Bear Trap post 1.2

tempallo wrote:
i 1 shot with a crit ofc, but this is not the point. it's your passive tree and ur gem links that in my opinion are wrong. as i said i tested my char for months, spent tons of regrets and wasted a huge ammount of exalted into items that seemed good to me but then i found out that didnt work.
since i wasted so many currency on that char that i could have done a second pvp with, sorry but i dont feel like sharing how i made it work.

ah last thing: if you want to be able to beat everyone in 1v1, just change idea. there are some matchups that you simply cant win, no matter what. against some builds you have a huge advantage, but against others it's almost an auto lose so i dont like it, i want to have the chance to win against every matchup, in fact i dont play that char in 1v1 anymore and im using it just in team vs team.

UGHHH... What is that? It makes my brain hurt.

Just stop.
UGHHH... What is that? It makes my brain hurt.

Just stop.

I can agree with that.

While it is ofcourse your fullest right to keep your build secret (although you know, it's just a game), then you should also keep away from this thread.

Basically what you are saying is: "your build is not good and I know why but I don't want to tell you". This info is utterly useless. Either you say what I'm doing wrong or you say nothing at all.

By the way, there is no gem setup nor passive tree that gives more non-crit phys bear trap damage then what I planned. I only missed 12% phys dam in the tree (left of scion) and any item that can boost Bear Trap is equipped (except dual redbeak instead of single, but I really need the shield and none of you are even taking 1 redbeak).

And if bear trap performs really bad in certain matchups, you could at least tell against which ones. That wouldn't give your build away.
Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Sep 6, 2014, 2:32:50 AM
Soepkieken wrote:

And if bear trap performs really bad in certain matchups, you could at least tell against which ones. That wouldn't give your build away.

vs any true ranged char u are at a clear disadvantage these include puncture bow, EA, PA.
vs melee u will have an advantage if you play right.

Furthermore if tempallo says this setup will not be able to one shoot people with non crits, I would take that as the truth. No matter how high the dmg u make of non crits, crits achieve up to 7-8x more dmg than non crits, no non-crit setup can beat that.

But ofc start with the build and experiment with the tree/gear/gem setups and u will improve.

items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.

I finished my Bear Trapper at level 69, and achieve 26k with bear trap. Half is physical, Half is fire with 45% fire penetration.

There are very very few builds who can survive 1 trap, and the 2nd trap will always kill.

I calculated that with a 21 bear trap gem, a 4 empower and 6 more passive points put in the starting elemental nodes of the shadow, BEAR TRAP CAN DO UP TO 35k PER HIT, WITHOUT ANY CRIT INVESTMENT AT ALL. That is a guaranteed one-shot against 99% of all PvPers.

Going non-crit on bear trap is certainly viable, and the build as originally planned turned out really well with some few adaptations.

I have to admit though, that trapping in general has its limits in PvP. You really have to depend on the mistakes of the other. A good warper will never get himself trapped and against ranged you are seriously disadvantaged with traps.

Against melee on the other hand, they are cake. Bring on them crit flickers, I eat them for breakfast!

After all, it's a trap to catch a bear, and marauders look like bears, but witches do not.
Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Sep 23, 2014, 2:34:05 PM
i wonder who are the "pvpers" that you 1 shot at lvl 69
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
i wonder who are the "pvpers" that you 1 shot at lvl 69

Sometimes they chat me when they are surprised. I remember one in the Sarn Arena who said: "How can you one-shot my 8k energy shield if you're only level 69?"

26k bear trap damage is a lot, especially 13k phys and 13k fire at -42% max res. Without penetration elemental damage doesn't do crap.
35k is possible with expensive gear as I demonstrated. No need for crit to achieve that.

What you need is this:

Redbeak is a huge damage boost too, and Pyre converts the cold damage from Hatred into fire, which is much better due to the penetration gem.

Add Herald of Ash and a good passive tree, and you can forget about unreliable critting.
Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Sep 23, 2014, 4:37:48 PM
I was in arena and stepped in your traps intentionally to see damage. You'd hit for around 2470 es avg, though easily manual dodging fireball( that proj speed doe), but as soon as I changed spiel it became to easy. You must get a base defense or its not viable sadly.
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
I was in arena and stepped in your traps intentionally to see damage. You'd hit for around 2470 es avg, though easily manual dodging fireball( that proj speed doe), but as soon as I changed spiel it became to easy. You must get a base defense or its not viable sadly.

Yeah you could take 1 bear trap. I guess you have high armour and fire resist, maybe you popped an armour potion too or a ruby flask. To one-shot you I would need the corrupted gems and some more levels.

I can agree against a good ranged warper traps are not viable. It's almost impossible to land one on such a build. It's not a matter of defenses.

My defenses are good enough. If I'd use totems instead of traps I could have taken you. Or remember the time when I owned you with Arc mines? You were very annoyed by them ;-). I will make a character similar to my bear trapper but with Arc Totems now. Still, it was fun to discover how much damage non-critting bear traps can achieve.
Tommie_Sjukskriven wrote:
You'd hit for around 2470 es avg

as i said... xD
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
as i said... xD

I'm not sure if the 2.5k is accurate. He got trapped like 3 times. It could have been low rolls as bear traps minimum damage is roughly only 2/3rd of the maximum damage. It's also not that easy to see how much damage you receive in the arena, as there was a lot going on with other players. I also don't know about his armour, fire resistance or flask usage at that moment.

By the way, LadylikeMuscleMan doesn't really like me. I beat him up in the past all the time with an Arcmine build and he found my playstyle so lame he got very angry with me, stepping out of the arena everytime I was there. I hope he's honest about his experience with my bear trap here in the forums. To make up to him: he's a really good PvPer and could avoid my bear traps like a pro, I had no chance against him. Maybe we can forget about the past now?

A one-shot on an 8k ES player is confirmed however, if that person (forgot who it was) can confirm this here. He'd probably didn't have any armour and just 75% max fire resist and my bear trap must have rolled close to the maximum.

But remember my 26k bear trap could be a 35k bear trap if I could buy corrupted gems and add some more passive points.

If you have doubts Tempallo, just meet me in-game!
Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Sep 24, 2014, 2:36:47 AM

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