Bear Trap post 1.2
Since 1.2 brought so many pure physical nodes to the passive tree, I was thinking of making a bear trapper.
Offensively I plan to rely only on bear trap. Has someone experience with this skill in PvP? I read it ignores both dodge and block, so it seems pretty awesome, but how hard is it to get people trapped? Defensively I intend to only rely on dodge and block, ignoring life AND ES completely, as well as resistances. I'll also have high evasion against crit sword blockreducers. My setup would be like this: GEAR: The Vertex: bear trap - empower - cold penetration - multiple traps (is mp good in PvP?). With this helm I will have +1 on the main skill as well as on the empower, and no mana problems. On top of it I get nice EV from this helmet. Daresso's Courage: 32% block, 20% phys dam and a wonderfull 120% spellblock on low-life. I will have such low ES and life that I will be oneshot by everything, so I might as well go low-life, I'll still be one-shot. The Anvil: to reach 78% block/spellblock. With the nerf of the block reduce gem it seems the best defense for PvP again. Also some nice phys dam reflect on block, boosted by my increased phys dam. Redbeak: I'm going low-life, so it's a no-brainer. 100% increased damage. Pretty awesome for bear trap. Atziri's Step: 600 evasion, 30% movespeed and 16% spelldodge to reach 46% total. Ondar's clasp: the 20% movespeed is awesome to nullify the Anvil's drawback. 2x Ming's Heart: 40% of physical added as extra chaos! And sky-high chaos resist. The drawbacks are insignificant as I don't build a life or ES pool. The Magnate: easy 40% phys dam. Queen of the forest: this one actually grants a big movement speed bonus because I'll have very high evasion. PASSIVE TREE: SKILLS: Bear trap: with the above items and skill points my bear trap will roughly reach 10k physical per trap if not using multiple traps! The double Ming's Heart adds 4000 chaos. So one-shot all life builds. Hatred: adds 3600 cold damage that penetrates at -46%. Also the highest ES builds will be one-shot. This extra damage is only needed when using multiple traps, but I don't know if that support works well in PvP. Grace: grants EV but also movement speed because of queen of the forest. SUMMARY: Defensive: around 60% movement speed, 78% block, 78% spellblock, 40% dodge, 46% spelldodge => The aim is to not get hit at all and all this should help you with that. If I'm hit, I'm dead. => Poison cloud from poison arrow cannot be dodged or blocked, but this build has 75% chaos resistance through double Ming and Vertex. Offensive: The bear trap should one-shot every possible build. Correct me if I'm wrong. Utility: Maybe a TC spell totem could be handy. I'll also fill up my sockets with cast when stunned linked skills. Could use advice on which ones to use! EK seems obvious as it's physical. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So could this be a viable PvP build? Is it worth spending time and energy in this PvP build or will it suck? What are the main problems of this build? What would you add/change and why? Any other advice? Thanks! Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Sep 4, 2014, 3:23:08 PM
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Why invest im block if you already count to be oneshot
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" To prevent to be one-shot ofcourse. I count on being one-shot when I take damage. So I try to completely avoid taking damage, by running smart, high evasion, (spell)dodge and (spell)block. If all those checks fail, I'm one-shot. But by that time I should have already killed my opponent. Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Sep 4, 2014, 3:41:12 PM
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I wouldn't rely on any defense to save your butt... Block won't save you from dying especially with block gem or the sword node around, evasion is easily bypassed by spells or rt.
So at the end you only have your dodge to protect you, which trust me is not enough. Your best bet is the have a mix of high life / es combined with block and dodge to have a chance to survive. |
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" The aim is to not get hit at all. Block, dodge and evasion are just there in case I make a movement mistake. I don't intend to tank any hits, as I only need to lure my opponent into 1 bear trap. And that should insta-kill him, no matter how much life, ES, armour or any other defense he has. The whole idea of this build is "I one-shot you before you one-shot me". Investing in life/ES would mean I lose a lot of damage and then I need to trap the enemy several times. |
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I don't know if you have ever been pvping in poe, but just trust me on the fact that you will get hit and probably more than you think.
It's your call, we'll see in the arena how it will turn out. I hope you got a few regrets :) |
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you will not 1shot anyone with that setup and with that passive tree.
you don't have idea how many regrets i wasted to find the perfect tree and how many different setups i tested everyday vs a lot of ppl, but now i can 1shot pretty much all. im trying to edit some videos of ICU team doing some 3v3,so you can see my bear trap. i will post them when im done, prolly next week cause im full of work atm and dont have time. PvP Team Omniscient IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow [quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote] Last edited by tempallo#5614 on Sep 4, 2014, 5:59:48 PM
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pretty sure u can dodge bear trap with phase acrobatics and negate damage through spell block. I have seen one of them happen in LLD pretty sure it was a dodge tbh.
I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Sep 4, 2014, 8:49:23 PM
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" You can dodge bear trap, but block/spell block is not possible IGN: DullahanTheHeadless
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" Bear trap + lvl 3 Empower in the Vertex: lvl 24 bear trap: around 2350 phys dam average. (I'm not sure to take multitraps yet before I get any advice on that, so I'll do the calculations without that support gem in mind) 20 quality: 15% increased phys dam. Passive tree: 129% increased phys dam, 143% increased trap dam. Daresso's courage + The Magnate: 60% increased physical dam. Redbeak on low-life: 100% increased dam. => 2350 * (100% + 15% + 129% + 143% + 60% + 100%) = 12855 phys dam, almost 13k! That alone should already one-shot the majority of players, no? Then there is still the 40% extra chaos from dual Ming and 36% extra cold at -46% max cold resist from Hatred. I really don't see how this will not one-shot everybody. Where did my math go wrong? PS: and imagine the calculations with corrupted lvl 21 bear trap and corrupted lvl 4 empower! One single bear trap would almost reach 16k phys dam (along with over 6k chaos and more then 5.5k cold at -45% penetration)!!! PS2: didn't know it can be spell dodged, as it's not a spell and doesn't benefit from spell modifiers. Not an immense issue though, minor bummer. Any other such info on bear traps is highly appreciated! Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Sep 5, 2014, 3:16:09 AM
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