Are we gonna pretend that...

mallow wrote:
cwu wrote:
Well i haven't seen a single racer banned for cheating. Have you?

yes, actually, i have. me. i got suspended for maphacking, not sure i should disclose the details but support helped me get it sorted.

in other words: if they get the right evidence i do believe they'll ban. so as unsane said i would try emailing GGG about this and provide as much evidence as possible

What I'm more curious about is whether you managed to transfer everything out of the account and did the proxy account get hit as well.

Nothing is stopping villain from transferring race rewards out (tamings would fetch quite the hefty sum later on) and liquidating them ASAP. At least, I don't recall Panko or Cybrix losing anything on their alt accounts when they got banned.

Pretty sure they're in this for monis and nothing else.
i couldn't transfer anything off this account as i was unable to log in

sure others might be able to do so but that doesn't really change the fact he should email GGG about this
mallow wrote:
cwu wrote:
Well i haven't seen a single racer banned for cheating. Have you?

yes, actually, i have. me. i got suspended for maphacking, not sure i should disclose the details but support helped me get it sorted.

in other words: if they get the right evidence i do believe they'll ban. so as unsane said i would try emailing GGG about this and provide as much evidence as possible

Edit nvm ;)
Last edited by terrex on Jul 11, 2014, 1:13:19 PM
they made a mistake :)
mallow wrote:
cwu wrote:
Well i haven't seen a single racer banned for cheating. Have you?

yes, actually, i have. me. i got suspended for maphacking, not sure i should disclose the details but support helped me get it sorted.

in other words: if they get the right evidence i do believe they'll ban. so as unsane said i would try emailing GGG about this and provide as much evidence as possible

And yet you're still playing on this account?
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Morsexier wrote:
mallow wrote:
cwu wrote:
Well i haven't seen a single racer banned for cheating. Have you?

yes, actually, i have. me. i got suspended for maphacking, not sure i should disclose the details but support helped me get it sorted.

in other words: if they get the right evidence i do believe they'll ban. so as unsane said i would try emailing GGG about this and provide as much evidence as possible

And yet you're still playing on this account?

yes. i should clarify.

i was wrongly suspended for maphacking. there's a certain system in place for catching cheaters, despite what one might think. afterall, we're only made aware of those getting away with it, right? behind the scenes i'm sure (some) players are getting banned
I was caught in that system but completely by mistake, hence they lifted my suspension and life moved on.

(it may be meaningless for me to be so ambiguous but I know GGG tends to dislike having too much info out there about their anti-cheat/anti-RMT/anti-whatever stuff)
Last edited by mallow on Jul 11, 2014, 2:22:35 PM
Universalis wrote:

1st Templar
7th Templar
5th Templar
5th Templar
2nd Templar
3rd Templar
1st Templar
... etc....

not "horrible" imo

Just for comparison, if you toss out my deaths sub level 10 ( I have 6 races where I die on Marauder below 10, this is a bad 2nd or third zone + no way to kill mobs effectively until 12 if you're lucky with a mallet)

That is 15 races of EL. I Was late for 2 (morslate etc name). I play a different class once. The ones where I make it to say level 15+...(12 races)

I win 4 times and get second 6 times, third once. I have nowhere near the same "winning percentage" as our subject.

The main problem is that almost all of this is subjective, and people can easily look at this data and dismiss it, as they have in the past with the people I've always considered to be cheaters. It is a human trait (or American one) to give people the benefit of the doubt beyond the point of reason. Its the same thing with any sort of cheating (insider trading etc). "Oh hes just SOOOO much smarter than everyone else, that is why he always makes money in the stock market, you're just jealous!"

Sound like anything we've heard before? When I was the first person to really call anyone out for cheating, I heard I'm just jealous x 100000.

On a completely different note, it has been very nice seeing AlkaizerX back and now streaming his PoE! It really is too bad now that he is streaming he has won only one race out of about 15 attempts.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
mallow wrote:
Morsexier wrote:

And yet you're still playing on this account?

yes. i should clarify.

i was wrongly suspended for maphacking. there's a certain system in place for catching cheaters, despite what one might think. afterall, we're only made aware of those getting away with it, right? behind the scenes i'm sure (some) players are getting banned
I was caught in that system but completely by mistake, hence they lifted my suspension and life moved on.

(it may be meaningless for me to be so ambiguous but I know GGG tends to dislike having too much info out there about their anti-cheat/anti-RMT/anti-whatever stuff)

Fair enough, but this means there is no system to catch them, just heuristics they use to make the best possible educated guesses which result in false positives. I still have yet to see ANY serious racer (say over 300 points in a season, which is really pushing the term 'serious') banned for it.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
GGG for sure could use a few people who are solely getting paid to handle racing (incl. the potential cheating aspects of it) more earnestly.

nevertheless I think it's worth at least trying to go the email route.
Morsexier wrote:

I have nowhere near the same "winning percentage" as our subject.

It is a human trait (or American one) to give people the benefit of the doubt beyond the point of reason.

i removed some sry:

- question was; if zoomhack allows far cast with firestorm or not ? If yes the ledge is also cheated, but "less" than DC or so, and analysing it have no real sense. Need answer about that "far cast" btw.

- in europe too and many other countries the "innocence" is definitely the best choice considering the amount of people that get death sentence mistakely.

- score in burst race isnt clear at all anyway, definitely agree about it, i myself was playing it and when i saw the progression i was just disturbed, because i have an idea of what is possible to do and what goes behond. Investigation definitely needed ;)

nobody mailed ggg i guess
Last edited by Universalis on Jul 11, 2014, 3:24:35 PM

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