What is your favorite race mode?

feyith wrote:
PolarisOrbit wrote:
Now that some trends are starting to emerge, anybody have some comments on them? The most obvious are that Turbo and Descent stand above everything else, and that party races are not peoples' favorites.

Turbo Descent would be amazing. Also, I would love party races if you didn't lose your points when you die. Makes people just want to get to a certain level and log out.

The turbo descent a couple months ago wasn't fun at all. It was a pure RNG fest, if you got lmp dogs in the second zone or crit roahs or some bullshit leapers in the third zone you just died. It was way too random.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Turbo/Lethal Descent Champions that's what you guys want.

90%-99% of the players dying in the first 3 zones

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