Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Caerulus0 wrote:
Hi, completely new player here (started a week ago)

Question -
End of Act 7:

"Get Bone Offering and Arcanist Brand, and link them together with Desecrate"

When I link Arcanist brand, Descerate greys out, am I doing something wrong? Also Bone offering doesn't seem to link to Descerate (no on descerate).

P.S. - I see lots of people keeping Elemental support, thought we got rid of it in Act 3 when we got Archmage and Lightning penetration?

Thanks for the help guys

If you attach an arcanist brand on an enemy it will trigger desecrate and bone offering if the enemy survives long enough for those spells to trigger.
Not sure if anyone here has tried it, but recently swapped Echo for Unleash.
The PoB/tooltip dps goes down a bit, but honestly, it feels like I'm killing bosses a lot faster now, especially ones that I can't just facetank.

Rather than being locked in place for 2 casts by Echo, I just fire off 1 quick triple cast, dodge around a bit, then fire off another triple cast. So I can essentially dodge around without losing a significant amount of overall DPS.

Plus, Arcane Cloak, OoS, Vaal Arc, Arc x3 is a very nice shotgun effect.
Hi, sorry if this question has been put before, I'm honestly not gonna go through 1000 pages. But I've been looking into that trigger on wants. It says "Trigger a spell, when you use a skill" but there aren't any skill type gems in this setup, how does it exactly bypass this, is it a bug or something?
Hi, sorry if this question has been put before, I'm honestly not gonna go through 1000 pages. But I've been looking into that trigger on wants. It says "Trigger a spell, when you use a skill" but there aren't any skill type gems in this setup, how does it exactly bypass this, is it a bug or something?

I'm not sure I understand your question, but that craft triggers socketed spells when you use any skill at all.
Sorry for post, i found answer. For delete.
Last edited by RocketDragon on Jun 24, 2020, 3:15:54 AM
Reithan wrote:
Not sure if anyone here has tried it, but recently swapped Echo for Unleash.
The PoB/tooltip dps goes down a bit, but honestly, it feels like I'm killing bosses a lot faster now, especially ones that I can't just facetank.

Rather than being locked in place for 2 casts by Echo, I just fire off 1 quick triple cast, dodge around a bit, then fire off another triple cast. So I can essentially dodge around without losing a significant amount of overall DPS.

Plus, Arcane Cloak, OoS, Vaal Arc, Arc x3 is a very nice shotgun effect.

I've tried it for a bit myself now and it feels pretty good, but I think it could use some more tweaking than just replacing one gem.
Both Orb of Storms and Corpse Pact contribute to rapid spell spam playstyle, so they could probably be traded for something better.

On the other hand, using echo for maps and switching to unleash for solo bosses like Sirus or Shaper...
Reithan wrote:
Not sure if anyone here has tried it, but recently swapped Echo for Unleash.
The PoB/tooltip dps goes down a bit, but honestly, it feels like I'm killing bosses a lot faster now, especially ones that I can't just facetank.

Rather than being locked in place for 2 casts by Echo, I just fire off 1 quick triple cast, dodge around a bit, then fire off another triple cast. So I can essentially dodge around without losing a significant amount of overall DPS.

Plus, Arcane Cloak, OoS, Vaal Arc, Arc x3 is a very nice shotgun effect.

I've tried it for a bit myself now and it feels pretty good, but I think it could use some more tweaking than just replacing one gem.
Both Orb of Storms and Corpse Pact contribute to rapid spell spam playstyle, so they could probably be traded for something better.

On the other hand, using echo for maps and switching to unleash for solo bosses like Sirus or Shaper...

OoS still seems pretty good, I don't know if the 'recurr' from Unleash counts as casts for OoS, but it still seems useful.

The speed from Corpse Pact still seems impactful, because you can chaingun something with 3,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,2 casts if you need to DPS something down, and you're still doing more DPS than Echo as long as you do short bursts, and it doesn't lock you in place as long so you're more mobile.

I like Unleash better for map clear for the same reason. More responsive movement. I can hold right click and spam Arc if I want, but as soon as I let go, I can instantly start moving again without waiting for the second Echo cast to finish.

This is all spitballing, I don't know the absolute right answer here, but Unleash 'feels' much better to me so far, at VERY least in terms of QoL and survivability.

Update: Just did some quick googling, and it looks like Unleash doesn't trigger OoS...but it also looks like Echo might not either?? So Unleash might actually be getting more procs than Echo due to faster base cast speed?

This seems supported by the wording of OoS: "Using a lightning skill while inside the orb's cloud unleashes additional bolts." Not cast, cause effect, hit, etc, "using a lightning skill", even though Echo is 2 casts, and Unleash is 3 recurrences, they're both still 1 skill use - you can see when using a 'trigger socketed spells' wand - since an echo'd Arc still only procs 1 of the socketed gems, not both.
Last edited by Reithan on Jun 24, 2020, 5:18:15 AM
I am inclined to agree about Unleash being a worthwhile inclusion. I've been using it since I got my 6L, picking up Thunderous Salvos and a (cheap) Redeemer's helmet with the Unleash affix, allowing for up to 5 extra Arcs per cast. Going to go for Seal Mender for faster seal gain when I get a good enough cluster jewel together. Altogether, they seem like a worthwhile investment.

When it comes to your 6th link, I'd still go for Spell Echo over Controlled Destruction. Easier to keep your mana up and probably more DPS, though I haven't run any numbers yet.

Agree with you about neither procking OoS any additional times.

Also tried sticking in Blood Rage today, and I like it a lot for mapping. I'd love to take the sustain to the next level and run Righteous Fire, but definitely not there yet!
I am inclined to agree about Unleash being a worthwhile inclusion. I've been using it since I got my 6L, picking up Thunderous Salvos and a (cheap) Redeemer's helmet with the Unleash affix, allowing for up to 5 extra Arcs per cast. Going to go for Seal Mender for faster seal gain when I get a good enough cluster jewel together. Altogether, they seem like a worthwhile investment.

When it comes to your 6th link, I'd still go for Spell Echo over Controlled Destruction. Easier to keep your mana up and probably more DPS, though I haven't run any numbers yet.

Agree with you about neither procking OoS any additional times.

Also tried sticking in Blood Rage today, and I like it a lot for mapping. I'd love to take the sustain to the next level and run Righteous Fire, but definitely not there yet!

I am thinking about fitting in vaal rightous fire for the more spell damage buff, but not sure if it is worth it, because it is "only" 4 seconds. I just don't have the gem yet.

At this point I could safely drop the low level arcane surge from flame dash since the higher level one on arcane cloak has nearly 100% uptime anyway, so I would have a free link for a vaal skill or something else.
Did some more testing with Unleash now that the Thunderous Salvos cluster is on the tree and I still come to the same conclusion: it's straight up worse for single target in this build. The seal build up is not fast enough even with a 21/20 unleash, and requiring the helmet craft and Seal Mender, which has pretty low weighting, just to make the build playable isn't a good idea.

I'll try to communicate the playstyle and how to fix mana issues better once I got some ideas to do so, for now please just follow this advice: if you're in trade league, buy a Kitava's Thirst, check the gem setup for that and use that until you have the trigger craft on your weapon. And if you still have mana issues with that, then try to adjust your playstyle.

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