[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Hey Sovyn, thank you very much for posting this build. It has probably been my favorite that I have played so far. I was curious if you utilize a specific gem setup in your Doryani's for the ele prolif?

I am going to link my current Warband gear as well and hopefully get some input from other players on what I should aim to improve next.

I have a lioneye's remorse but at my current level and running maps I am able to survive with Chernbog's and it adds like 2k damage to my static strike which with my frenzy charges and rallying cry is currently sitting around 13k I believe? Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I found out a way to minimize mana problems (especially with a 6L) using the below flask
Which one should i be prioritizing to buy, Rainbowstrides or Lioneyes? I'm thinking lioneyes as im using the anvil atm and have no spell block.
~3945 18/12/2023
Hi Lazy Pallies, thought I'd give an update on my somewhat slow but steady progress in Warbands (glad I decided not to go HC after playing through Normal Act 4 for the first time, hehe).

Tree so far, with two jewels:


Anyway, I have reached level 46 and currently midways in Act 1 Cruel, and here is my gear:

My resists are maxed, except for Lightning and Chaos, but should be okay until Act 3 Cruel I suppose.

Probably need most gear updated before Act 4 Cruel, especially the gloves.

The Flesh Eater mace is amazing, I can highly recommend it for mid-game leveling. It literately doubled my dps when I got it in early Act 3 Normal, and so far I have yet to see another weapon that comes even close to matching it (keep in mind I play 95% self found, people may find better stuff if they shop around).

Still having minor issues sustaining mana in longer fights, even with the Wurm's Molt belt. Would be nice to get a ring with some additional mana leach.

Not having played the beta, and not having watched any gameplay videos Act 4 was completely new to me, and it was a very challenging experience, specifically those boss fights!

I had no deaths in Normal Act 1-3, but did have a few deaths in Act 4:

1. in the Aqueduct, first zone in Act 4, before reaching Highgate. Died to Corrupted Zone boss, I think it was the insane chaos DOT damage that got me.

2. To Piety, the first time I met her in Act 4. Managed to kill her, but was on critical low health, and her DOT damage managed to kill me after I had actually taken her down. Bummer, I actually thought I had made it through her fight without dying, hehe.

3. Malachai, of course! First I didn't realise that Piety was actually attacking me and not Malachai, so they took me down before I realized that I should take down Piety first. In the second part of the fight Malachai killed me twice before I actually figured out why I was unable to deal him any damage!

Had another close call against Shavronne, but this time I managed to stay alive despite finishing the fight on critically low health, so it was certainly another close call.

Hopefully, once I reach Act 4 Cruel I can fare a bit better against those bosses. At least this time I will know what to expect, so should be fun!

Will be posting another progress update once I reach Merciless, probably in a weeks time :)
Last edited by Stefacle on Jul 16, 2015, 1:35:27 PM
1 Page earlier someoen was asking for 1% block jewel crafts: I looked my crafts up again and they are Viridian ones.
Christmas comes early - The Awakening!
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Last edited by rusher21 on Jul 16, 2015, 12:06:26 PM
Anyone got some stats they did atziri on?
Hey, so im level 78 now on warbands and wondering what I should be upgrading next in terms of gear.

The ruby ring is just to tide the times until I should equip my romiras

hi guys what jewel in normal should be good for this build?

I'm talking about yeena rewards...

they all seem good to me...
IGN:ChristaSwilton(lightning ranger)
Last edited by aUnluckyEvent on Jul 16, 2015, 5:29:42 PM
latterus14 wrote:
Hey Sovyn, thank you very much for posting this build. It has probably been my favorite that I have played so far. I was curious if you utilize a specific gem setup in your Doryani's for the ele prolif?

I am going to link my current Warband gear as well and hopefully get some input from other players on what I should aim to improve next.


I have a lioneye's remorse but at my current level and running maps I am able to survive with Chernbog's and it adds like 2k damage to my static strike which with my frenzy charges and rallying cry is currently sitting around 13k I believe? Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Hi latterus, glad you like the build.

No, I don't take advantage of the ele prolif in the Doryani's. I don't think it's very useful. Luckily the weapon is super good even without that.

The shield is OK for now but you want something with more block eventually.

DPS won't be a problem at some point.

You can master craft weapon elemental damage on your belt (Tora) if you get one with an open prefix. In your case, a similar one but without the energy shield would work. Figure out prefx/suffix here.
Schaff3r wrote:
I found out a way to minimize mana problems (especially with a 6L) using the below flask

A creative solution. Slow flask occurred to me in the past as well but this approach is improved in 2.0 due to the mana flask changes.

The "laziest" approach is to put everything on the attack skill (blood magic / fortify) at the cost of DPS but there are ways to crank up the DPS further with workarounds like this.

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