HP RF nerfed / ES RF Buffed

hauntworld1 wrote:

Nah rf needs to be nerfed it does way too much damage and degen has no reduction at all for pvp. I was killing people with 10k hp Under a second which is completely retarded imo, i went back to my EK witch and it's getting completely wrecked by rf and a lot of other builds have no way to deal with proper rf builds because once they flicker to you its over if you dont have enough fire resist ( talking about atleast 98% on flask usage... )

I'm just waiting the next patch for RF nerf so i wont have to deal with it and im hyped for my caster since they are buffing spells for pvp and implementing a way to counter spell block so i wont have to shoot 10 ek's before landing a damn hit on a max block build anymore ! Fuck yeah !


Just FYI everyone in our guild, including Shadowthefall, thinks RF is OP.
Hauntworld was one of the best RF build out there, and I myself tried a variation of a RF build, it's just insanely OP, but it became boring to duel with it as the only builds that can kill you are RF with better gear, and some other top gear PvPers...
Also I'd like to say that getting max spell block as RF is easy, so EK mines are not a problem at all

I have read and have thought very carefully about what you said.
and I have fought all of your guilds.
Yes, I think I made my self clear right here.
For the first time I agree that RF is OP, true, it is very OP.
But actually, you are the one who is OP, not me, even though we are both RF.
Why? Because I am HP base and You are ES Base.
I just didn't realize to mention about that in my topic before.
Every one think RF is OP because all of your guild are ES base RF,
Sharvonne wrapping + sharvone revelation + DUAL REDBEAK rusted sword = OP
The low life effect from dual red beak which boots significant damage for ES base RF.

For me, It is hard to handle the damage taken beside RF burn on my self, because i am HP base.

If we look again, we see that Hp base burn 90 % of their Hp to deal 50% of their Hp as damage.
But with ES base, we see that it only takes 70% of their ES to yield the same 50% of their ES as damage.
So that means ES RF like your has more regen that HP base, that make you strong and other people harder to kill you.
Mean while, HP is harder to be archived, to get to 10k life is not a joke.
BUt with Sharvonne and good es gear you can easily get to 12k+ ES.
This yield you a big ES pool that also make people harder to kill you
Also the red beak that boost double damage for your RF, which HP cant do that (not really cant, but its bad to do so, since you dont wanna get low life before enemy to u).
This make you OP, cause you deal twice of the damage that a HP RF can deal.

SO basically, Those are the things that make people think RF is OP. For me, personally,NO.
Make your self clear: ES BASE RF vs HP BASE RF

And yet, please name one of the guy in your guild that use HP RF for me please? or all of your guild is ES base? (No offense, just want to know and hear what he want to say about HP RF vs ES RF)

So finally, I would love to see ES base RF get nerf, but HP RF remain. Because the reasons i pointed out above that make ES base RF way more powerful than HP base.
ES Base should burn less damage like 30-35 % of their ES as fire damage.
Or nerf the red beak to 50% damage increased when low life.
Or both of that.

and btw: you said it is easy to get max spell block with RF ? that is true, only with saffel frame. However,saffel frame will cause a result of death when u do 3vs3, cause if the other team has both block and attack skills you are done. It is impossible to have enough spell block without saffel frame. Please consider that it is not always easy for RF hp base.
TO be a good RF is not easy.
Last edited by behakungfu on Feb 25, 2014, 10:16:15 AM
HP rf is as op with the proper build, look at stekrz he has a life version using kaom and searing touch to boost his rf and its very broken just like es version using dual redbeak. It actually made no difference in pvp at all during 3v3s, Stekrz was killing people as fast as i was doing it Buddy .5 or 1 second doesnt make much a difference tbh during intense gameplay. The only way we knew who had the most rf dps was doing a standup rf vs rf and see who ends up dying first and my es verison always won against a life version doing this. It's very gamebreaking during 3v3s because people cant gear to counter it, even with 98% fire resists i tested it on someone he was still taking insanely high damage. I think degen in general will get a reduction for pvp because it's way too effective for the small amount of counters it has.

To talk about spells well i think they need to be buffed in general and i would not even mind if EK is not included because it is very very strong but you need a proper build for it. Other spells are too weak and need huge buff for pvp, no other spells is as good as EK in term of efficiency, damage and versatility. It's already hard for me to get around killing people with 75% spell block as it takes about 3-6 shots to hit someone but it all depends on rng ofcourse, i once tested with someone and at one point it took 13 ek shots to go trough 75% block. Probably that block in general would be nerfed, i heard about max block cap dropping to 50% which is imo considerable but again i'm just saying thats rumors. I do know that the rf nerf is confirmed from a podcast and that spells are getting changed widely as well as block and other things probably.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
I dont agree here.
If you want to know how to make a nearly unbeatable life based RF, ask I_am_ready_to_die.
He has such high life and life regeneration, I can only scratch him with my arround 45k RT damage, when he has disabled RF, we tested this. He say, he has over 1300 life/s.
Ya, SteKrz's I_am_ready_to_die life based RF build is extremely OP. His movement with lightning warp allows him to transverse maps super fast. Something I haven't seen with many of the ES based RF builds do. Not sure why that is exactly. Maybe something to do with the shav ring and mana.

So basically... before I can even see him on the minimap as a red dot outside of my field of view; he lightning warps in, multi-flickers and melts me to death in half a second. It's retarded. lol

I'd rather face a 500k dps flicker crit dagger build than an OP RF'er. At least I can dodge and immortal call crit daggers and sometimes kill them. Next to impossible against a strong RF'er.

That's me speaking as an EA build as reference. (Firebitch_)
IGN: _Firebitch
Last edited by Firebrand76 on Feb 25, 2014, 11:45:23 AM
Good point out!
I am totaly owned by your opinion guys.
My hands are on my head!
Now I am gladly to see RF getting a big nerf.

I just wonder if the nerf will kill the existence of RF in future pvp.
LOL. Patch is right there!
Passive Skill Balance:
The Marauder starting area has been reworked substantially.
The area between the Duelist and Marauder has been reworked substantially.
The wheels of primary defenses around the Scion opening area have been changed to allow fast lateral progress. The values of the life wheel have been reduced. The Elusiveness notable has been removed.
The effectiveness of early Scion passives have been reduced.
Several Energy Shield passives have been improved.
Most spell damage, elemental damage and specific elemental damage passives have been improved."

WOOOOW. So HP Base RF is nerfed, cuz people will have less life. ES base RF is already strongest type of RF now is even stronger, because ES nodes are improved. Spell caster like EK, fire ball trapper are more likely 1 shot everyone for sure (even 10k+hp).

What is done is done! :))

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