What is your favorite race mode?

boof wrote:
If someone from ggg reads this thread, and then decides to put more turbo races in again next season, I swear to god I will hunt every last one of you down...

I love this idea. A cut-throat race where boof gets the turbo mods, and has to hunt the rest of us. :)
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Both of the Descent modes. Would be even more awesome if you added the other mods to it.
boof wrote:
If someone from ggg reads this thread, and then decides to put more turbo races in again next season, I swear to god I will hunt every last one of you down...

So 2h Turbo CT Signature next season?
My favorite mode was 3h turbo solo, took around half my cb demis on those. Now that its fairly obvious the desync problems arent ever going to be properly addressed- making the thought of a 3h turbo signature event or the like somewhat less appealing that it once would have been- i dont really have a favorite mode.

I suppose a 3h fixed seed ancestral solo with the anti-bail code from cutthroat and a chest on the starting beach with a handful of orbs would fit the bill; the results would be more skill related than anything we have currently in any case.

Unfortunately, in keeping with the continued bias toward shorter and/or randomer race modes, there isnt a single 3h solo event this season, so id hardly expect anything remotely close to the above to ever end up on the schedule unless someone decides to host some sort of skill intensive race league if/when player created leagues go live.
IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao on Dec 3, 2013, 11:41:29 AM
Endless ledge and descent (old one, new one is kinda shitty) are my favorites. Endless ledge is always random mobs to keep it interesting.

As for there not being any 3 hour races, I don't really think a lot of people like the longer races. Especially with all the complaining about the timezone-races it's much easier to fit a 1 hour into a schedule.
And wouldn't even surprise me if it ended up with afk'ing in docks if they existed. Don't think I've ever gotten to cruel in a non 1week race.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
boof wrote:
If someone from ggg reads this thread, and then decides to put more turbo races in again next season, I swear to god I will hunt every last one of you down...

Hahaha :D

You forgot to mention your favourite mode ;)
He clearly said 2h Turbo CT Signature!

Vote totals:
(for people voting multiple modes I divided the vote up into equal pieces)
3.0 Descent (vanilla)
2.5 Turbo
1.0 Fixed Solo
1.0 Races too short to reach Act 3 (90mins?)
0.8 Endless Ledge
0.8 Descent Champs
0.5 3h solo (conditional on desync fix)
0.5 3h fixed ancestral solo (conditional on desync fix)
0.5 Anything new
0.3 2h Solo

Now that some trends are starting to emerge, anybody have some comments on them? The most obvious are that Turbo and Descent stand above everything else, and that party races are not peoples' favorites.
I guess my vote would be for endless ledge, when mob composition rng isn't making tender butt love with you.

Close second would be solo cutthroat, but GGG seems to have a vendetta against them.
If glacial hammer didn't exist, solo cutthroat would be my nr 1.
PolarisOrbit wrote:
Now that some trends are starting to emerge, anybody have some comments on them? The most obvious are that Turbo and Descent stand above everything else, and that party races are not peoples' favorites.

Turbo Descent would be amazing. Also, I would love party races if you didn't lose your points when you die. Makes people just want to get to a certain level and log out.

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