Let's discuss Boss Drops in Normal

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Last edited by Kieren_GGG on Apr 29, 2014, 12:17:34 PM
I need help reacting to something
Want good drops? Play a build that has no use for them. Cant count the number of times ive found redbeak or a 40+ damage corroded from hillock when im playing a caster.

But seriously- aside from merc act bosses, all drops are terrible.
IGN: KoTao
KoTao wrote:
Cant count the number of times ive found redbeak or a 40+ damage corroded from hillock when im playing a caster.

GGG's response:

#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
To me trading sounds like game-content, in the same way accounting sounds like a fun hobby. And for what? Whether people grind bossruns (if that's where the usefull gear drops), or people grind for trading items (because that's how you buy the usefull gear), or people grind for xp far below their level (because without trading that's what you're likely stuck with).... either way: grinders are gonna grind. Trying to prevent this by making monsters drop scrap-metal 999 out of a thousand times (or worse!), is chasing a pipedream imho.

All in all I must admit the question "Would it kill the game, if lootdrops got A LITTLE better?" has snuck up on me on more than one occasion. So thanks for bringing it up i guess.

Maybe the trading aspect will someday be seen as something that needs to be optional rather than inherrant to the ARPG genre, and a way to make it optional is indeed found in the future.

Last edited by Jutter70 on May 21, 2014, 10:28:06 AM
Jutter70 wrote:
To me trading sounds like game-content, in the same way accounting sounds like a fun hobby. And for what? Whether people grind bossruns (if that's where the usefull gear drops), or people grind for trading items (because that's how you buy the usefull gear), or people grind for xp far below their level (because without trading that's what you're likely stuck with).... either way: grinders are gonna grind. Trying to prevent this by making monsters drop scrap-metal 999 out of a thousand times (or worse!), is chasing a pipedream imho.

All in all I must admit the question "Would it kill the game, if lootdrops got A LITTLE better?" has snuck up on me on more than one occasion. So thanks for bringing it up i guess.

Maybe the trading aspect will someday be seen as something that needs to be optional rather than inherrant to the ARPG genre, and a way to make it optional is indeed found in the future.

What's that have to do with anything? The discussion is about boss drops in normal. From my own experience I can tell you that act bosses in Merciless drop roughly 5x the amount of rare items than bosses in normal.

That's the observation, that is what I'm complaining about.

I honestly don't know what trading has to do with any of that.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
SlixSC wrote:
Jutter70 wrote:
To me trading sounds like game-content, in the same way accounting sounds like a fun hobby. And for what? Whether people grind bossruns (if that's where the usefull gear drops), or people grind for trading items (because that's how you buy the usefull gear), or people grind for xp far below their level (because without trading that's what you're likely stuck with).... either way: grinders are gonna grind. Trying to prevent this by making monsters drop scrap-metal 999 out of a thousand times (or worse!), is chasing a pipedream imho.

All in all I must admit the question "Would it kill the game, if lootdrops got A LITTLE better?" has snuck up on me on more than one occasion. So thanks for bringing it up i guess.

Maybe the trading aspect will someday be seen as something that needs to be optional rather than inherrant to the ARPG genre, and a way to make it optional is indeed found in the future.

What's that have to do with anything? The discussion is about boss drops in normal. From my own experience I can tell you that act bosses in Merciless drop roughly 5x the amount of rare items than bosses in normal.

That's the observation, that is what I'm complaining about.

I honestly don't know what trading has to do with any of that.

Trading in races herpderp
Last edited by Rithz on May 21, 2014, 6:39:15 PM
Sometimes you need to take into consideration that a decent blue drop can be just as good as a rare that has a couple nice properties.....

although i don't know how often this would happen, but just last night i was shocked at the lack of loot from Residence (74) map dom, so i picked up a couple blue items and id'd them and look what i found....

not saying drop rates couldn't use a buff in all areas so we could use orbs for crafting, and fun :) but you know, just a thought
IGN: EviiLe
Last edited by ImRight on May 30, 2014, 9:34:00 PM
ImRight wrote:
Sometimes you need to take into consideration that a decent blue drop can be just as good as a rare that has a couple nice properties.....

although i don't know how often this would happen, but just last night i was shocked at the lack of loot from Residence (74) map dom, so i picked up a couple blue items and id'd them and look what i found....

not saying drop rates couldn't use a buff in all areas so we could use orbs for crafting, and fun :) but you know, just a thought

Why did you feel the need to post this on the race subforum? People are ID-ing tons of blue items in races, that's not the point.

And if you compare boss drops in merciless to boss drops in normal it's not even close. I'm confident in saying that Vaal in merciless drops 10x the amount of rares or even blues than Vaal in normal does, I honestly don't think that's even an exaggaration. (well ok 10x may be a little bit exaggarated, but 5x definitely isn't)
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC on May 30, 2014, 10:15:43 PM

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