How does everyone feel about the new Descent Flameblastions(Champions)?

SlixSC wrote:
terrex wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
You are just trying to address a symptome of the problem and not actually the cause of it.

If classes were reasonably well-balanced race-length would be a non-issue.

I am not trying to address anything. I think you missed the point of my post. I am giving my personal opinion and experience, my view on the changes. The decrease in time just made it harder. I am not telling anyone to do anything or to make changes. I pointed out the impact of changes in my eyes. lol

Really now?

You said the race should be longer to give all classes a chance to kill the general, I pointed out that it doesn't have to be longer, they only have to buff the classes that are underperforming... but I'm somehow missing the point?

i have your . here

edit: of nvm its period in english kappa
Last edited by janimauk on Jun 8, 2014, 5:59:51 PM
janimauk wrote:
SlixSC wrote:

Really now?

You said the race should be longer to give all classes a chance to kill the general, I pointed out that it doesn't have to be longer, they only have to buff the classes that are underperforming... but I'm somehow missing the point?

i have your . here

terrex wrote:

All I did was point out the obvious, longer race = more balance in the end. Seeing as how now only flameblasters will reign supreme 99% of the time. However you want to connect and make up things is entirely up to you.

"If the race was a bit longer it allows for more classes to catch up to where the much faster ones fully clear and have to wait."

Omg don't say the "if" :(...

Yeah and I'm saying if classes and their respective skills were reasonably balanced in the first place you wouldn't even have to go there.

You are just giving GGG another loophole so they can keep ignoring class balance, because rather than blaming the fact that some classes are just worse than others you want to make it about race-length and give GGG the easy way out.

"No we don't have to address the fact that ranger starts out with a garbage gem and garbage weapon, because look if we make the race a little bit longer boof will find a way to make it work anyway."
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC on Jun 8, 2014, 6:06:18 PM
SlixSC wrote:
terrex wrote:

All I did was point out the obvious, longer race = more balance in the end. Seeing as how now only flameblasters will reign supreme 99% of the time. However you want to connect and make up things is entirely up to you.

"If the race was a bit longer it allows for more classes to catch up to where the much faster ones fully clear and have to wait."

Omg don't say the "if" :(...

Yeah and I'm saying if classes and their respective skills were reasonably balanced in the first place you wouldn't even have to go there.

:) It's been a while. I don't think there is an easy common ground to find.
terrex wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
terrex wrote:

All I did was point out the obvious, longer race = more balance in the end. Seeing as how now only flameblasters will reign supreme 99% of the time. However you want to connect and make up things is entirely up to you.

"If the race was a bit longer it allows for more classes to catch up to where the much faster ones fully clear and have to wait."

Omg don't say the "if" :(...

Yeah and I'm saying if classes and their respective skills were reasonably balanced in the first place you wouldn't even have to go there.

:) It's been a while. I don't think there is an easy common ground to find.

Look, I'm not saying the race shouldn't be 5-10 minutes longer, I think it should be, but the root of the problem is really that some classes are just worse than others and there is no way to ever fix that unless GGG buffs the classes that are underperforming.

I'm just gonna press the gamble button here and say that even if they made the race 5-10 minutes longer ranger,shadow, etc.. would still be lacking behind witches and templar.

I think the goal here should be to provide all classes with similarly strong tools (and by tools I mean both skill gems and items) from start to finish and the truth simply is that some classes aren't anywhere close to witch and templar in terms of both skill gems that are available to them and items.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC on Jun 8, 2014, 6:18:06 PM
SlixSC wrote:
I'm just gonna press the gamble button here and say that even if they made the race 5-10 minutes longer ranger,shadow, etc.. would still be lacking behind witches and templar.

I think the goal here should be to provide all classes with similarly strong tools (and by tools I mean both skill gems and items) from start to finish and the truth simply is that some classes aren't anywhere close to witch and templar in both skill gems that are available to them and items.

It would definitely be nice to find the equal ground across all classes and have a build or two both viable and competitive. The time trim just has different impacts across the board to each class. I feel like it's just punishment unless you succumb to FB.
Never considered descent champs to be a "competitive" race and still don't think it is. I don't think there's any skill involved in the race at all, especially on the flameblasting classes. Its obvious the reason GGG wanted it to be the "signature" was because of the casual racers joy in doing this race. I expect next season's signature to be endless ledge.
Last edited by Rithz on Jun 8, 2014, 6:48:07 PM
Rithz wrote:
Never considered descent champs to be a "competitive" race and still don't think it is. I don't think there's any skill involved in the race at all, especially on the flameblasting classes. Its obvious the reason GGG wanted it to be the "signature" was because of the casual racers joy in doing this race. I expect next season's signature to be endless ledge.

Season 9 Signature = 30 min endless ledge
Season 10 Signature = 12 min burst
Season 11 Signature = Kill hillock, get 10 points and a random prize!

Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM
"When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P"
So i switched from a leapslam/groundslam 2hander setup to a flameblast flavor of the month. All I can say is flameblast is pretty much too powerful with the dual unique sword setup.
Molochmane wrote:
So i switched from a leapslam/groundslam 2hander setup to a flameblast flavor of the month. All I can say is flameblast is pretty much too powerful with the dual unique sword setup.

Not to mention that templar and which starts both with ice nova too, which sinergizes with this swords as well. I mean, you have a 20+20+18% extra area and 40% extra damage ice nova from beginning? that's absurd

I feel an idiot to start as my usual bow ranger. Finished the first DC at level 21 and i saw players at level 24 with 20 minutes less than normal DC :/ now i know how they managed to.

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