Path of building - the fun killer for console players

Let me preface by saying I LOVE poe. I play on console and it's incredibly rewarding seeing the skill tree and all the options. The problem is pob is required to play the game. I've had to depend on pc players just to get any sort of a build going. This league I'm playing lightning strike warden. Because I can't use path of building I can't find the lethal pride that I need. Effectively brick ing my build as it's a requirement in all variants of the build. I shouldn't need a 3rd party program to play your game.. this is a barrier for many console players.

Alot don't own a computer. How do you expect us to enjoy the game when that enjoyment entirely depends on a 3rd party program? You limit our progression vastly. Pob has to go for the greater good of the game.

If couch coop and attracting a broader audience is what you seek to do your going to have alot of people quit before they even start. Either ggg needs to make a fully functional version of it within the game or put it on the website.

There's no hope I'll ever hit a hundred because I can't properly gear myself. I can't see where cluster jewels go. I can't find the right timeless jewels. I can't see additional information included im build guides. It's time for the death of path of building
Last bumped on Sep 1, 2024, 3:51:29 AM
I have no words on how ridiculous this thread is.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
you dont need POB. i never use it.
Im honestly finding it very hard to believe that someone doesn't own a laptop a tablet or a computer.... but can own a several hundred dollar gaming system, that requires even more expensive television, with an internet connection as well....
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
Im honestly finding it very hard to believe that someone doesn't own a laptop a tablet or a computer.... but can own a several hundred dollar gaming system, that requires even more expensive television, with an internet connection as well....

If its so trivial why don't you go buy them an extra laptop.

This topic should never have existed but why? The reason is they hired the PoB dev ages ago and many people myself included thought we were going to get some kind of built-in skill tree planner but that never happened.

Built in skill tree planner needs to happen for all platforms that is compatable with console AND pc.

Some notes on features:
-Per Point allocation priority so that you know where you need to put your next points

the build creator decides which points should go where and when to provide you a better experience.

-multiple allocation priority support to allow users to swap to more aggressive or defensive allocation of their remaining points

additionally the build creator can create alternative leveling pathways that help players become more defensive or offensive depending on their preference or other configurations (up to the author how much options are provided)

-support for multiple-builds-in-one within the same guide for different focus and playstyles.

Some builds can do quite a lot with small modifications or big ones and if a creator is worth their salt you'd definitely see builds utilizing this feature to make use of already leveled characters to freshen up or even jump out of a build you don't like into one that you do which is mostly compatible with your already present progression.

-Skill tree swapping(with regret cost)

Pretty simple, if you have the regrets it would apply the new tree in just a click up to however many points you have and following the allocation priority you selected (if applicable)
-support for detailed notes wherever the build creator deems necessary even in the skill tree itself with notes to explain how various mechanics work.

-Each node in the tree could have a note as well as a disconnected section for general notes to be viewed at any time.

Plenty of people start builds and these often have guides but not having to leave the game for this stuff and given most of it would be text anyway i see no reason not to ask for this.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 31, 2024, 10:45:03 PM
pob is just for min maxers, and if he's that dedicated to this game then he should just buy a PC. the game is 100 times better on a PC anyway
You gonna buy me a laptop? It costs too much. An xbox is the only thing within my price range. No 3rd party software should EVER be required to play a game. There should ALWAYS be a proprietary option
You gonna buy me a laptop? It costs too much. An xbox is the only thing within my price range. No 3rd party software should EVER be required to play a game. There should ALWAYS be a proprietary option

its not required. ive been playing for 8 years without it. its just something min maxers use to figure out how they can add an extra 1% to their DPS
You gonna buy me a laptop? It costs too much. An xbox is the only thing within my price range. No 3rd party software should EVER be required to play a game. There should ALWAYS be a proprietary option

Really not sure what you have available but if the PoB can't be loaded on your devices (if you have a phone) you could try PoE Planner maybe, its much more lightweight and does a pretty good job helping you sus out builds.
Innocence forgives you
You gonna buy me a laptop? It costs too much. An xbox is the only thing within my price range. No 3rd party software should EVER be required to play a game. There should ALWAYS be a proprietary option

No but if you have a gaming system, I find it highly unlikely there is no pc like machine you have available.

You can use POB on a phone as well. Unless you dont have that. Then I guess you have the only piece of technology, an xbox, and nothing else around you.

But I think you have access to a computer to begin with.

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

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