GGG, you seriously need to do something about your international ISPs

sidtherat wrote:
1) local instance instability. poe uses instances (thin poe 'clients' that run chromeless, by dozens per standard DC node). these instances are provisioned based on statistical data of prior load and usage (as instances are short lived i doubt they do live up/downscaling, so it is pre-planned and instances are pre-spun). this is done to maximize the number of instances per node. there are cases - like VERY laggy builds being popular in given league - where this statistical approach results in instances being disturbed by so called 'noisy neighbour' instances. simplified example: there are 10 instances per node. 'normal' players are using around 9% of node cpu cycles with 10% margin used for peaks (instance load is VERY non-linear). everything is fine. but if one of these players uses some kind of ward-loop idiocy with 500 casts per second and faces expedition with mobs invulnerable to the damage type it will use 30 or more % of node power STEALING it from other players. this is very noticeable for players affected. real scenario most likely operates at 50-100 instances per node
in theory it can be provisioned for - making the buffer larger or allocation logic smarter - but it costs. hosting costs are SIGNIFICANT and im sure GGG is cutting corners wherever possible. there is a reason league starts are what they are (ignoring bugs for a moment)

re-entering map MIGHT fix it, if the original instance is closed and you get loaded into newly spun on a different node. but if the problem is not severe, orchestrator might keep assigning you to the same instance/node. it is also possible that youll get 'couldnt join any instances' if the instance is already dropped/crashed and its state wasnt synced before so the backup couldnt be created
If you are responding to me: This doesnt fit the symptoms of most issues this league. Like if there were issues then usually all or most EU server locations were affected. Your description does however fit other cases of issues, personally I didnt have many other issues this league though.

sidtherat wrote:
2) routing. various issues are in play here, im familiar with just some of them - but there is no secret in traffic being cut unevenly and some players having better access to busy routes than others (big players in general either use their own hardlines or pay to even bigger players for exclusivity). POE is a minor player, so small that i bet it gets the worst possible prio everywhere possible. i doubt GGG has any leverage here. there are known issues at connection points between various big networks, there are maintenance breaks of accidents (one forest fire somewhere remote could result in entire DC being downgraded due to to damaged power supply backup - these issues ripple and multiply like crazy

it is possible to request certain routings, use internal ISP landlines if possible etc - but i bet each choice has a hefty price tag attached that only the big peckers can accept.

in short - small players cannot really do much and POE despite what many here think is marginal player with pretty much no negotiation leverage. i think that the most realistic path - that GGG wont take - is to hard-limit certain idiotic mechanic in their game (like self-harm loops, cast when stunned etc) - these overwhelm their engine and make any form of load prediction guesswork. and that can only be fixed by some serious OVERprovisioning. given that GGG doesnt want to pay for it we get what we get each league 'the diarrhoea' builds are popular
But GGG isnt the old GGG anymore. They are part of Tencent and Riot supposedly has better solutions already. So from my POV there isnt really any clout/money (vs the world) issue. They just would need to cooperate with Riot for a joint solution.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Zrevnur wrote:
sidtherat wrote:
1) local instance instability. poe uses instances (thin poe 'clients' that run chromeless, by dozens per standard DC node). these instances are provisioned based on statistical data of prior load and usage (as instances are short lived i doubt they do live up/downscaling, so it is pre-planned and instances are pre-spun). this is done to maximize the number of instances per node. there are cases - like VERY laggy builds being popular in given league - where this statistical approach results in instances being disturbed by so called 'noisy neighbour' instances. simplified example: there are 10 instances per node. 'normal' players are using around 9% of node cpu cycles with 10% margin used for peaks (instance load is VERY non-linear). everything is fine. but if one of these players uses some kind of ward-loop idiocy with 500 casts per second and faces expedition with mobs invulnerable to the damage type it will use 30 or more % of node power STEALING it from other players. this is very noticeable for players affected. real scenario most likely operates at 50-100 instances per node
in theory it can be provisioned for - making the buffer larger or allocation logic smarter - but it costs. hosting costs are SIGNIFICANT and im sure GGG is cutting corners wherever possible. there is a reason league starts are what they are (ignoring bugs for a moment)

re-entering map MIGHT fix it, if the original instance is closed and you get loaded into newly spun on a different node. but if the problem is not severe, orchestrator might keep assigning you to the same instance/node. it is also possible that youll get 'couldnt join any instances' if the instance is already dropped/crashed and its state wasnt synced before so the backup couldnt be created
If you are responding to me: This doesnt fit the symptoms of most issues this league. Like if there were issues then usually all or most EU server locations were affected. Your description does however fit other cases of issues, personally I didnt have many other issues this league though.

