Ignore list on forum

jsuslak313 wrote:
Solution: don't use a public forum. Create a discord if you want to isolate yourself and only hear an echo chamber.

Mute/Ignore does NOT work on a public forum.

^100 this.

Substance of peoples conversations will fall prey to confirmation biases as they are only seeking answers that agree, and wanting to ignore answers that disagree even with supporting data telling them otherwise.

For example without naming any names:

"t17s suck, my character gets one shot, they require a 10 mirror build, only .000001% of players can run them, you are forced to play 3 builds in these as well if you want good rewards"

Clearly this is an opinion, that was challenged with relevant data and questions, and those questions were ignored. And deemed "irrelevant".

Much like what suslak says above; if you want to create a space or have a space, where you want to surround yourself and only listen/engage with people agreeing with you. Create a private discord or chat, and you can go from there.

Though I dont know if having that approach will help anything as you are just creating a distorted sense of reality.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Baharoth15 wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
Solution: don't use a public forum. Create a discord if you want to isolate yourself and only hear an echo chamber.

Mute/Ignore does NOT work on a public forum.

And yet the world is full of forums with mute/ignore functions. Being on a public forum is fine and nobody who wants to isolate himself would be here but this IS the internet. It's full of "not so great" people. Having to deal with their bullshit nonstop is only a bother.

^this. being able to hide people who constantly annoy you would be good for peoples mental health. nobody should have to put up with others hassling them.
some people just want to post their feedback without getting hassled about it.

If reading other people's opinions is such a problem for you to the point where it affects your mental health, the solution, like with Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites, is to log off and focus on something else for a while.

Definition from the Cambridge dictionary:

Forum (noun): a situation or meeting in which people can talk about a problem or matter especially of public interest. / a forum for debate/discussion

The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
The forum just needs to curb some extremely specific behaviors which are honestly hurting discussion so much that i wonder if there's even a point in them reading this forum somedays.

A thread about an ascendancy passive change could end up becoming a 12 page discussion on hamburger economics.

While it's occasionally amusing to play "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT" tetris i'm pretty good on that experience for the rest of my life.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 4, 2024, 2:31:25 PM
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