Seems (many?) players are creating alt accounts to farm multiple Kingsmarch shipping... Brrrr

If you read every post you might have stumbled over this particular quote, Silent?

I'm not discussing the deep reasons to do it or not

Universalis has also not been kind in his responses so I see no reason to mince words either. All this is based off assumptions. He could have easily reached out to any of the people he interacted with and ask them why their challenges seem so low for running T17s.

All he knows is he sells T17 maps to people with low challenge count but geared up toons with high level. He assumes based on those trades that they're abusing the league mechanic. His evidence? Yea, we're all trying to find it.

And I repeat: nah dude.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Universalis wrote:

Okay... Today's your POE lesson: when you trade with someone you can eventually know the account and check the profile, creation date, chars etc..

Hey thanks for the condescension[..etc..]

Read your first post again to know your fate.

ArtCrusade wrote:
What is your feedback? Nerf shipments because you ASSUME that people have multiple accounts they do shipments with? And they somehow sustain gold on all of them? Which means they'd be playing 24/7 most likely?

That is a lot of assumptions based on some trades and some profiles you stalked. Nah dude.

This is not "lot of assumptions" it's a super simple case even 10 years old kid could understand. I don't owe you anything.
More importantly: You don't need to "play 24/7" to generate the necessary gold.
In 1-2 hours you can get enough gold make it run for 1 full week.

[Removed by Support]

NB: not a big deal and have a nice day/night.
Last edited by Taylor_GGG on Sep 8, 2024, 4:57:43 PM
Again, this is not happening lol.....
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Universalis wrote:

Read your first post again to know your fate.

This is not "lot of assumptions" it's a super simple case even 10 years old kid could understand. I don't owe you anything.
More importantly: You don't need to "play 24/7" to generate the necessary gold.
In 1-2 hours you can get enough gold make it run for 1 full week.

[Removed by Support]

NB: not a big deal and have a nice day/night.

hehe....nothing i said was condescension. I just literally asked you what evidence you were basing your assumptions on? And then I listed everything that runs counter to your assumptions. That's not condescension.

"Super simple case, even a 10 year old could understand it": again with the condescension! And yet.....there isn't even a understanding of the myriad of OTHER reasons for a new account. It's not even considered.

I think you are right, it very much sounds like a 10-year old conclusion to a set of data. The classic "I lost? You must be cheating!!!" understanding.

Also completely ignored was my specific example using MYSELF to disprove your theory.

Honestly this is a problem with a lot of poe, a lot of people run tradebots (still) or have an aura character follow them in maps. I have seen streamers stream it, posts/videos about how to do it, people running maphacks. Not to mention actual currency farms that do RMT stuff.

That being said challengse are not a good way of determining if someone is cheating or not.

Still, if clunky mechanics and RNG is countered by automation then players are incentivized to do it even if it is against the rules.

Before flasks had automation options messages of "12345" routinely appeared because a large portion of the player base was running a macro to automate their flasks.

Granted this kind of stuff is against tos, like a lot of things, but enforcing it is another matter. GGG gets rid of the worst offenders. I have no solutions but acknowledge the problem and the reasons why people would do it.

Just anecdotal stuff, but if a game has a crappy grind, someone built a bot to get around doing it. Just look at runescape/wow/ff14/cod level grinding.

Last edited by roundishcap on Sep 9, 2024, 1:17:15 AM

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