Bear Trap post 1.2

Soepkieken wrote:
as i said... xD

I'm not sure if the 2.5k is accurate. He got trapped like 3 times. It could have been low rolls as bear traps minimum damage is roughly only 2/3rd of the maximum damage. It's also not that easy to see how much damage you receive in the arena, as there was a lot going on with other players. I also don't know about his armour, fire resistance or flask usage at that moment.

By the way, LadylikeMuscleMan doesn't really like me. I beat him up in the past all the time with an Arcmine build and he found my playstyle so lame he got very angry with me, stepping out of the arena everytime I was there. I hope he's honest about his experience with my bear trap here in the forums. To make up to him: he's a really good PvPer and could avoid my bear traps like a pro, I had no chance against him. Maybe we can forget about the past now?

A one-shot on an 8k ES player is confirmed however, if that person (forgot who it was) can confirm this here. He'd probably didn't have any armour and just 75% max fire resist and my bear trap must have rolled close to the maximum.

But remember my 26k bear trap could be a 35k bear trap if I could buy corrupted gems and add some more passive points.

If you have doubts Tempallo, just meet me in-game!

I never had anything against you, reason I became mad sometimes when I wasn't PvP built and you were like all the time "haha you're so bad, i got bad gear and own you". After I respecced and started to use tactic it was easier, then I didn't see you for months. Also about the bear traps, I checked avg dmg of 7 or 8 mines, which did round up to 2500, and my armour is irrelevant and I never use resistance flasks.

I can't say you did 1shot someone else with supposedly 8000es and only hit me for 2.5k, maybe his resistance wasn't capped? A high es/life pool isn't everything (can confirm with a cycloner that's axe).

I've never seen a viable noncrit trapper kill me since I respecced. I'd also say this build you made seems to be more of an Arena PvPer rather than a 1v1/3v3/CTF(can be wrong, sure)
Arc mines were strong but pure rng(High x-y range). With a high y you'd 1shot anyone without even aiming, with a low roll you'd probably die within a few seconds

Tempallo will 1shot me if all his traps hit and majourity crits, so I think it's hard to understand you'd do the same with a single trap, the guy you did 1shot, was it a PvPer or some random guy from PvE trying the FFA out?
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Not to be annoying, but are you talking about my bear traps or my Arcmines when you talk about the 2500 hit? I'm getting a bit confused... .

And a crit-trapper will never win from you neither, you warp around very efficiently and can avoid no matter which trap. Mines is another story though... .
Wait, wait, are you the guy with a 70ish lvl arc-trapper char that spawn-kills in FFA?
items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.
Last edited by missuse#0603 on Sep 24, 2014, 5:56:35 AM
Your beartrapper did I refer to with 2.5k
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
The tooltip on Bear Trap is not important, only the x-y dmg. 26k tooltip is does much lower dmg than u might think
...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
The tooltip on Bear Trap is not important, only the x-y dmg. 26k tooltip is does much lower dmg than u might think

1 bear trap:

10036 - 14050 fire damage
11029 - 15439 physical damage

But I don't get your point...
Shade444 wrote:
The tooltip on Bear Trap is not important, only the x-y dmg. 26k tooltip is does much lower dmg than u might think

He's noncrit so I am pretty sure most of his damage comes from x-y
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
My fault , im used to see only crit tooltips where the x-y dmg is much lower.
But anyway, why u dont one-shot everyone with such numbers?
...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
I actually do one-shot many people with those numbers, that has been the whole point of the discussion going on. Some people said it couldn't be done without crit.
I cant tell you what is my x-y, but the physical part is more than yours and my non crit deals about 7k. So either you are lying, or all the ppl you oneshotted had fire res non capped. When ill be on ill pm you so i can better see.
And btw everyone can make a build with every skill that can 1 shot, but will get 1 shotted too. A good char has an equilibrated dmg/survability, imo urs hasnt.
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]

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