[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
Hello again Sovyn, and fellow exiles! Today I've come here to make a pretty long post, but if you have the time.. especially Sovyn, I would appreciate it.
First I will begin with linking my current gear : GEAR
Second, my current Passive Tree :
As you can see, I'm geared up pretty well. I'm almost ready for end-game, I only need a new, better 3L Shield, link it with Immortal Call+Increased Duration+Levelled up Cast when Damage Taken gem and I would be done.. or rather almost done. Maybe in the future I would be lucky enough to stumble upon a Soul Taker, who knows? :P Anyways, just when I was starting to think my character is reaching it's pinnacle as far as gear goes, I am presented with a dilemma. I am simply not able to run both Determination AND Grace simultaneously!! Simply put, I don't have enough mana to sustain my enormous chain of support gems pre-included with the Bringer of Rain and attached to my Heavy Strike. That being said, my character is simply a killing machine. I could describe him with only 1 sentence : "He tore through their souls with waves of fire & gore." I also didn't touch one single, miserable sip of health potion throughout. But if that sentence doesn't do it for you, I present you a video, of my level 70 Lazy Pally, HalfSaint. In the short video clip hereunder, I am at the Ebony Barracks, Act 3 Merciless, soloing General Gravicius. In the first few seconds of the video, I show what the dilemma I am faced with, is. I run try to run both Determination and Grace, having about 90% of my mana reserved for those 2 auras, and simply put, my Heavy Strike doesn't take/work. It's as if I'm doing a normal, slow, boring attack. Then, I turn off Grace, and watch the blood showers. Killing General Gravicius Act 3 Merciless Solo Level 70
Note how in the video, while battling General Gravicius, at 3:18 you can hear "My mana is spent.", the accursed voice saying that I am out of mana. This happens from time to time, but as you can see, it makes absolutely no difference to my attacks. It lasts a split second, my mana globe starts refilling instantly and in abundance. I believe my Pure Physical 264 DPS weapon saves me from serious Mana depletion. I fear if most of my weapon's DPS was Elemental, I would face serious mana problems as the Mana Leech from Slitherpinch doesn't take into account Elemental Damage. So guys, go with Pure Physical Weapons, or prepare to link a Mana Leech gem to your Heavy Strike/Whatever Gem!!! I would like help to overcome this little dilemma as to what I can do to be able to run both Determination AND Grace, because Grace feels such a waste to me now. I believe it would make me much better at surviving, although I am already a tank, given that I didn't even drink 1 sip of health potion against General Gravicius. DILEMMA NO.2 That is the first point basically. The second point is... based on the video, passive tree and my current equipment above should I go with Lioneye's Remorse or Daresso's Courage? I am currently at Tri-Max-Res (75% Resistance to Fire, Cold & Lightning). i)Lioneye's Remorse Advantages I currently See : *Much more ARMOR. Especially when I take the Precise Interception and Weapon Artistry nodes along with the rest of the shield nodes, at level 75-76. (These :http://s15.postimg.org/jcdmqacqz/Precise_Interception_Weapon_Artistry.jpg) Disadvantages : *A very minor one. I would still have 75% Resistance to Fire & Lightning but I would remain with 71% Cold Resistance if I go with Lioneye's instead of Daresso's. *No Evasion Bonus. ii)Daresso's Courage Advantages I currently See : *I will stay at Tri-Max-Res. **20% Increased Physical Damage. ***A little bit more Evasion. Disadvantages : *Much Less Armor. That's all for now :P A final thanks to you Sovyn, for this wonderful build! 1 Eternal = 2 Exalted (ex) 1 Exalted (ex) = 10 Gemcutter's Prism (GCP) = 22 Chaos = 220 Chromatic Last edited by KnightOfTheLost#5987 on Nov 7, 2013, 8:02:30 PM
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I too am ing mana issues weighing me down =\
It might be because I don't have a huge amount of physical dmg, because I have a ton of mana leech. Slitherpinch+ 2% ring and I think I have some more.. how can I combat this while running glacial hammer? I am level 55 and, I only run one aura and I still have to absolutely chug my two mana pots |
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" KnightOfTheLost, thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful post. Dilemma 1 - I see you have 53 mana remaining after the two auras. I have 57, not that it's much of a difference. What is your total cost of using heavy strike? It must be pretty high. You have a few options, none are ideal: - Buy a soul taker - Use only one aura, whatever is most needed - Run clarity on blood magic - Try 4% mana leech on gear, or the mana leech support, but I don't think it will help due to queue - Get mana regen on gear - Get int/+mana on gear - Mana/hybrid flasks since you don't need 5 life flasks anymore - Use The Anvil for the mana gain on block, you will be rather slower though - Buy a level 20 reduced mana gem for your auras (don't spend anything extra for quality reduced mana, quaity does not help with auras) - Buy a quality reduced mana and put it on your Bringer in place of added fire damage or splash - Use melee physical damage on full life instead of slash or added fire - Use stun instead of splash (it's really the splash multiplier that's killing your mana there) - Use Curse on Hit with vulnerability instead of splash/added fire as I don't think this trigger gem uses mana - Spend 4 passive points on Sovereignty Some combo of the above will solve your issue. Dilemma 2 - Daresso's Courage over Lioneye's Remorse, IMO. Pretty close though. Neither shield would be good without the BoR blocking bonus. Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Nov 7, 2013, 9:03:00 PM
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" I'm afraid that mana leech on gear does not work with elemental damage, only the mana leech support gem. I know you are still doing a little physical damage, but not much. Some of the tips I just posted for KnightOfTheLost might help you too! :) |
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" I really like the clarity on blood magic idea... that sounds like it might actually work! I think I'm going to try to look for an Anvil, too even though walking around that slow sounds like a massive pain in the ass >.< Would swapping out WED to melee physical dmg help? Last edited by nbriles2000#1072 on Nov 7, 2013, 9:27:08 PM
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" It feels slow, yes, but you can compensate somewhat with leap slam/shield charge and 30% run speed boots. The attack speed reduction is a bit of a DPS nerf. But overall, the amulet's strong points are better than it's minuses. I'm not sure what the interplay between GH and WED or MPD would be. It sounds good, in theory. Test it and let us know. :) |
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I'll test it out tonight, but I think the results will be basically inconclusive because I don't think I have anything but a level 1 mpd gem. If I can sustain mana regardless of the big dps drop, at least ill know what I need to do!
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" Thanks a bunch dude <3 Ill look out |
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Ok so I just tried out a Melee Physical Gem in place on WED. I lose like 150 dmg and it seems like my mana problems aren't as bad. I thought I would lose waaaayyy more damage considering i'm going from a level 14 gem to a level 1 gem... I dont get it! O.o
Looks like i'm going to swap out one of my mana flasks for another HP flask or armor flask finally! |
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" Great! Melee Physical Damage gets even sweeter as it levels up. Keep it up. :) |
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