This League could have been so much more fun

A month into the League and ive had my mappers active for 6 hours total. Got less than a divines worth of loot from them running corrupted t16 maps for a cost of about 400-500k gold. Still have yet to see a power rune this league. Ive got around 21 days played(a bunch obviously afk) across 3 characters so far...

Seen the pirate twice, shipping all day every day. Starfall boss twice. Would love to interact with the league mechanics more but the cost is so prohibitive you have to be farming meta strats or t17s nonstop to afford any of it.

All in all basically a waste of league mechanics for the average player. Would bet 60-80% of the playerbase hasnt even used the new enchants or maxed out their town.

Next time you probably shouldnt revolve the league mechanics/economy around the nerdiest 1% of players.

Made about 200 divs this league(havent been able to play as much as id like but still a fair bit) Mostly through Similacrum and Ultimatum which dont really drop much gold. Why not add gold to more mechanics? Just forcing people to avoid certain mechanics if they want to maintain their gold.

All in all was pretty excited for this league but have had almost no interaction with it outside of feeling like a chore to keep pumping gold into it. Love the Currency Exchange but the fact it also costs gold sucks
Last edited by Zypher01 on Aug 23, 2024, 3:14:00 PM
Last bumped on Aug 25, 2024, 9:25:18 PM
I stopped sending ship missions a week ago once I realized that I would have to commit several hours every day to dust and gold grinding for the supposed "buff" in shipment rewards.

The league is now equivalent to standard with a currency exchange.

Nolifers and the devs that listen to them have destroyed yet another league within the first few weeks, bravo.

Good times, on the plus side I have more free time now to do useful things. I look forward to us having this same conversation next league and into POE2 when absolutely nothing changes for the better.
Last edited by mnieradko on Aug 23, 2024, 4:10:58 PM
Damn, hard to feel bad for you guys when you seem to hold such contempt for the people who are actually successful
I dont care about people who use meta strats to make currency. Doesnt really effect me until im effectively priced out of using league mechanics by them. Which is the case here. Pretty bad design to cater 90% of the content to 1% of the player base.
i dont bother with mappers. they always die or cant fully clear a map and bring back vendor trash loot. shipments were ok before that patch, after patch i gotten maybe 2 divs from shipments. they are pointless to run now i just want to clear the port quota challenge.

0 power rune also.

league had a lot of potential but as always they cant make anything too rewarding because of the people who play 24/7.
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Aug 23, 2024, 4:49:01 PM
Lyutsifer665 wrote:

league had a lot of potential but as always they cant make anything too rewarding because of the people who play 24/7.

Gold actually suck.
I do only T16 maps, and have enough gold to keep my workers up gor 6h more or less.

Gold is balaned arround t17, and that fuck us
LVagabond wrote:
Gold actually suck.
I do only T16 maps, and have enough gold to keep my workers up gor 6h more or less.

Gold is balaned arround t17, and that fuck us

100%. The fact that you dont get gold from joining your friends pirate battle is also lame. Would help offset the ridiculous gold costs if you could join those every so often
mnieradko wrote:
I stopped sending ship missions a week ago once I realized that I would have to commit several hours every day to dust and gold grinding for the supposed "buff" in shipment rewards.

The league is now equivalent to standard with a currency exchange.

Nolifers and the devs that listen to them have destroyed yet another league within the first few weeks, bravo.

Good times, on the plus side I have more free time now to do useful things. I look forward to us having this same conversation next league and into POE2 when absolutely nothing changes for the better.

German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
I've kept my town less than maxed, getting divines and even a power rune. No map runners and haven't done a T16 map yet but I have all the currency I need. I have a 31 day gold supply at current usage.

More than one way to "win" this league - if entertainment is the goal that is.

Great league

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