sidtherat wrote:
2) routing. various issues are in play here, im familiar with just some of them - but there is no secret in traffic being cut unevenly and some players having better access to busy routes than others (big players in general either use their own hardlines or pay to even bigger players for exclusivity). POE is a minor player, so small that i bet it gets the worst possible prio everywhere possible. i doubt GGG has any leverage here. there are known issues at connection points between various big networks, there are maintenance breaks of accidents (one forest fire somewhere remote could result in entire DC being downgraded due to to damaged power supply backup - these issues ripple and multiply like crazy

it is possible to request certain routings, use internal ISP landlines if possible etc - but i bet each choice has a hefty price tag attached that only the big peckers can accept.

in short - small players cannot really do much and POE despite what many here think is marginal player with pretty much no negotiation leverage. i think that the most realistic path - that GGG wont take - is to hard-limit certain idiotic mechanic in their game (like self-harm loops, cast when stunned etc) - these overwhelm their engine and make any form of load prediction guesswork. and that can only be fixed by some serious OVERprovisioning. given that GGG doesnt want to pay for it we get what we get each league 'the diarrhoea' builds are popular
But GGG isnt the old GGG anymore. They are part of Tencent and Riot supposedly has better solutions already. So from my POV there isnt really any clout/money (vs the world) issue. They just would need to cooperate with Riot for a joint solution.

I am fairly sure I already covered the first part, to the point I gave up trying to explain further.

On the second point, Tencent having a share in GGG in no way reflects how much leverage (not convinced on this part of Sids reply but my expertise is 20 years old when I retired from the field) they are prepared to place for a given company they are invested in. That would, if it happened or could happen, depends entirely on returns on their investment (aka dividends from shares)

Also your statement that GGG are part of Tencent is conceptually wrong, as far as we know the original creators (Chris Wilson, maybe 2 others) are still shareholders and directors/board members (3 of 6)and Tencent only bought part of the GGG company….but this to my knowledge is speculation and not proven by financial statements (which could be found online, if you cared enough)

Edit. It appears that recently Chris,Jonathan and Erik dissolved approx 200k more shares to Tencent and then Tencent seemed to have dissolved all their shares to SixJoy who do have a massive majority share. (never heard of them, might just be a subsidiary… just confirmed they’re a holding company of Tencent)

All entirely irrelevant to the original topic
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Sep 1, 2024, 3:23:37 PM
Timbo Zero wrote:
I am fairly sure I already covered the first part, to the point I gave up trying to explain further.
None of your explanations contradicted my "they can do something to improve the situation" so Im not sure what your issue here is. If I as the player can by manually clicking inside the game fix something then obviously whoever has control over the interpretation of those clicks (GGG) can also achieve that same thing without me the player manually having to do it. This is my baseline reasoning. I dont see how you can disagree with it in case you are disagreeing with it. Whatever technical details are there or not has little bearing on this.

Timbo Zero wrote:
On the second point, Tencent having a share in GGG in no way reflects how much leverage (not convinced on this part of Sids reply but my expertise is 20 years old when I retired from the field) they are prepared to place for a given company they are invested in. That would, if it happened or could happen, depends entirely on returns on their investment (aka dividends from shares)
Whether GGG/Tencent are willing to do that or no I have no idea. The potential is (supposedly - I dont know if Riot really has better connections) there.
What I dont agree with in such threads are "they cant do anything" kind of comments: They (Tencent) probably have the power to do something about this.

