Serious Post: New PvP Gem

MullaXul wrote:

IGN: KevShienZ

#1 564pDPS Crit Jeweled Foil Sword:
#1 Crown of Eyes DPS Amulet Mirror Service:
#1 Crit-Leech Legacy Mod Amulet:
Veta321 wrote:
This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them.

yakbara hutu malesh nokdong tocho mukaka urgolola peshan teto kachu ongluk cheeto
kevshien wrote:
MullaXul wrote:


GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Grildrak wrote:
Pusciferrr wrote:

Spells on the other hand, don't need no block penetration, as spells have 100% chance to hit and they can go crit.

Spells have 25% chance to hit and 75% chance to damage and possibly shock stacking yourself. And last time I pvped I saw a good number of people using crit without spells. But I guess that is why EK is the only valid spell because spells are so good as it is now...

Pusciferrr wrote:
Block is not the problem. I can name the top 2 most viable PvP build atm, these are 2h mirrored sword with Kaom's and crit mirrored dagger. Now which is OP? Block? I don't think so.

Max block builds with something like EK for example are just as good as those 2 builds. And the main reason they are where they are is because they counter block. Almost everything else fails against block. Block is the main problem that causes only a very small number of builds to be valid in pvp. The all or nothing mechanic with block is even bad design if you don't want fast duels with one shots.

Pusciferrr wrote:
GGG have no idea what's happening in high level PvP. They just keep listening to bunch of people crying in the forum.

you mean the people that have with little to now skills been facetanking almost everything since the start of pvp that now are afraid they will lose their OP thing making them able to win? I hope they don't listen to them. They need to fix block to make pvp to be less about spike damage and one shots and to make more than 3-4 builds to be valid.

Spells have no accuracy, and they can go crit, giving them chance to penetrate would be OP, reducing the cap for spell block about 60 - 70% is what I'm suggesting.

Max block builds with something like EK for example are just as good as those 2 builds. And the main reason they are where they are is because they counter block. Almost everything else fails against block. Block is the main problem that causes only a very small number of builds to be valid in pvp. The all or nothing mechanic with block is even bad design if you don't want fast duels with one shots.

Max block with EK is only good cause of CRIT and not cause they have block. Lol.

Can give a top tier PvP build who cant beat a block build?
Pusciferrr wrote:

Spells have no accuracy, and they can go crit, giving them chance to penetrate would be OP, reducing the cap for spell block about 60 - 70% is what I'm suggesting.

You dont have to go RT with weapons, you can roll high crit on them (higher base crit than spells have) and spend some points on accuracy instead of crit chance. And with the number of people getting stun immunity by taking unwavering stance it is even less of a problem.

Pusciferrr wrote:

Max block with EK is only good cause of CRIT and not cause they have block. Lol.

Please try playing the build and see what hurts it the most: droping crit or droping block.

Pusciferrr wrote:
Can give a top tier PvP build who cant beat a block build?

Builds that can't beat block would hardly be top tier. A build that don't counter block is not worth anything as it is now. Block is so damn strong you either have to go for it or you go for the counter against it. And that is seriously limiting the number of valid builds you can play in pvp
Last edited by Grildrak on Apr 6, 2014, 12:29:21 PM

What is your build?

If I'm not mistaken you are a double spell dagger/wand fire witch?

Why did you chose double dagger/wand? For high dps? High crit chance? And now you're crying for your spells to penetrate a block?
Pusciferrr wrote:

What is your build?

If I'm not mistaken you are a double spell dagger/wand fire witch?

Why did you chose double dagger/wand? For high dps? High crit chance? And now you're crying for your spells to penetrate a block?

I am a glass cannon in standard yes, the reason I am dual divinarious in standard is because the only way for spells to beat block is going for one shots so that is what I am doing (I know EK is better than fireball but that character is a test of how viable I can make fireball to be).

But I am also playing brain dead op block in both HC(lvl 53) and ambush (lvl 85) (my profile is public so you can check for yourself). I am not trying to get my glass cannon made op in anyway I also like remote mines nerfed (reduce the number you can place and add +1 mines to a few existing mine nodes) and reduce the base crit multiplier (not add some cap). I have seen both side of block and the only difference between playing against it and playing it myself is that against it is just OP and annoying as hell playing with it I get amazed that there are still ppl pretending it is ok as it is (both for PvE and PvP).

Last edited by Grildrak on Apr 6, 2014, 4:03:31 PM
Well everyone, Block Chance Reduction gem is confirmed.

Good fucking game, GGG. How much thought did you put into this, I wonder. It was probably done to appease PvPers temporarily.
in b4 acrobatics nerf
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Nice step forward GGG. One thing though, you need to start balancing things in pairs. This reduction to block basically just buffed already existing issues I.e Ethereal knife,Molten shell. Block reduction was a good edition and people with and without shields will eventually figure that out. Just you can't keep releasing balance updates with one fix, that results in another set of issues. To most pvp'ers their only defense was that shield against 1hit ko's from Ethereal knife/Molten shell etc..etc.. Now with the previous spell buff and this, you just added insult to injury for those players. Tone down the base damage of some existing issue gems and crit multiplier as a whole, I think you can then sit back and focus on other shit for a bit.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul

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