Seems (many?) players are creating alt accounts to farm multiple Kingsmarch shipping... Brrrr

Strickl3r wrote:

In less than 3 days it can be done? If someone does something in poe for 2 1/2 days this far into the league it better nets them some serious divines. The time spend could have better been used in t17s. Maybe it is worth it to create several accounts just or the extra shipments if you just look a the divs but even if it is, it is only slightly worth it if anything and a very boring thing to do. it is just like creating seveal accounts on mtg arena for more daily rewards. If you want to spend your time doing that go ahead, lol. You act liek it hurts you. You only hurt yourself by standing to much in your own HO, lol.(writing this of course while standing in my HO^^)

I'm not discussing the deep reasons to do it or not, I only see it now but it could have been done much more massively earlier in the league.
There are clearly players who do it, and it's not that hard or too long to do, they can create a new account or use one of their alt.

BTW I'm saying 3 days to make it fully operational but I guess it can be done faster by someone motivated enough.

Now one of the reason to it, if it's not RMT, is that we have people who play to "break" the game. To destroy it. For them the fun is here. Exactly like playing a completely OP meta build or abusing game mechanics.

Only remaining question is how many accounts are you allowed to own in POE... I know there's a limit of two accounts per computer (typically because of map running + hideout selling)

If they do it manually they deserve every penny of it. Don't see the problem. I just farmed 110k gold from t16s. That would be 12 hours max with some lvl 9-10 farmers and some lvl 8. If they want to do that for seeveral accounts everyday, hf guys, enjoy your shipments... I wouldn't create alt accounts for a small profit margin in a video game. I think it's a very silly thing to do for an adult person ;P
Last edited by Strickl3r on Sep 8, 2024, 7:28:35 AM
I don't see the point of this. Doesn't it violate ToS to use multiple accounts to enrich one? If you believe they're doing this exploit, report them and move on.

It's not like any of this is going to matter in a couple months. I doubt this is going core.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Universalis wrote:

I'm not discussing the deep reasons to do it or not, I only see it now but it could have been done much more massively earlier in the league.
There are clearly players who do it, and it's not that hard or too long to do, they can create a new account or use one of their alt.

Based on what evidence? That you sold some t17s to a couple people without achievements? Huh? How does that translate to "They MUST be making multiple accounts for Kingsmarch".

And by your own admission, to get a SINGLE extra account up and running it would require 2-3 days of playtime on that account, with the added time it takes to actually create the account. And then repeat the process again for the next account. And thats also not counting the atlas passives and map bonuses that would need to be unlocked to even farm a decent amount of gold.

Meanwhile you would need to farm on EACH account to keep them all running efficiently enough to actually make a "profit" from shipping. You need ores, you need gold, you need farm materials, etc.

It just....doesn't really make sense to put all this effort in, for the minute difference it would make each WEEK of play. You REALLY think people would do all of that, all of that wasted, unfun, time.....just to get an extra couple divs a week in shipping?

Shipping is tiny potatoes compared to actually focused play on a single account.

I can give you a much more plausible explanation of the t17 buyer with minimal achievements.....because I am literaly one of those players right now. I started late, I have friends that fully geared a character and moved on to the next, I take all their old gear that they don't want to sell. Bam....I'm a player whose gear far exceeds where I SHOULD be based on my achievements. Much more likely.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 8, 2024, 12:18:11 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Based on what evidence? That you sold some t17s to a couple people without achievements? Huh?.I'm a player whose gear far exceeds where I SHOULD be based on my achievements. Much more likely.

Okay... Today's your POE lesson: when you trade with someone you can eventually know the account and check the profile, creation date, chars etc..

Pizzarugi wrote:
I don't see the point of this. Doesn't it violate ToS to use multiple accounts to enrich one? If you believe they're doing this exploit, report them and move on.

It's not like any of this is going to matter in a couple months. I doubt this is going core.

I'm not sure it violates the TOS, maybe someone could confirm or not
Universalis wrote:

Okay... Today's your POE lesson: when you trade with someone you can eventually know the account and check the profile, creation date, chars etc..

[Removed by Support]

I fail to see your point....there could be any number of reasons why people create a new account. Perhaps they ran out of character space this league. Perhaps they have an active ban and wished to make a new account rather than switch back and forth. Perhaps they are just that: new.

I told you why it doesn't really make any sort of sense to waste your time doing this. Sure, there might be the odd handful that DO.....but I would bet large amounts of money that it is not widespread or even at the "uncommon" bar.

But checked the date of their profile so that proves it! Major issue, brrrrrr. This action in itself is rather....fishy to begin with. Regularly spying on people's accounts you trade with is an odd choice.
Last edited by Taylor_GGG on Sep 8, 2024, 5:43:25 PM
What is your feedback? Nerf shipments because you ASSUME that people have multiple accounts they do shipments with? And they somehow sustain gold on all of them? Which means they'd be playing 24/7 most likely?

That is a lot of assumptions based on some trades and some profiles you stalked. Nah dude.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
What is your feedback? Nerf shipments because you ASSUME that people have multiple accounts they do shipments with? And they somehow sustain gold on all of them? Which means they'd be playing 24/7 most likely?

That is a lot of assumptions based on some trades and some profiles you stalked. Nah dude.

Is that their feedback or were they basically saying that it might be?

And I see nothing in their posts saying they are stalking profiles which leads me to believe that this is an assumption.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 8, 2024, 3:24:05 PM

And I see nothing in their posts saying they are stalking profiles which leads me to believe that this is an assumption.

They literally said that in their response to me....3 posts up. They ALSO said as much in their OP. "high levels but with very few challenges, buying T17s."
jsuslak313 wrote:

And I see nothing in their posts saying they are stalking profiles which leads me to believe that this is an assumption.

They literally said that in their response to me....3 posts up. They ALSO said as much in their OP. "high levels but with very few challenges, buying T17s."

Y'kno, My bad i literally thought i had read every single post in the thread so i was like what's going on here?


Though the first half of my post still stands, We could use a lot less assumptions of what other people are thinking and why they are doing things and a little more just asking them why they did it in a calm manner, they'll usually tell you.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 8, 2024, 3:38:14 PM

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