arc build and am lvl 60 and am wondering how do I use Elemental Equilibrium with this build? What do I cast first before I use Arc and orb of storms? Cause if I just used Orb or storms and then Arc they would get 25% resist to lightning?

Strange,you are sur use the good build?the build Enki's 3.11 dont use EE.
absolutisme wrote:
roark182 wrote:
Hi i'm new to Enki's Arc build and am lvl 60 and am wondering how do I use Elemental Equilibrium with this build? What do I cast first before I use Arc and orb of storms? Cause if I just used Orb or storms and then Arc they would get 25% resist to lightning?

Strange,you are sur use the good build?the build Enki's 3.11 dont use EE.

oh i was using the leveling section tree passives and it told me to get EE, but the 100 lvl passive tree doesnt have it. I guess i'll just follow the 100 lvl passive tree.
Last edited by roark182 on Jun 24, 2020, 8:13:02 PM
roark182 wrote:
absolutisme wrote:
roark182 wrote:
Hi i'm new to Enki's Arc build and am lvl 60 and am wondering how do I use Elemental Equilibrium with this build? What do I cast first before I use Arc and orb of storms? Cause if I just used Orb or storms and then Arc they would get 25% resist to lightning?

Strange,you are sur use the good build?the build Enki's 3.11 dont use EE.

oh i was using the leveling section tree passives and it told me to get EE, but the 100 lvl passive tree doesnt have it. I guess i'll just follow the 100 lvl passive tree.

Sure you're not confusing Elemental Equilibrium with Elemental Overload? (Or that it's not actually being transformed by a timeless jewel?)

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