Why are racer servers so bad lately?

This is getting ridiculous. They need to allot more servers to races during week race or get rid of the cooldown on /oos. I died in BLAMT to a zombie that had not yet started his attack animation. I took a vaal smash in 100min fixed seed BEFORE vaal started his animation (survived with 8hp luckily)

Yeah this is really bugging me currently.

I receive invisible hits. In fact not to get hit by Dominus Soul Lightning I had to run within the souls.

I am potting visually after hits but it seems the server doesn't inform me on several hits or the packets come to late and I wonder why do I get butchered in places I usually have no problems with.

The 1 week does seem to have a massive impact on race servers.. I haven't had the insane lag that I posted on the original post yet this week in a race but playing on the Dom 1 week I am constantly teleported to areas I haven't walked to. :(

I really doubt there is an impact.

GGG uses barely any servers for races, so all 2-7k Steam players and 2-7k regular players will be moved to 4 servers.

Hilbert wrote:
I really doubt there is an impact.

GGG uses barely any servers for races, so all 2-7k Steam players and 2-7k regular players will be moved to 4 servers.

Just a coincidence..

Connecting to instance server at

Connecting to instance server at

Connecting to instance server at

Connecting to instance server at

Connecting to instance server at

Connecting to instance server at

Connecting to instance server at

Connecting to instance server at

Such Variance....

Especially Connecting to instance server at is really common.
Not that it matters, because I barely race anymore, but in the first solo race I did in weeks I can honestly say that the lag was ridiculous.

I had to /oos pretty much constantly to re-sync but ultimately died to exploders in cavern who were seemingly unaffected by my attacks (3 attacks went straight through them, it was an open field, I even hit my macro but didn't make a difference.)

Just as I'm thinking about starting to race again something like this happens, it's this cycle of negative experience that always pushes me away from the game, even though I want to enjoy and play it, really.

edit: Just saw that Swarox had the exact same problems this race and he lives fairly close to where I live (within a 500 mile radius I assume).
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC on Feb 19, 2014, 12:53:00 PM
Oh tell us something new recently I die 3/4 races. Pathfinding shit even managing to send me right into a skeleton mob at ledge.

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