My First Complaint...

So....attempted pvp for the first time today. I'm a summoner, and my whole army got deleted at the start. What the hell....??? So, pvp no summoners allowed Chris?
so atm it would seem summoners have a hard time but many people argue they have found ways to make successful summoners at lvl 28 Idk about merci open pvp, although I did duel a 67 today and he was alright. A few people will be on here shortly to let u know how to use Minion instability and curses, I am sure.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
I just find it a little stupid that my army I just raised was deleted for no reason, my build is set around certain spectres and pvp removes it so how is my build suppose to do anything at all? I guess its not....I didn't touch PvP till now, guess I'll go back to not even bothering :/...just looked forward to the old school D2 necro pvp but that's not happening it seems.

/e I just don't understand why remove anything from the start? Why are auras deactivated, summons deleted. What purpose does that serve?
Last edited by Haiatu on Dec 23, 2013, 2:50:53 AM

1) Since D2 (Classic) it was clear, that if your aim is PvP - you should plan talents and gear according to certain PvP requirements. For e.g. - getting max block (veterans of pvp should remember sigon's shield), faster block and hit recovery, FRW, later on we had to wear Vampire Gaze, Shaftstop armour, Stormshield to have a damage reduction....etc.

Some builds could be extremely weak in PvE - but they would shine in matches against other players.

2) I don't think that giving a chance to start with army of minions and spectres is a good idea. This would also allow to start with tonns of buffs and auras. I think it's quite fair that players should spend time on arena to cast buffs and auras on themselves. For e.g. - in 3 vs 3 match both teams could pick a player who's mission at the start is to cast 3-4 auras for the benefit of his party. Meanwhile his mates should defend him of being rushed and killed by other team. Or the game could start from both teams casting auras and buffs so there's no rush from the start. This gives you a chance to create strategy and playstyle...

3) I believe that mechanics of PoE allow summoner to be more vailable in PvP than u might think. For e.g. - using frostbite + minions with added cold damage gem could surprisingly freeze your opponent. Or you can use punishment curse (similar to Iron Maiden) + minion instability if your opponent is killing your minions all the time. It's just a short example.

Gl all and HF))!

Gnusnas wrote:

1) Since D2 (Classic) it was clear, that if your aim is PvP - you should plan talents and gear according to certain PvP requirements. For e.g. - getting max block (veterans of pvp should remember sigon's shield), faster block and hit recovery, FRW, later on we had to wear Vampire Gaze, Shaftstop armour, Stormshield to have a damage reduction....etc.

Some builds could be extremely weak in PvE - but they would shine in matches against other players.

2) I don't think that giving a chance to start with army of minions and spectres is a good idea. This would also allow to start with tonns of buffs and auras. I think it's quite fair that players should spend time on arena to cast buffs and auras on themselves. For e.g. - in 3 vs 3 match both teams could pick a player who's mission at the start is to cast 3-4 auras for the benefit of his party. Meanwhile his mates should defend him of being rushed and killed by other team. Or the game could start from both teams casting auras and buffs so there's no rush from the start. This gives you a chance to create strategy and playstyle...

3) I believe that mechanics of PoE allow summoner to be more vailable in PvP than u might think. For e.g. - using frostbite + minions with added cold damage gem could surprisingly freeze your opponent. Or you can use punishment curse (similar to Iron Maiden) + minion instability if your opponent is killing your minions all the time. It's just a short example.

Gl all and HF))!

Sorry if this is a necro, but this is rubbish.

Auras I can see, but summoners are built around pets. Everything my build has revolves around the pets.

There are no Tentacle Miscreations, or Undying Evangelists in the little PvP map.
Either of those is the majority of my attack as a summoner.

Other players just annihilate you and a little freeze, w/e is irrelevant.

Auras are one thing, but removing all pets is another. It takes me half an hour to get 4 of the right friggin' spectres in the first place.

Then, I'm expected to get 5-6 auras up and my totems...

I realize 1v1 pvp specialized builds will excel, I'm no fool, but joining PvP and losing everything like that is utter devastation to a summoner. Match is over before it begins.

This leaves you with skeletons. Skeletons. Skeletons to fight another player.

