Path of Exile: Guild Directory

Thanks, could you update the members number to 17?
Guild Name/Tag: The Hetairoi [DIVINE]
Guild Location: International
Guild language: English
Guild Leader(s): GyokuenRen,MaskedAngel
Number of Members: 190
Official Forum thread:
Official Website: --
Guild's focus: Creating a respectful enviroment for leveling and progressing thru the depths of this game.
Guild Accomplishments: We have built what i like to think is the most friendly,welcoming and knowledgeable casual guild in the Standard league.

Nice iniciative ^^
GyokuenRen Auramancer Low-life CI
My guild thread
My shop thread
Last edited by deshaboo on Dec 27, 2013, 2:10:30 PM
Added deshaboo, and updated Dzwonsson.

Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
Guild Name/Tag: Russian Bears <BEAR>

Guild Location: Worldwide (but mostly Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)
Guild language: Russian
Guild Leader(s): RussianBears is technical account, nameforgame - original founder (left us to form self-found guild), Dissolator - current leader.
Number of Members: 242
Official Forum thread:
Official Website:
Guild's focus: all aspects of the game in all leagues
Guild Accomplishments: nice and friendly community, well-organisied guild stash (27 tabs atm), own website with forum and extra features for members-only.
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator on Jan 13, 2014, 9:15:00 AM
Guild Name/Tag: Monomyth, <THJ>
Guild Location: Worldwide, Standard/Domination
Guild language: English
Guild Leader(s): ThePapaDan (FacebreakingFranklinJr)
Number of Members: 2
Official Forum thread: view-thread/754774
Official Website: none
Guild's focus: Path of Exile
Guild Accomplishments: none
"...we try not to be dicks." - Mark
"...i speke good englesh" - Rhys
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl
The game should have it's own guild search system similar to Neverwinter.
Added thank you thepapadan and Dissolator.
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
Zidjian wrote:
Added thank you thepapadan and Dissolator.

thank you! but seems you put us in wrong place (in "B" section, but our guild should be in "R"), also please change number of members to 249, and number of stash tabs to 29.

P.S. few day ago i made the guild parser and now got the results. That's just raw data, i more like your thread format. But anyway, here's link to full guild index (except some 1-member guilds due google-docs row quantity limit):
Soon i'll make webpage with this index and hope we can unite our efforts (i can add extra info field to database, so i can give u access to fill it with data from your guild directory)
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator on Jan 18, 2014, 12:03:15 PM
Guild Name/Tag: Astral Ascension [ASTRAL]
Guild Location: Global
Guild language: English
Guild Leader(s): StDrakeX
Number of Members: ~139
Official Forum thread:
Official Website:
Guild's focus: Guild with a focus on High Level Mapping on the Standard League.
Guild Accomplishments: No official accomplishments but we've got a very helpful guild atmosphere and you'll never feel lonely, as there are always more than 30 players online to chat/help!
Recruiting for Archnemesis League/Siege of the Atlas!
Umbra Exiles:
The Official Path of Exile Guild Directory:
Guild Name/Tag: WarForceClan/WFC

Guild Location: International
Guild language: English
Guild Leader(s): Sladverr
Number of Members: 70+
Official Forum thread:
Official Website:
Guild's focus: We were founded on the idea that we're all family. We treat each other as such. We intend to shift to each new softcore league as they become available. We map, we help newbies, we do it all. We are not a hardcore guild!
Guild Accomplishments: We've created a friendly atmosphere that casual players can enjoy!

If anything is missing or needs clarification, please let me know!
No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.

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