Official thread about ideas & fixes for pvp

Dunno if it has been mentioned. The reason for 90% if not all Sarn arena / arenas in general is CwDT + Frost Wall. Also it's a broken mechanic anyways. Needs a change.
I think critical strike chance and critical multiplier are OP in PVP. They should be set max cap 40% critical chance and 400% critical multiplier. We have max cap block(75%) and max cap elemental resistance (75%), so why don't we have max cap critical strike chance and critical multiplier?
behakungfu wrote:
I think critical strike chance and critical multiplier are OP in PVP. They should be set max cap 40% critical chance and 400% critical multiplier. We have max cap block(75%) and max cap elemental resistance (75%), so why don't we have max cap critical strike chance and critical multiplier?

^ This.
Chaos damage in PVP is too OP. Some people are using 2xMing's heart to deal huge chaos damage. I think we need more nodes of chaos resistance all over the passive tree. It will also help PVE become more comfortable. Being -60% to all elemental res and -60% to chaos res is a lot/too much. Not many of us can handle this huge problem. Usually, if i have all elemental res 75% then my chaos res is -60%, and if my chaos res is about 60% then my all elemental res is only about 20%. This is such a huge obstacle for players to be able to protect themselves in Sarn Arena, where there are various kinds of builds with different kinds of damage. So please add like 30 nodes chaos res(like 6% - 10%) in passive tree. If possible, please change -60% to -40%, which will help us all a lot. It is just like changing xp penalty from -15% to -10%, which is so awesome.
I came up with an idea of how dodge and block should work, i would like to hear what you guys think about it.


Changing how block and dodge works: Maybe they should make it so it only reduces a portion of the damage instead of making you immune to the damage you are blocking or dodging. For exemple i have 30% dodge or 75% block, if i block or dodge an attack it would only reduce the damage taken by the % amount of dodge or block i have.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1 on Mar 25, 2014, 2:24:24 AM
hauntworld1 wrote:
I came up with an idea of how dodge and block should work, i would like to hear what you guys think about it.


Changing how block and dodge works: Maybe they should make it so it only reduces a portion of the damage instead of making you immune to the damage you are blocking or dodging. For exemple i have 30% dodge or 75% block, if i block or dodge an attack it would only reduce the damage taken by the % amount of dodge or block i have.

I think this could work, but before, there are many other things that have to be changed first. I dont know why all think Block is such a problem. Play against sword block reduce or high crit Flicker/EK/EA/Traps/Mines, then you can see yourself how useless block is. Also Armor should not be nothing, like it is now. Most people with high Armor use it for Aegis trigger, also a massive fail.
hauntworld1 wrote:
I came up with an idea of how dodge and block should work, i would like to hear what you guys think about it.


Changing how block and dodge works: Maybe they should make it so it only reduces a portion of the damage instead of making you immune to the damage you are blocking or dodging. For exemple i have 30% dodge or 75% block, if i block or dodge an attack it would only reduce the damage taken by the % amount of dodge or block i have.

Dodge should negate all damage, it makes no sense to take damage if you're "dodging". Block on the other hand shouldn't negate 100% damage. You're basically taking a hit, its just redirected to your shield/arm. In basically any game out now adays they've found ways to make this work. Either by taking damage or stamina drain so you can't sit there turtling all day/blocking all day. In this game it only makes sense that you take the remaining % in damage.

I also feel Acrobatics should see some re-working. It really is counter productive as it is for ES users to take it, while HP users have 0 drawback. Either make armor worth a shit so it actually penalizes someone for taking it or re-think this skill in some other way. Strength or HP reduction would make sense.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Mar 25, 2014, 8:42:05 PM
I want to bump this thread so people keep posting what they think about pvp right now. This way we provide data for grinding gear games to understand pvp correctly and balance it the right way.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1 on Mar 25, 2014, 9:11:30 PM
LOL, many points you made are very subjective, i believe GGG devs understand the skill/damage mechanisms more than you do.
👱‍♀️ IGN: FamilyStrokes 💘
Mirror Shop:
The real problem here is the damage scaling in PvP. Battles that last shorter than 2 seconds aren't becoz of crit (I've seen RT users hammer me down in less than 2 secs too), but due to the imbalanced DPS:HP ratio. 80k dps skills vs 10k life(at most) basically mathematically equates battles lasting 1/8th of a second even before damage reduction is applied (and we all know armor don't mean shit in PvP). You also know the ratio's clearly fucked, when a tank-build could facetank lvl78 worst mod bosses, but can't survive more than 3 seconds in PvP. The premature-ejac battles also render any build you pour your effort into pretty much useless; doesn't matter how much res you're capped at, or what kinda strategy your build was designed to pull off..none of that matters, you just die in a matter of seconds. This forces players to just stack DPS and click-hold left mouse on their targets, and wait 1-2 seconds for the server's RNG to decide whose numbers rolled higher and wins = brainless.

IMO, the solution is simple: a damage downscale. "As players enter PvP mode, their skills will deal only 60% of their usual damage." No more crit/molten/cast-on-death 1 shot buillshit. Longer battles will encourage more strategies; more micro management of your character, and also better flask management. Such an easy fix, it's a no-brainer.
IGN: KevShienZ

#1 564pDPS Crit Jeweled Foil Sword:
#1 Crown of Eyes DPS Amulet Mirror Service:
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