Ignore list on forum

Like the title. I would like to have option to don't see some people, the supports on this forum allow trolling all the way. No idea why there is no option.
Thank you
On Probation Any%
Last edited by Tai_GGG on Sep 4, 2024, 2:32:06 PM
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2024, 3:20:32 PM

i'd pay for it even
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Sep 3, 2024, 2:09:56 PM
Solution: don't use a public forum. Create a discord if you want to isolate yourself and only hear an echo chamber.

Mute/Ignore does NOT work on a public forum.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Solution: don't use a public forum. Create a discord if you want to isolate yourself and only hear an echo chamber.

Mute/Ignore does NOT work on a public forum.

And yet the world is full of forums with mute/ignore functions. Being on a public forum is fine and nobody who wants to isolate himself would be here but this IS the internet. It's full of "not so great" people. Having to deal with their bullshit nonstop is only a bother. There is one specific "individual" running rampant at the moment spamming variants of "lol git gud" in like every topic and calling people out in obnoxious ways. Maybe you know who i am talking about, you already had the pleasure with that individual. There would be nothing lost by ignoring that guy.
^yes I know the one.

I haven't ever been on a forum with a "Mute" function, except for I think it was the Diablo 4 forum. And that forum is a total disaster when random people get muted. There are half-conversations and weird nonsense all over the place. It ruins the discussion more than just having the wherewithal to just not engage the troll.

There is also something to be said about over-moderation in that way. Because while muting a troll might be okay in theory, the real function of the mute button ends up being a whole host of people muting others just for disagreeing or arguing. The actual "trolling" that occurs is so infrequent and easily just pushed aside, but an "ignore" function is not.

Mute and Ignore functions in forums leads to MORE trolling, not less....because you end up with tons of people who have muted all nay-sayers and end up having strange obtuse conversations with themselves. At that point, we no longer have any semblance of a public forum. So those who perhaps started as being non-trolls, end up making troll-like posts due to sheer ignorance of all the rest of the conversation happening around them.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 3, 2024, 4:27:55 PM
i would prefer instead of a mute option more of "hide posts from users" so that they user's post are spoilered.

then again its a very minor thing. just mentally block it if you really are inclined.

to me i always at least skim thru whatever anyone says then decide whether or not to ignore or respond.

ignoring someone totally on forums can actually hurt your conversation as they may bring up good points. whether or not you agree with them or not.
[Removed by Support]
jsuslak313 wrote:
Solution: don't use a public forum. Create a discord if you want to isolate yourself and only hear an echo chamber.

Mute/Ignore does NOT work on a public forum.


The entire POINT of a forum is to discuss ideas publicly, to share and learn and grow and let the appropriate mix of logic and empathy determine the best way forward. If your ideas can't stand up to public scrutiny, maybe that's a sign that you shouldn't share them with the public.
Last edited by ARealLifeCaribbeanPirate on Sep 4, 2024, 10:34:28 AM
Even on Discord I dislike the functionality of mute/ignore since you'll just lack context when scrolling through a conversation. If anything, it will make forum tribalism worse than it already is and will overall be very unhealthy for the forum debate culture.

Hell nah.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Baharoth15 wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
Solution: don't use a public forum. Create a discord if you want to isolate yourself and only hear an echo chamber.

Mute/Ignore does NOT work on a public forum.

And yet the world is full of forums with mute/ignore functions. Being on a public forum is fine and nobody who wants to isolate himself would be here but this IS the internet. It's full of "not so great" people. Having to deal with their bullshit nonstop is only a bother.

^this. being able to hide people who constantly annoy you would be good for peoples mental health. nobody should have to put up with others hassling them.
some people just want to post their feedback without getting hassled about it.

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