Fix Conversion Trap

Team games, conversion trap does not have a place.

1v1... melee is still king here, and conversion is anti melee, so i say it pretty much has to stay.
Pillowapnts wrote:
Team games, conversion trap does not have a place.

1v1... melee is still king here, and conversion is anti melee, so i say it pretty much has to stay.

thats quite the claim to make. Seems like who ever comes up with a balanced build and has generally good options vs multiple different build styles would be the best 1v1 build. I have seen sooo many builds that arent melee do great in 1v1. Also I mostly play melee so I know a few builds which can be frustrating to fight against. I think conversion trap mixed with DOTs in 1v1 is just not a fair match either unless they fix the duration or conversion and make multi trap affect its duration too.
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Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Jun 1, 2014, 9:39:20 PM
Pillowapnts wrote:
Team games, conversion trap does not have a place.

1v1... melee is still king here, and conversion is anti melee, so i say it pretty much has to stay.

^ Exactly.

Best solution given to allow conversion trap in teams again: Make it convert anything but players.
IGN: @GreenDude
Donno can GGG just disable Conversion on players in team games? You def need it for 1v1.
Pillowapnts wrote:
Team games, conversion trap does not have a place.

1v1... melee is still king here, and conversion is anti melee, so i say it pretty much has to stay.

thats quite the claim to make. Seems like who ever comes up with a balanced build and has generally good options vs multiple different build styles would be the best 1v1 build. I have seen sooo many builds that arent melee do great in 1v1. Also I mostly play melee so I know a few builds which can be frustrating to fight against. I think conversion trap mixed with DOTs in 1v1 is just not a fair match either unless they fix the duration or conversion and make multi trap affect its duration too.

Enzyme still couldnt bring down johny. Heavy strike ranger with jagged foil using all block pen simply kills so fast that it just wins.

So far no one has been able to prove otherwise. Enzyme still cant beat johny's melee consistently, with any strat. Not conversion/viper strike abuse, not raging flame skulls, nothing.

Pillowapnts wrote:
Pillowapnts wrote:
Team games, conversion trap does not have a place.

1v1... melee is still king here, and conversion is anti melee, so i say it pretty much has to stay.

thats quite the claim to make. Seems like who ever comes up with a balanced build and has generally good options vs multiple different build styles would be the best 1v1 build. I have seen sooo many builds that arent melee do great in 1v1. Also I mostly play melee so I know a few builds which can be frustrating to fight against. I think conversion trap mixed with DOTs in 1v1 is just not a fair match either unless they fix the duration or conversion and make multi trap affect its duration too.

Enzyme still couldnt bring down johny. Heavy strike ranger with jagged foil using all block pen simply kills so fast that it just wins.

So far no one has been able to prove otherwise. Enzyme still cant beat johny's melee consistently, with any strat. Not conversion/viper strike abuse, not raging flame skulls, nothing.

There are items that make this possible such as Daresso's Salute which only exist in SC. HC is a vastly different pvp league for lvl 28. It will especially be different with the ending of ambush league too. Also gifts from above is only available in hc as a season reward so its extremely rare and hard for most crit builds which require it. I know his gjohnneys build doesnt use gifts but I am just saying for the purposes of gear available to all builds. The quality of swords in hc settles around 120 pure phys dps too with only a couple cannot be knocked back pieces existing in the whole league. One jagged foil in the entire league exists that is rolled well enough to compete with good elegant swords decent rolls. At the end of the day its 2 really different leagues. I think its also pretty hard to argue for the sake of a couple builds requirement of conversion trap's current broken mechanics in favor of re balancing for the entire league of pvp, especially HLD hc or sc.

It would also be really annoying in 1v1 if a very well built, well geared melee lost consistently to range kiting chars. IMO it only makes sense that these builds shine in teams where there is more dynamic gameplay and room for creating chokes with insane damage. so why does conversion trap need to exist in 1v1, simply to beat insanely geared Swordsman?
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Jun 2, 2014, 1:04:19 AM
It would also be really annoying in 1v1 if a very well built, well geared melee lost consistently to range kiting chars."

Manmode right click only, ban everything else if ranged or spell casters are good nerf or ban.
Ya I'll pass....
Pillowapnts wrote:
Enzyme still couldnt bring down johny. Heavy strike ranger with jagged foil using all block pen simply kills so fast that it just wins.

So far no one has been able to prove otherwise. Enzyme still cant beat johny's melee consistently, with any strat. Not conversion/viper strike abuse, not raging flame skulls, nothing.

Have to correct you here; johny's gear is/was far from perfect and I was able to win as the viper char most of the time, but only because he didn't go up to max chaos res. Beast's char has a much better weapon and trying to win vs him is a complete joke now. It's so laughably, lopsidedly in melee's favor that I've given up even trying to make a working ranged character. This game degenerates into melee-only at a high enough gear level, and I'm done with it.
Last edited by MrEnzyme on Jun 2, 2014, 1:07:46 PM
Man i see people saying melee is the absolute best and yet i see lords puncture trap solo the entire enemy team in 3v3s after we killed his team mates. He kills most melees b4 they even see Lords on their screen in most maps.

I dont think melee is the supreme god in hc, as for sc: its a whole diff thing.

Perhaps the conversion trap ban in tourneys shouldnt be for both leagues. Maybe its banable in hc but not in sc or vice versa.
IGN: @GreenDude
Ban it on tvt (unless 1 player of each team is alive) but allow it on 1vs1. I also do agree that with multi trap it should have a reduced duration.
S1 Europe LLD champion :)

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