Path of building - the fun killer for console players

MaxW81 wrote:
The Fun Killer on console is the game performance. DCing 10 times per hour is way more awful than having to start up your PC and import your PoB.

This is not the case, at least has never (even on the older gen Xbox) been my experience.
What could loosely be called a ‘fun killer’ is the tiny player base size compared to pc. On that no argument from me :)
Because I can't use path of building I can't find the lethal pride that I need. Effectively brick ing my build as it's a requirement

There's no hope I'll ever hit a hundred because I can't properly gear myself. I can't see where cluster jewels go. I can't find the right timeless jewels. I can't see additional information included im build guides.

These two snippets from your OP concern me a lot. There is no judgement here at all, but you have 10 challenges complete and they were for me at least completing just by playing the game beyond 10. I must have had 12-16+ without engaging with challenges at all by the time I reached red maps. The reason these things concern me is it sounds like (again I could be way off here) you are trying to play a build that just is not a league starter at all. A league starter should NEVER require timeless jewels or clusters. Sure they could be added to a starter as part of its endgame progression but I’d normally expect (specifically in this league) for you to have completed more than 10 challenges without even trying before you reached this point of a build.

I’d ask what build or more specifically whos but I suspect the answer would not get you any favourable posts if you replied. My suspicion is it’s a lesser known creator or just not a starter build at all.
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Sep 1, 2024, 3:53:39 AM

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