_Saranghaeyo_ wrote:
NS doesn't even respond to this thread anymore, except for a couple of times and certainly not to questions asked by people here.
Also I gain nothing by doing work "for him," so why would I do that to begin with. I'm not going to hand him over my testing trees, my Path of Building files, or my footage I've recorded. That makes zero sense even for him to just take that from me and use it as his own. I'm not sure what kind of fucked up view of the world you have where you think that is okay.
And the only time I brought up my guide was a comparison of trees. You're making that a much bigger issue here. People come here expecting to play Crit Bow. If you follow through with that on the CI pathing you'll be lucky to get to decent Crit numbers even with a Diamond Flask active. So I'll say it again, if you use the CI tree in this guide, prepare to be disappointed.
It's way more amusing that you have no Rangers past the 70's, especially none that are in endgame, and this must be the best thing since sliced bread for you then. That's adorable.
So stop insulting my content and open your tiny little eyes. Use NS's guide to your hearts content, but attack my content, which has shown that in its current state is updated and tuned to Patch 2.6 levels, something this one hasn't done, and I have a problem with you.
he stream's nearly EVERY day, not hard to hit him up AT ALL! BEFORE, might be nice to have the input of people instead of just using this as a testing ground for your ES build! LOL he could care less about YOUR builds, and trees, in fact he is probably to busy making the FILTER for everyone that plays the game :) But in the end you havnt gotten with him and your complaining about a build that needs a FEW points flipped around? Next thing you going to say we need to run into the Templar and Marauder areas, like the Noobs of old! That's EXACTLY the problem "YOUR content"!
Last edited by Rtimusexile#0586 on Mar 23, 2017, 1:53:11 PM
Posted byRtimusexile#0586on Mar 23, 2017, 1:51:18 PM
_Saranghaeyo_ wrote:
livewirejsp wrote:
_Saranghaeyo_, you said...
For starters I mentioned already so I'll say it again, that tree is flat out awful and for myself who I consider to be somewhat of a bow veteran, just analyzing the tree is painful as you literally skip out on just about everything that a competing build such as SignalShot has to offer. The pathing makes zero sense and just looks like it was a last minute clobber-together.
That said you should not be going CI as a starter, especially not SSF because of gear availability. Life based always the best if low on resources although the I have doubts about the life tree too.
Do you have an example of a good tree that you're using? Because I've used this tree, but if there are better alternatives, I'd take a gander, and see what I can change to improve my end game. I'm still doing quite fine with where I am at, but I know once the tier 10 maps hit, i'll have some issues.
If you want to go CI Pathfinder you should be looking at SignalShot. I'm not saying you need that gear level, I farmed on a budget a lot this league with dogshit gear and it wasn't an issue. Just pay attention to the tree concepts.
The issue with this tree is that you are, as the audience, told to take Pathfinder to play this tree but the tree itself has zero flask Nodes outside of Witch flask Nodes. You are told to take Master fucking Herbalist when the "default" gem links in this guide are all PTL-WED. You aren't using Barrage, most powerful single target skill, which ironically works with said poison or Elemental damage.
You skip powerful nodes like King of the Hill in your Crit based bow build. Oh, and Crit chance at an all-time pitiful low. 200% with the Lioneye Fall conversion. Where most trees, say mine have ∼+350% and SignalShot tree has, iirc ∼+400% or more. So even with a 9.4 Crit bow base you literally cannot cap Crit with realistic ES gear. You only really get 2× Diamond Ring and Crit on Amulet. No Rats Nest or Maligaro etc for ES based builds. Starting to see the issue?
I like the hipsterness of the tree. It's something I would never do, because it's honestly just a bad tree, but it looks cool?
Thanks. I'll look for some of those nodes. I just did about 15-20 passive changes on my ranger to improve it. I was following this guide. I don't feel like starting a whole new toon, so I hope that I can make some solid changes without any issues.
Sadly, I went raider and not pathfinder, so I hope I don't have any issues that way.
Posted bylivewirejsp#4578on Mar 23, 2017, 2:01:46 PM
Added a Retch today, it's working out great. For less than an exalt you can buy the two belts and roll your own, or just pick one up (for a little more).
Last edited by Rtimusexile#0586 on Mar 23, 2017, 2:04:53 PM
Posted byRtimusexile#0586on Mar 23, 2017, 2:03:49 PM
I need some help, please. I have no idea which ascendancy to choose - it looks like if I go raider, I'm more locked into blast rain? But I've never played a Ranger, so any advice would be appreciated!
Posted byExsilver#6057on Mar 24, 2017, 1:46:18 PM
You want my help, mate? Reroll to diffrent build.
Im at 77 lvl, raider, and im still getting my ass kicked by t3 map bosses. This build is just bad, lets face it. I made terrible decision by picking it as starter, im rolling to EQ warchief or some cheap as hell caster build.
Ive got 3k+ hp, 8k eva, 3,2% ll from all attacks, 340 dps bow (low on crit, but hey, with cheap items im still getting that 27 cc), cap res and im dying like shit to everything, even with vaal pact. Thats just boring already.
