[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Hierokliff wrote:
Frizz_za wrote:
Hi fellow tankyblocktemplardudes,
Now, I think it's my gear's fault.

Find a fast attack weapon, atleast 1.50aps. Doesnt matter if its a dagger, sword, axe, mace, claw. If it has +% physical damage, and 1-4 extra damage and attack speed you are in heaven.
all your gear that can have +damage should have it. The hat aint so bad actually. but your rings and amulet are. %-damage or elemental damage is almost pointless for us (atleast in the start). The attack should be supported by multistrike, faster attack, melee physical damage, melee splash or weapon elemental damage. If you find a mana leech gem, then you can easily use lightning strike also. Then add either fork or lesser multiple strike and you clear the screen before the mobs are entering.
Make a scion, steal its spectral throw, find a LMP and kill faster then ever, that skill just needs to be nerfed...

We use passive nodes to survive, and when we can survive we can re-focus the gear to damage. Having extra resists rings/shield to switch for the cold/fire/lightning specific areas are also very helpful.

In cruel, its worth taking a bit of time to level up in "The Ledge" before continuing or doing the extra side areas.

Thank-you Hierokliff and Sovyn for the advice. I switched out splash damage for added physical (for a Heavy Strike - Multistrike - Added Phys Damage combo) and tested it for about 10 minutes. Mana isn't as much of an issue (I don't totally guzzle the pots anymore) but further testing is necessary for it. I've also 'put myself on the market' for a Slitherpinch, hopefully with the manaleech I could even run Tempest Shield too (for the extra block).

I changed over to another weapon:

But as you suggest I'm still looking for a nice fast axe. Will be searching for ring and amulet upgrades too. Luckily I do have a very old 2h Marauder that I can use to farm for items (I picked up that club from killing Brutus in Cruel for example). But it's going to be a slow process I suppose.

I will also definitely be farming the ledge... a LOT. :D

Thanks again all :)
qualopeqh wrote:

Now i am cruising through act 2 in merciless (i stopped playing the old templar there) with very much fun.
I love it, to stand there, surrounded by mobs, taking like no damage and hitting down everything around me.

Thank you for the excellent feedback, qualopeqh! I'm glad you are enjoying as much as I do. :)
Great build, i used it in Hc and got 62(alive) and now in Nemesis im lvl 54
i use this

With infernal blow i do 1468 dmg and lightning strike 1401 dmg attack speed 1.65
The armor is a bit low 1906,40% reduction,338 evasion but what i really love is near max res in cruel 75% fire,64% cold,66% lightening.
I let you know how it goes but great build so far :)
Frizz_za wrote:

I changed over to another weapon:

But as you suggest I'm still looking for a nice fast axe.

But it's going to be a slow process I suppose.

Thanks to Hierokliff for taking the time to help you out as well!

Yes, that is a better weapon, but you can do even better, I'm sure.

You can buy nice weapons for a low cost on the forums, but that can sometimes take away of a bit of the fun. It's a shortcut, after all.

If you decide to stay self found as I did, I wish you all the best! Staying self found, it can be a bit slow, yes...... with any build. :) Best way to make the game last though, not like act 4 will be rolling out next month. :)
Lucyan wrote:
Great build, i used it in Hc and got 62(alive) and now in Nemesis im lvl 54
I let you know how it goes but great build so far :)

Hail Lucyan! Thanks for posting your progress so far. :)

That weapon looks quite nice to me for such a new league.

40% damage reduction is about what you can expect in the end game too, of course you will need more armour to stay the same at higher level.

I'm currently at 42% damage reduction, 39% chance to avoid (78% for projectiles). I'm super tanky at those values when you pile on the 75% block, 47% chance to block spells, max resists, etc. Obviously not the strongest in any single thing compared to some builds that take only one defensive approach, but the synergy is what makes it great.
You might want to ask that question here.

just got back from a 2-3 week break after anarchy ended. I'm truly glad that the guide had been updated, followed the guide from start to finished and gained alot of HP from these new changes. I'm one of the fortunate few to be able to grab a soultaker + BoR before the changes. And I'm still using the dominating blow skillset and it capitalize on the Lazypally feel.

those newcomers who are curious, this is my gear:

A little update...

I switched to use hatred and tempest shield, instead of purity and grace.
The damage boost from hatred is awesome. And i still have close to max resists.

I now do 5k with heavy strike (single) and 3k infernal blow (aoe).

The fun of playing this build, made me to start crafting. I play selffound and so i dont have much currency.
First i took a look at my sword. Nice damage and nice attackspeed. The best one i ever found.
I got only 5 exalted orbs, but i decided to use one on this sword.
Maybe it sounds funny to those, who are rich, but for me it has been an exciting moment. :-)
And it gave me the added phys damage!

I am very happy with that result. :-)

Then i bought a white buckler from the vendor.
It took me about 40 alterations to get the +6 block chance.
I am not really happy with the end result, but it is ok.

Now i got about 40% damage reduction, 32% evade, 68% chance to block, 75% cold and lightning and 68% fire.
The only thing i worry about, is -60 to chaos.
Atm i can handle this with movement.

Here is my current gear :
people make mistakes, but to get real chaos, you need a computer.
You can the Defence upgrade with " cast when damage taken" gem and trigger .... Molten Shell, Enduring Cry,Immortal Call, Decoy Totem ... and more.
Last edited by Agamemnon80#6166 on Oct 27, 2013, 5:31:46 AM

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