Item/gear market place

I've been enjoying Path of Exile for about a year now and have appreciated the challenge of progressing through the tougher levels. However, I’ve recently had a couple of frustrating experiences.

I've been scammed twice while trading items/gear for currency, and I realize that this is my own responsibility. I’m not asking for the items back, but I wanted to suggest an idea to improve trading for everyone in the future.

You recently introduced a currency exchange feature in the new league, and I think it would be great if this could be expanded to include items and gear.

I understand that this would take time to develop, but by reducing the possibility of player-to-player scams, it could greatly enhance the overall enjoyment of the game.
Last bumped on Sep 3, 2024, 5:08:49 AM
How'd the scam play out? Sorry to hear btw.

Mostly i only see people trying to sell me the wrong item or try to pull a swap on me, sucks to have to watch for it but at the very least they've added features since the old days to better protect us.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 31, 2024, 11:02:16 PM
they advertised for one item then swap it for a cheaper item.

It was the Forbidden Flesh and Forbidden Flame both with bone barrier. one was at 3d and the other was at 13d. i don't remember which was which.

I tried to by the 13d but sold me the 3d. i did not notice as first as both looked very similar and only had slight wording difference.

I knew i had a problem when i bought the other item and ended up with two of the same item.

so i lost 10d. being a casual player, that was most of my savings.
First if you get scammed while awful, its your own fault.
Second you have no clue about the game if you think AH for gear would be a good thing.It Wouldn't.

The ammount of bots would increase x100, because while gold cost in currency exchange makes it so bots cant flip market by purchasing thousands of currency, with gear they wont need thousands of trades, just 1 single bot searching for an expensive unique worth 20d, a person that would accidentally/doesnt know the value puts it at 5d, they insta buy and resell.

It would be simple to set a bot searching for certain stats (an item usually worth 2d but with almost max roll stats is worth 15d for example), and insta buy it from someone.

Right now you know if you priced something wrong, because you already get insta PM by bots, and you can just reprice it to the right price, with AH your item will get insta bought by bots in 1 second.

Only example you need is how Lost ark ended up with an AH with gear, 60%+ of playerbase was bots (you could acess it from the diferential in players after bot ban waves)

Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
Last edited by FearZGamer on Sep 2, 2024, 6:25:58 AM
The game is already dominated by bots, doesn't matter whether there is an AH or not
FearZGamer wrote:
First if you get scammed while awful, its your own fault.
Second you have no clue about the game if you think AH for gear would be a good thing.It Wouldn't.

The ammount of bots would increase x100, because while gold cost in currency exchange makes it so bots cant flip market by purchasing thousands of currency, with gear they wont need thousands of trades, just 1 single bot searching for an expensive unique worth 20d, a person that would accidentally/doesnt know the value puts it at 5d, they insta buy and resell.

It would be simple to set a bot searching for certain stats (an item usually worth 2d but with almost max roll stats is worth 15d for example), and insta buy it from someone.

Right now you know if you priced something wrong, because you already get insta PM by bots, and you can just reprice it to the right price, with AH your item will get insta bought by bots in 1 second.

Only example you need is how Lost ark ended up with an AH with gear, 60%+ of playerbase was bots (you could acess it from the diferential in players after bot ban waves)

Yes, I understand that this situation is my responsibility, and I’m not blaming anyone or requesting a refund. However, I disagree with your statements regarding the AH / marketplace system.

When an item is locked into a trade, it ensures that no alterations can be made, giving buyers confidence in what they're purchasing. This system also offers significant benefits: sellers don’t need to be online to complete a sale, and buyers don’t have to wait for sellers who might be in the middle of other activities. This streamlines the transaction process, making it more convenient for both parties.

An AH also reduces the risk of scams or misunderstandings by automating and securing transactions. It enhances the overall game experience by allowing players to focus more on gameplay rather than spending time on forums or negotiating trades.

Having the AH/marketplace integrated into a single platform further simplifies the process by centralizing all trading activities, eliminating the need to rely on external forums or third-party tools. Additionally, sellers can list their items and have them actively marketed and sold even when they’re offline, ensuring that their trading continues without requiring constant attention.

While I understand that if a seller mistakenly prices an item too low and it’s instantly bought, this could be an issue. However, GGG could easily implement a similar safeguard in the current currency AH/marketplace, such as a confirmation warning to prevent accidental under pricing.
Always see similar comments as popped up on your suggestion. Simple solution is to make the trade interface 100 % anonymous. No ability for the bot to funnel it down to the account controller means no purpose to have a bot do that. Next barrier is RealId type verification. One person, one account. What, Do you not have phones Exile? GGG and the other server authoritative ARPG devs will never do that though.. for... reasons.
ExsiliumUltra wrote:
Always see similar comments as popped up on your suggestion. Simple solution is to make the trade interface 100 % anonymous. No ability for the bot to funnel it down to the account controller means no purpose to have a bot do that. Next barrier is RealId type verification. One person, one account. What, Do you not have phones Exile? GGG and the other server authoritative ARPG devs will never do that though.. for... reasons.

what? this doesn't make any sense (if I'm understanding correctly).

Trade is already 100% anonymous. How would blocking names actually change anything? It's by item and price, not by name.

RealId Verification? What does this solve? One person, one account is already true lol. Bots already get around this by using things like vpns and other ways to "mask" their identities. The tech simply doesn't exist to stop this. It isn't 1 person running 1000 accounts: its a program creating accounts that are masked from both identity and location, with infinite possibilities. You also seem to be under the impression that some "tech" exists to stop muling items....but you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about here. Because you can easily just drop the items in a public area, which btw can also be programmed into a bot.

Simple solutions eh?
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 2, 2024, 8:47:41 PM
FearZGamer wrote:
First if you get scammed while awful, its your own fault.

Wrong, Its the person's fault who scammed them..

This whole perception that its the victims fault is largely sold by the actual scammers because if they can believe that its your fault for making the mistake then they didn't do anything wrong and deserve all the currency they got out of you.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 2, 2024, 11:33:21 PM
FearZGamer wrote:
First if you get scammed while awful, its your own fault.

Wrong, Its the person's fault who scammed them..

This whole perception that its the victims fault is largely sold by the actual scammers because if they can believe that its your fault for making the mistake then they didn't do anything wrong and deserve all the currency they got out of you.

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