[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Not sure if this was asked but, why not kill Oak in cruel for 18% physical damage increase? :O
PigOfPain wrote:
Not sure if this was asked but, why not kill Oak in cruel for 18% physical damage increase? :O

If you really care about physical damage % it would be better to kill all and then spend the point on one of those 12% physical damage and 6% life nodes. The one I wasn't sure about was the extra endurance charge cause that in my mind could actually make a difference in the scheme of things, but then the things that usually give me more trouble are map bosses and other stuff where I'm likely to be fighting only one big scary creature at a time. In these situation I'm unlikely to be able to keep up the endurance charges anyway so what difference would it really matter?
Last edited by Nightmare_Child#6114 on Nov 9, 2013, 1:13:55 AM
Yeah, that makes sense, unfortunately I already took the 18% because I felt my dps was a bit low so :/ .. Another question, what do I do about life? I'm currently level 48 and just hit A3 Cruel, my HP is only 1.5K. During my Vaal fight I actually ended up tanking a Vaal smash due to desync and surprisingly lived with around 150HP left of my 1.5K, which really scared me and I'm feeling a little bit worried about starting A3 now. Currently sitting in town chilling and hiding :D.

Mana has also been an issue and running BM gem with only 1.5K HP and poor HP regen relying solely on life flasks makes me slightly uncomfortable and cannot help to feel a little uneasy and unsafe.

My current dps on HS is about 1K, I'm also running glacial hammer (sometimes useful for the chill on bosses), dps around 800ish? I really need to upgrade my weapon so hopefully that will improve, shield I'm using has terrible block chance(26?) with high resists and armor, so I don't know if I should swap that out for something with higher block..
PigOfPain wrote:
Yeah, that makes sense, unfortunately I already took the 18% because I felt my dps was a bit low so :/ .. Another question, what do I do about life? I'm currently level 48 and just hit A3 Cruel, my HP is only 1.5K. During my Vaal fight I actually ended up tanking a Vaal smash due to desync and surprisingly lived with around 150HP left of my 1.5K, which really scared me and I'm feeling a little bit worried about starting A3 now. Currently sitting in town chilling and hiding :D.

Mana has also been an issue and running BM gem with only 1.5K HP and poor HP regen relying solely on life flasks makes me slightly uncomfortable and cannot help to feel a little uneasy and unsafe.

My current dps on HS is about 1K, I'm also running glacial hammer (sometimes useful for the chill on bosses), dps around 800ish? I really need to upgrade my weapon so hopefully that will improve, shield I'm using has terrible block chance(26?) with high resists and armor, so I don't know if I should swap that out for something with higher block..

Get a ring with 2% mana leech and get gear with a bench of extra life. Like when you assess gear condition yourself to go:

1. How much life does it have?
2. How many resists does it have? Are they the ones I need?
3. Armour / Evasion / Life Leech?
4. DPS / Run Speed / Anything else that might make life easier?

Obviously the exception to this is your shield where you want the block %.

I'm sure Sovyn will weigh in on this, but I'm finding this is the best way for me to assess gear for this build. That said I'm technically cheating on my own system. I found these gloves and I just couldn't help myself:

Last edited by Nightmare_Child#6114 on Nov 9, 2013, 3:46:17 AM
PigOfPain wrote:
Yeah, that makes sense, unfortunately I already took the 18% because I felt my dps was a bit low so :/ .. Another question, what do I do about life? I'm currently level 48 and just hit A3 Cruel, my HP is only 1.5K. During my Vaal fight I actually ended up tanking a Vaal smash due to desync and surprisingly lived with around 150HP left of my 1.5K, which really scared me and I'm feeling a little bit worried about starting A3 now. Currently sitting in town chilling and hiding :D.

Mana has also been an issue and running BM gem with only 1.5K HP and poor HP regen relying solely on life flasks makes me slightly uncomfortable and cannot help to feel a little uneasy and unsafe.

My current dps on HS is about 1K, I'm also running glacial hammer (sometimes useful for the chill on bosses), dps around 800ish? I really need to upgrade my weapon so hopefully that will improve, shield I'm using has terrible block chance(26?) with high resists and armor, so I don't know if I should swap that out for something with higher block..

Hello, PigOfPain. :)

Not to worry about taking the 18% damage, it is a decent choice. Not my choice, as I like to complete the necessaries on the skill tree as soon as possible. We get DPS from a good weapon while leveling up and then some physical damage bonuses on gear and quality gems in the late game.