What a joke.
Last edited by gr00grams on Dec 31, 2013, 12:34:03 AM
I just find it a little stupid that my army I just raised was deleted for no reason, my build is set around certain spectres and pvp removes it so how is my build suppose to do anything at all? I guess its not....I didn't touch PvP till now, guess I'll go back to not even bothering :/...just looked forward to the old school D2 necro pvp but that's not happening it seems.

/e I just don't understand why remove anything from the start? Why are auras deactivated, summons deleted. What purpose does that serve?

Summoner in d2 pvp was useless ...

zombies and spectres would prolly die quickly in pvp anyway

You dont need corpses for skeletons, you just resummon those and the point is to have them explode via MI and scale the dmg with conc effect etc

gr00grams wrote:

Sorry if this is a necro, but this is rubbish.

Auras I can see, but summoners are built around pets. Everything my build has revolves around the pets.

There are no Tentacle Miscreations, or Undying Evangelists in the little PvP map.
Either of those is the majority of my attack as a summoner.

Other players just annihilate you and a little freeze, w/e is irrelevant.

Auras are one thing, but removing all pets is another. It takes me half an hour to get 4 of the right friggin' spectres in the first place.

Then, I'm expected to get 5-6 auras up and my totems...

I realize 1v1 pvp specialized builds will excel, I'm no fool, but joining PvP and losing everything like that is utter devastation to a summoner. Match is over before it begins.

This leaves you with skeletons. Skeletons. Skeletons to fight another player.

What a joke.

A pvm build isnt pvp viable ... the horror! You cant have it all, either change your build to adapt to pvp or try something different.
Last edited by theamazingjojo on Dec 31, 2013, 2:23:13 AM

A pvm build isnt pvp viable ... the horror! You cant have it all, either change your build to adapt to pvp or try something different.

Again, I realize it's mostly a PvE build, I just share OP's frustration that you essentially aren't even given a chance as a summoner by having your pets wiped.

Aside that, this game (while I agree with this...) doesn't have quick and easy respec.
This means outside a league or the like dedicated to PvP, it will remain an under-played niche because of.

I literally cannot change my build. It's cast in stone. I am ok with this, as I favor planning out a build etc, but this is one drawback, as I also enjoy PvP.

I could try some different gem combos, but even that would take chroms etc orbs. I'm sure we're all aware that crafting with orbs is utter shit, and not worth it.

So it's either all or nothing, and I am fairly certain in thought that most will pass unfortunately. You either build for it from the start, or skip it and this will cut out most of the possible competition. Some might try it a few times, but it will not get a foot-hold outside a dedicated league.
Last edited by gr00grams on Dec 31, 2013, 4:36:45 AM
i dont know what you mean by 'literally cant change build' ... get a hold of some regrets and save for new gear, or else its what i said ... the way its built makes it pvm only, so why bother pvp with it?

Make a different build from scratch for pvp, but I think summoners not so hot in pvp anyway
"Summoner in d2 pvp was useless ..."

Well, they were useless until runeword Enigma was introduced later in the Lord of Destruction's expansion.

This gave an outstnading mobility in PvP to the summoners and all their pets and minions. They could land a kill by teleporting on top of their opponent with army of minions. There were 2 builds for PvP - Shock Druid Summoner and Necromancer with skeletons. BTW Both builds had to have max block, damage reduction, high hp pool to sustain a little tankiness.

I wish lightning warp could also teleport minions with caster. This would solve a lot of problems with summoners in PvP and could give them a chance to play both defensive and agressive. Hope that GGG hears us)))!!!

Last edited by Gnusnas on Jan 4, 2014, 7:10:43 AM
Gnusnas wrote:
"Summoner in d2 pvp was useless ..."

Well, they were useless until runeword Enigma was introduced later in the Lord of Destruction's expansion.

This gave an outstnading mobility in PvP to the summoners and all their pets and minions. They could land a kill by teleporting on top of their opponent with army of minions. There were 2 builds for PvP - Shock Druid Summoner and Necromancer with skeletons. BTW Both builds had to have max block, damage reduction, high hp pool to sustain a little tankiness.

I wish lightning warp could also teleport minions with caster. This would solve a lot of problems with summoners in PvP and could give them a chance to play both defensive and agressive. Hope that GGG hears us)))!!!

From what i remember, summoners in d2 pvp were scrub builds, suitable for pubs only, not really 1n1. Bear with nado druid when they tele on top of you was strong though

Last edited by theamazingjojo on Jan 4, 2014, 7:52:12 AM

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