This shows me tho that people who are talking that melee is dead in poe knows nothing.
Posted byAziello#3275on Mar 24, 2017, 6:26:35 PM
Aziello wrote:
You want my help, mate? Reroll to diffrent build.
Im at 77 lvl, raider, and im still getting my ass kicked by t3 map bosses. This build is just bad, lets face it. I made terrible decision by picking it as starter, im rolling to EQ warchief or some cheap as hell caster build.
Ive got 3k+ hp, 8k eva, 3,2% ll from all attacks, 340 dps bow (low on crit, but hey, with cheap items im still getting that 27 cc), cap res and im dying like shit to everything, even with vaal pact. Thats just boring already.
This shows me tho that people who are talking that melee is dead in poe knows nothing.
This build is pretty friendly to the new players[life based]. Its cheap and it does not require you to have the best mechanical skill in order to stay alive.
I was able to farm t6 Strand maps with just a 4L Lioneye's Glare at 68 (And people are actually doing way better than this). I used LA-GMP-PTL-WED just in case you wonder.
The only problem i had was reflect which i have dealt with by now.
How come i didnt bother to upgrade my items until 83 and have absolutely zero problems, while you cant do a t3 map at 77?
Last edited by _wt#7361 on Mar 24, 2017, 7:29:36 PM
Posted by_wt#7361on Mar 24, 2017, 7:19:21 PM
If u die to T3 Map Bosses, you are doing something wrong.
I consider myself a medium-bad player and I run T9 Maps at Level 79 without big issues.
Invest some currency in slight upgrades (Atziris Promise, Lionseye Glare, Rats Nest) and u should be fine. Get enough leech from the tree or gear + Vaal Pact and you should be fine.
Nothing wrong about the build, it's damn fine imho.
IGN: WennIchSterbeQuitteIch
Posted byhopeLeft#5659on Mar 24, 2017, 8:14:17 PM
Aziello wrote:
You want my help, mate? Reroll to diffrent build.
Im at 77 lvl, raider, and im still getting my ass kicked by t3 map bosses. This build is just bad, lets face it. I made terrible decision by picking it as starter, im rolling to EQ warchief or some cheap as hell caster build.
Ive got 3k+ hp, 8k eva, 3,2% ll from all attacks, 340 dps bow (low on crit, but hey, with cheap items im still getting that 27 cc), cap res and im dying like shit to everything, even with vaal pact. Thats just boring already.
This shows me tho that people who are talking that melee is dead in poe knows nothing.
Make your profile public.
I play this build 3rd league in a row and find it easy to progress and pretty cheap to follow.
Posted byZerotuL#1517on Mar 24, 2017, 8:51:17 PM
Ok, now my profile is public, so you can check it out.
I would like to say, that it's not like "i cant do t3". I can do maps up to unid t6 (never get anything higher)- I just feel terribly squishy and glassy.
Changeing 340 dps bow for Lioneyes Glare isnt best advice, dude ;D Ive got 90% acc, so its no problem. Like I said - dmg isnt problem, survi is. Also, atm i cannot switch to Rats Nest or anything else that will make me more glass cannon (i switchet belt for meginords and gloves for maligaros). Im also using drillneck, which may not be best idea, but its decent even with 5l and since that moment i had terrible luck with quivers.
I never played bow build (since my first terrible attempt at this kind of gameplay 3 years ago), so idk, maybe im just retarded.
Posted byAziello#3275on Mar 24, 2017, 10:00:11 PM
Aziello wrote:
Ok, now my profile is public, so you can check it out.
I would like to say, that it's not like "i cant do t3". I can do maps up to unid t6 (never get anything higher)- I just feel terribly squishy and glassy.
Changeing 340 dps bow for Lioneyes Glare isnt best advice, dude ;D Ive got 90% acc, so its no problem. Like I said - dmg isnt problem, survi is. Also, atm i cannot switch to Rats Nest or anything else that will make me more glass cannon (i switchet belt for meginords and gloves for maligaros). Im also using drillneck, which may not be best idea, but its decent even with 5l and since that moment i had terrible luck with quivers.
I never played bow build (since my first terrible attempt at this kind of gameplay 3 years ago), so idk, maybe im just retarded.
Check out the build in my profile (I hope I set the privacy settings correctly, if not - let me know). I followed the guide almost literally in everything, from skill links to passive tree to choice of gear. Currently lvl 85 Deadeye, 37k dps (45k with frenzy and attack speed boost from the enchantment on my boots), 4k life, capped resists. Doing T5 maps with my eyes closed, the only reason why I'm not running higher tier maps is because I haven't farmed them yet :) Very enjoyable to play, TS with Ricochet is just amazing - you click your mouse once, and mobs start dying all over the screen. Will probably try Aziri soon.
Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter. Last edited by DGTLDaemon#6150 on Mar 25, 2017, 6:44:46 AM
Posted byDGTLDaemon#6150on Mar 25, 2017, 5:56:16 AM