Vaal is harder than anything in act 3 prior to Piety. So don't worry about it. 1.5K sounds fine for where you are in Cruel.

You need mana leech on gear (Slitherpinch or, better, a 2% ring with other useful stats as well) or the mana leech support gem will replace the BM gem nicely and improve your survivability.

Yes, you need a higher block shield. 37% minimum to max block with the completed build. You can get by with a 35% rare corrugated buckler while leveling up. Pretty easy to get one as it only needs to 3% extra block mod to reach 35%. If you can't find one with high evasion, you can use Crest of Perandus for now.
PigOfPain wrote:
Yeah, that makes sense, unfortunately I already took the 18% because I felt my dps was a bit low so :/ .. Another question, what do I do about life? I'm currently level 48 and just hit A3 Cruel, my HP is only 1.5K. During my Vaal fight I actually ended up tanking a Vaal smash due to desync and surprisingly lived with around 150HP left of my 1.5K, which really scared me and I'm feeling a little bit worried about starting A3 now. Currently sitting in town chilling and hiding :D.

Mana has also been an issue and running BM gem with only 1.5K HP and poor HP regen relying solely on life flasks makes me slightly uncomfortable and cannot help to feel a little uneasy and unsafe.

My current dps on HS is about 1K, I'm also running glacial hammer (sometimes useful for the chill on bosses), dps around 800ish? I really need to upgrade my weapon so hopefully that will improve, shield I'm using has terrible block chance(26?) with high resists and armor, so I don't know if I should swap that out for something with higher block..

Last week I was basically at the exact same place as you, but I was using Infernal Blow until I could use a lvl 50 mace I had lying around.
Honestly I dont have a lot more life than you do. Sitting at about 1.9k right now and I'm just waiting to get some gear with +life on it because I have very little, but I'm still progressing through steadily. I did spend pretty much all the Chaos/ gcp I had which was about 1.5 ex worth on a new mace that basically doubled my dps.

This thing has paid off so well and even though some of my defensive stats are underpowered, pretty much everything around me is frozen so I'm able to run through stuff pretty easy.
What do you have linked with your GH? I'm using Splash, Melee Physical dmg, Elemental Proliferation and faster attacks and I can't really think of a better setup at this point.

I do have the same issue as you with my shield though.. bad block but tri res
Thanks for this build. I'm currently level 71 and I'm loving it.

I have about 4.7k dps on heavy strike and about 3.1k life. Max resist since I run purity in groups for slacker friends without resist gear lol. I hardly have survivability issues right now. My shield is only 24% block and I have a hard time dropping it since it's 24% to all resists and also like 28% cold and lightning resists, with high life and strength.

I actually replaced infernal blow some levels back and tried out cyclone. I really enjoy it. I run melee physical and faster attacks on it with life leech and blood magic. I find it's great for leeching life and staying alive in large groups as my life hardly goes down.

I haven't got a 2nd cast on damage taken gem yet so I'm just running the cry/molten shell on there with rejuv totem which I find works out pretty nicely.

Overall, it's a solid build. I watch some of my buddies having issues while I just face tank or cyclone down most everything.
Zaximus704 wrote:
Thanks for this build. I'm currently level 71 and I'm loving it.

I have about 4.7k dps on heavy strike and about 3.1k life. Max resist since I run purity in groups for slacker friends without resist gear lol. I hardly have survivability issues right now. My shield is only 24% block and I have a hard time dropping it since it's 24% to all resists and also like 28% cold and lightning resists, with high life and strength.
Overall, it's a solid build. I watch some of my buddies having issues while I just face tank or cyclone down most everything.

Thanks for posting your experiences Zaximus704! Glad the build has been helpful for you.

I would encourage you to replace the shield -- even with my very ho-hum self found gear (see gear post at the bottom of the guide) I am max resists in merciless. The added evasion and block you get from a good buckler will make you much harder to hurt in maps. :) Maybe you can even find one with a resist or two on it! There is a noticeable difference between 65 and 75% block.
Sovyn wrote:
KnightOfTheLost wrote:
Hello again Sovyn, and fellow exiles! Today I've come here to make a pretty long post, but if you have the time.. especially Sovyn, I would appreciate it.


KnightOfTheLost, thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful post.