Timbo Zero wrote:
but this to my knowledge is speculation and not proven by financial statements (which could be found online, if you cared enough)
Funny kind of because I have actually looked at some of them in the past.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Your arguments have all been ‘because I know they know’ which is heavily flawed logic.
I have explained as best I can as to why, you are unable or unwilling to accept. I am moving on.
Good luck
Zrevnur wrote:

What I dont agree with in such threads are "they cant do anything" kind of comments: They (Tencent) probably have the power to do something about this.

they can. but they wont because it costs A LOT of money. number of people affected is trivial - even if counts in 100s or 1000s - it is still trivial.

unless that proves to create a serious dent in +income, they wont do anything about it. games like this (and distributed systems as a whole) are designed with certain % of 'collateral' - aka users that dont get stellar service. not because of fault of their own, or any particular neglect - but due to sheer complexity of it and number of edge cases. that number is unmanageable at some point and all you can do is limit the damage they cause because fixing them is simply economically impractical or outright impossible due to their external nature

you happen to be in that group. it sucks and it might be frustrating but i believe things will not change till something drastic improves (depending on problem source): either cables in your area ('pipe' capacity) or GGG limits noisy builds so they do not destroy performance for others (because dying NODE (not instance, entire NODE) lags, drops packets and eventually crashes - you wont tell it by WinMTR or any other tool.

Timbo Zero wrote:
Your arguments have all been ‘because I know they know’ which is heavily flawed logic.
I dont know what they know nor did I claim them knowing or not knowing (not sure what). So I dont know what you mean here.

Timbo Zero wrote:
I have explained as best I can as to why, you are unable or unwilling to accept.
Im unwilling to accept "they cant do anything" kind of arguments without proper reasoning. "They cant do anything (other than one specific thing)" is an overly strong claim that realistically is out of reach to properly support with reason or evidence.

Timbo Zero wrote:
I am moving on.

Timbo Zero wrote:
Good luck

sidtherat wrote:
unless that proves to create a serious dent in +income, they wont do anything about it.
but i believe things will not change till something drastic improves
Quite possible. I dont have high hopes either. Small chance still better than no chance.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
sidtherat wrote:
distributed system architect here

there are two potential issues at play here, both costly to fix (not hard, costly)

1) local instance instability. poe uses instances (thin poe 'clients' that run chromeless, by dozens per standard DC node). these instances are provisioned based on statistical data of prior load and usage (as instances are short lived i doubt they do live up/downscaling, so it is pre-planned and instances are pre-spun). this is done to maximize the number of instances per node. there are cases - like VERY laggy builds being popular in given league - where this statistical approach results in instances being disturbed by so called 'noisy neighbour' instances. simplified example: there are 10 instances per node. 'normal' players are using around 9% of node cpu cycles with 10% margin used for peaks (instance load is VERY non-linear). everything is fine. but if one of these players uses some kind of ward-loop idiocy with 500 casts per second and faces expedition with mobs invulnerable to the damage type it will use 30 or more % of node power STEALING it from other players. this is very noticeable for players affected. real scenario most likely operates at 50-100 instances per node
in theory it can be provisioned for - making the buffer larger or allocation logic smarter - but it costs. hosting costs are SIGNIFICANT and im sure GGG is cutting corners wherever possible. there is a reason league starts are what they are (ignoring bugs for a moment)

re-entering map MIGHT fix it, if the original instance is closed and you get loaded into newly spun on a different node. but if the problem is not severe, orchestrator might keep assigning you to the same instance/node. it is also possible that youll get 'couldnt join any instances' if the instance is already dropped/crashed and its state wasnt synced before so the backup couldnt be created

2) routing. various issues are in play here, im familiar with just some of them - but there is no secret in traffic being cut unevenly and some players having better access to busy routes than others (big players in general either use their own hardlines or pay to even bigger players for exclusivity). POE is a minor player, so small that i bet it gets the worst possible prio everywhere possible. i doubt GGG has any leverage here. there are known issues at connection points between various big networks, there are maintenance breaks of accidents (one forest fire somewhere remote could result in entire DC being downgraded due to to damaged power supply backup - these issues ripple and multiply like crazy

it is possible to request certain routings, use internal ISP landlines if possible etc - but i bet each choice has a hefty price tag attached that only the big peckers can accept.

in short - small players cannot really do much and POE despite what many here think is marginal player with pretty much no negotiation leverage. i think that the most realistic path - that GGG wont take - is to hard-limit certain idiotic mechanic in their game (like self-harm loops, cast when stunned etc) - these overwhelm their engine and make any form of load prediction guesswork. and that can only be fixed by some serious OVERprovisioning. given that GGG doesnt want to pay for it we get what we get each league 'the diarrhoea' builds are popular

This was super help informative, thank you!

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