Path of Exile: Guild Directory

Guild Name/Tag: IMBA (Imbalanced)

Guild Location: WorldWideWeb!
Guild language: dominant English, however some EU Languages too
Guild Leader(s): blackstar
Number of Members: 7
Official Forum thread:
Official Website: not yet planned
Guild's focus: new Leagues only, like Invasion and Ambush; only mature, friendly, polite and helpfull players, because we are Legion and so you are.
Guild Accomplishments: non mass Guild
Last edited by blackstar on Mar 15, 2014, 12:29:48 PM
Guild Name/Tag: DeathInc
Guild Location: America
Guild language: English
Guild Leader(s): LordArtemisia
Number of Members: PoE 10+ Games wise 100+
Official Forum thread: TBA
Official Website: TBA
Guild's focus: Bunch of people hanging out having fun and shooting up / killing things!
Guild Accomplishments: Dominating multiple games!
Guild Name/Tag: Dungeon Addicts =|DA|=

Guild Location: Primarily US
Guild Language: English
Guild Leader: Arawn
Senior Guild Officer: 86ER
Number of Members: 35/70
Official Forum thread:
Official Website:
Guild's focus: Rapidly growing guild of enthusiasts participating in Standard and temporary leagues that welcomes all levels and classes. Roster includes participants in multiple leagues with a primary focus in Standard. Cooperation, courtesy, and fun are common themes in all our activities. Officers stick to policies while maintaining a fair and impartial review process and is receptive to guild feedback regarding past and future activities. Group activities include leveling, Masters farming, and weekly mapping event. Guild focus and group activities are subject to change if the guild’s in game interests shift or as Officers determine necessary.

Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877
Last edited by ArawnDA on Dec 11, 2014, 7:21:52 AM
[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Simon_GGG on Apr 19, 2014, 8:56:55 PM
Guild Name: Mi vagyunk a lovagok akik azt mondják: Ni

Guild Location: Europe (EU) Hungary, Magyarórszág
Guild language: Hungarian (Magyar), English
Guild Leader(s): CHUCKY1, KisGee
Number of Members: 4
Official Forum thread:
Official Website: TBA
Guild's focus: Csak a legújabb NEM PVP hardcore ligákban játszunk mint például a zárójelben említettek. Igyekszünk mindent megtenni, hogy minnél nagyobb csapatban haladjunk előre.
Only playing the current PVE Hardcore league. (Onslaught, Nemesis, Invasion, etc.) We are aiming to gather bigger groups while we advance in the game.
Guild Accomplishments: Nem célunk achivementek vagy versenyeken való részvétel.
We are not aiming to participate in any race or achivement hunt.
Last edited by csatrad on May 11, 2014, 10:14:55 AM
please add our guild!!!

Guild Name/Tag: BRING ME 115
Guild Location: Global
Guild language: English
Guild Leader: Elenasiegman (GRINDERGUY)
Number of Members: 4+ newly formed
Official Forum thread: in-progress
Official Website: in-progress
Guild's focus: We are a summoning based guild that is accepting new members! You of course can play and use other builds but the main focus is that you own a necromancer type build and help this community of players by helping establish guild stash tabs to benefit newer to more experienced players and offer tips.
Guild Name/Tag:The Unsullied (UNSUL)
Guild Location: America
Guild language: English
Guild Leader(s): Rockpile
Number of Members: 3
Official Forum thread:
Official Website:Working on it
Guild's focus:A friendly and helpful guild, we encourage newcomers and enjoy playing with anyone on any league. We are also solid farmers, spending hours and days farming and lvling up. My main goal is to build a guild with active players that like building, farming, and socializing with the community.
Guild Accomplishments: Become a bunch of bad*ss dudes with mountains of loot.
Last edited by Vanheim on May 18, 2014, 5:22:07 PM
can i join any guild that can teach me about game well i am lvl 63 completed merciless with some help at last boss ingame char name DeathRealm scion summoner pm me pls ty i like to talk alot and expect some responses pls :D

Guild Name/Tag: VictoriousGamers / KOALA
Guild Location: Worldwide - US based
Guild language: English
Guild Leader(s): Drachonius (aka Shawn)
Number of Members: 30
Official Forum thread:
Official Website:
Guild's focus: casual gaming, hardcore, 4 month leagues, races, charity races, we require teamspeak for effective communication (we are a guild, not a bunch of people playing solo), lotteries, helping each other level and learn new ways to play
Guild Accomplishments: numerous first place finishes in individual race events
i should have put our teamspeak info in....

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