Bear Trap post 1.2
I am not sure if its spell dodge or a normal dodge. It might just be normal since bear trap isnt a spell, its casting...such a grey area lol.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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" you didn't take into account the fact that there is a pvp damage reduction, if tempallo said you won't one shot with your setup, well that's probably true IGN: DullahanTheHeadless
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" Has this been confirmed by an official source? GGG doesn't say anything about PvP damage reduction, nor does the wiki. And if it is the case: is it an all-round PvP reduction, is it per skill or do they have some formula to disadvantage big hits? This would be extremely usefull to know! |
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" Each skill has it own pvp damage reduction, but we don't know the value of these, that's why people has requested many time a pvp tooltip, but it seems it is not possible because it also takes into account the lvl difference between players IGN: DullahanTheHeadless
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Ive played EK / bear trapper, and unless you crit with bear trap you wont kill anyone with that, even without multiple traps. Also you cant count on not beign hit, cause you will and you wont like it
...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
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" " If it's possible to one-shot any opponent with bear trap, I don't see why with my setup I wouldn't: I took almost every physical and all trap damage nodes in the tree, and all my gear is focused on damage (redbeak, the magnate, daresso, +1 skills in the Vertex, double ming,...). I'm really curious about tempallo's setup. " Apparently Tempallo can one-shot all. He doesn't seem to depend on a crit, otherwise he would have added that. And as you're hybrid, I guess you didn't take all trap nodes because you also rely on EK. As a pure trapper, I think I can avoid any damage because trappers can stay out of range all the time, especially with lightning warp - reduced duration - faster casting. Also, against any non-sword build I'll still have almost 50% (spell)block after the block reduction gem. Along with 40% dodge + high evasion and 46% spelldodge the chance to be lucky when in a bad place is rather big. Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Sep 5, 2014, 1:05:07 PM
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I had high evasion (44%), decent block (30%), Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics, Atziri Step.
And i was hit quite often by attacks and spells too. If u want to take a look at build i played(and was able to defeat some solid pvpers): I had also some 21 gems, including EK and bear trap. And no I COULDNT ONE SHOT anyone with bear trap UNLESS it crit even when i was not using multiple traps(except lvl 70 players in arena ofc). Only thing i was able to kill people with reliably were EK traps due to their crit chance. Also i dont recall exact numbers, but my avg. dmg on EK trap was ~19k and Bear Trap ~20k(w/o mult traps). My EK traps links were: EK - trap - added fire - block pen - crit chance - crit dmg Bear Trap links: BT - added fire - culling strike - crit dmg (replaced with multiple traps later). I had ~4k life too, so i wasnt one-shot by everything, most of the time i wsa able to remove puncture / instant flask. If you really want to try it, you can but dont say i didnt warn you ...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
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" " I really appreciate you posting this to grant me more insight into my build plans, thanks a lot! Thanks for the warning too, but I also think we use very different builds. You go for a crit-based build and are hybrid EK/bear trap, you also have some life. I want to be pure bear trap and go non-crit and low-life non-ES. That opens up a lot of extra investment possibilities for me: Offensively: bear trap's best support in the vertex is empower, which you don't use. A level 3 empower adds +3 to bear trap, which is huge. I don't think the added fire adds a lot of effective damage without a fire penetration gem. You're not low-life so you miss the 100% increased damage from redbeak. It's one of the only weapons that boosts bear trap damage as it's not a spell, neither an attack, and not elemental. I'm pretty sure you don't use Daresso's, which gives 20% increased phys dam. In your tree, you have 37% less trap dam then me and 12% less phys dam. While your crit should be doing sky-high damage, your non-crit will be much lower then mine, as I have already 169% more increased dam from what I mention above, and that is still neglecting the Vertexed empower. => I'm pretty sure my non-crit bear traps will do a hell of a lot more damage then yours. Defensively: you don't take any block node. You're just having 30% from your shield, I assume that's a Rathpith Globe so together with a Stone of Lazhwar you also have 30% (maybe a bit more) spell block. I'll have 78% block and 78% spellblock. While your 30% is completely negated with the block reduction gem, I will still have a lot of block even after the gem. I also took way more evasion nodes then you and I should run faster too. => I should get hit much less often then you I won't be able to tank any hit though, unlike you who could take certain hits. I get your hybrid build, but I'm planning pure bear trap, no EK. I'm still really interested in your gear and your strategy: is it hard to get the enemy bear trapped? How would you value multiple traps in PvP? Thanks again and please add your gear. PS: how much for that 21 bear trap? ;-) Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Sep 5, 2014, 2:36:58 PM
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I will PM you in-game about this cause this could be very long discussion
...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
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i 1 shot with a crit ofc, but this is not the point. it's your passive tree and ur gem links that in my opinion are wrong. as i said i tested my char for months, spent tons of regrets and wasted a huge ammount of exalted into items that seemed good to me but then i found out that didnt work.
since i wasted so many currency on that char that i could have done a second pvp with, sorry but i dont feel like sharing how i made it work. ah last thing: if you want to be able to beat everyone in 1v1, just change idea. there are some matchups that you simply cant win, no matter what. against some builds you have a huge advantage, but against others it's almost an auto lose so i dont like it, i want to have the chance to win against every matchup, in fact i dont play that char in 1v1 anymore and im using it just in team vs team. PvP Team Omniscient IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow [quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote] Last edited by tempallo#5614 on Sep 5, 2014, 4:10:10 PM
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