Dilemma 1 - I see you have 53 mana remaining after the two auras. I have 57, not that it's much of a difference. What is your total cost of using heavy strike? It must be pretty high. You have a few options, none are ideal:

- Buy a soul taker
- Use only one aura, whatever is most needed
- Run clarity on blood magic
- Try 4% mana leech on gear, or the mana leech support, but I don't think it will help due to queue
- Get mana regen on gear
- Get int/+mana on gear
- Mana/hybrid flasks since you don't need 5 life flasks anymore
- Use The Anvil for the mana gain on block, you will be rather slower though
- Buy a level 20 reduced mana gem for your auras (don't spend anything extra for quality reduced mana, quaity does not help with auras)
- Buy a quality reduced mana and put it on your Bringer in place of added fire damage or splash
- Use melee physical damage on full life instead of slash or added fire
- Use stun instead of splash (it's really the splash multiplier that's killing your mana there)
- Use Curse on Hit with vulnerability instead of splash/added fire as I don't think this trigger gem uses mana
- Spend 4 passive points on Sovereignty

Some combo of the above will solve your issue.

Dilemma 2 - Daresso's Courage over Lioneye's Remorse, IMO. Pretty close though. Neither shield would be good without the BoR blocking bonus.

On the shield dilemma, I got it. I got this beautiful 3L Lioneye's though, not a Daresso's :

And guess what? To my surprise, I am still at Tri-Max-Res with Lioneye's! Guess I must have miscalculated a bit, to my benefit as a surprise :P

Right now, without the next shield nodes which I plan to take in the next 5 levels, I rest at 6.6K Armor unbuffed and at 9.9K Armor Buffed.

Thanks for the suggestions, I plan to spend the 4 passive points on Sovereignty, for a total of 16% Less Mana Reserved for my auras. Will see how it goes (I will be able to get them at level 80) and report back. If it doesn't work, well.. I can always use some Orbs of Regrets ehh? :P

Also yeah I know the problem now. I have 53 Mana remaining while my Heavy Strike requires 60 mana to use ;) So Sovereignty should solve the problem! :)

Another question... how in the earth do people claim to do like 30-40K DPS? With my BoR and Heavy Strike attached to it with all it's juices and spices, information on my Heavy Strike says it does only 7.7K...
1 Eternal = 2 Exalted (ex)
1 Exalted (ex) = 10 Gemcutter's Prism (GCP) = 22 Chaos = 220 Chromatic
Last edited by KnightOfTheLost#5987 on Nov 9, 2013, 10:34:04 AM
KnightOfTheLost wrote:

Thanks for the suggestions, I plan to spend the 4 passive points on Sovereignty, for a total of 16% Less Mana Reserved for my auras. Will see how it goes (I will be able to get them at level 80) and report back. If it doesn't work, well.. I can always use some Orbs of Regrets ehh? :P

Also yeah I know the problem now. I have 53 Mana remaining while my Heavy Strike requires 60 mana to use ;) So Sovereignty should solve the problem! :)

Another question... how in the earth do people claim to do like 30-40K DPS? With my BoR and Heavy Strike attached to it with all it's juices and spices, information on my Heavy Strike says it does only 7.7K...

Glad you figured it out. Helps to have enough mana to use your skill one time at least. :D

As far as DPS, the biggest thing is a high damage weapon. Legacy Soul Taker, which most of the veteran users of my build have, does around 360 DPS. You can get something like that for a lot less (a few ex vs. 100 ex for the legacy soul taker) in a rare item, just won't have the mana perk.

Next, quality gems where it counts.

Third, shield, belt, rings can all have a chunk of physical damage on them.

Fourth, hatred and/or Anger instead of one or more of the defensive auras. (I don't recommend it, but if one is pulling out all the stops for damage...)

Fifth, lose the splash. Run Melee Damage on Full Life, Added Fire Damage and Multistrike on BoR along with Heavy Strike.

Sixth, with BoR's 15% block you can drop a few block nodes (choose the ones that won't cost you any defense bonus, e.g., Bulwark is OK to eliminate) depending on your shield choice and put them into damage nodes. If you have a 350+ DPS 1 hander it's not likely you would ever upgrade so you can go ahead and pick some nodes for your weapon type if they are conveniently along our route and better than the generic nodes. Be careful about going out of the way though, those lead-in nodes to get to something that catches your eye make whatever you are going for a total waste of points no matter how good the node is. Better to get what's convenient, like Fencing.

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