embezzler tormented spirit should not exist in base pool

embezzler 100% less recovery debuff too strong compare to any other tormented spirit, meeting him can be death sentence in voided valdo, why white sums this tormented spirit spawns more dangerous than any uber boss or any enemy in game?
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2024, 1:27:20 AM
Why are you running a risky Valdo in the first place if you don't know how to counter that type of play?

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Why are you running a risky Valdo in the first place if you don't know how to counter that type of play?


because this is broken thing that has no 100% counter to it? UNLESS YOU will tell me, cause looks like you know how to counter that type of play? or why even replying if you dont know what you talking about? 95% evade is no counterplay, debuff expiring faster is not counterplay too
Every TFT Valdo farmer least the ones I know have a counter play to those type of mods.

You know what they told me when I linked this thread?

''Skill issue''


If you have no counter on it DON'T RUN IT.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Aug 20, 2024, 5:18:22 AM
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Every TFT Valdo farmer least the ones I know have a counter play to those type of mods.

You know what they told me when I linked this thread?

''Skill issue''


If you have no counter on it DON'T RUN IT.


lmao just proves again that worst lowskilled players are gathered in TFT)

This post created to clarify to devs that when you scare white mob than stay in center of 5 endgame bosses under Tormented spirit is bad game design.

all tormented spirit are balanced and can be countered except 1 which need rebalance especially after they added Valdo into game.
Genadolf wrote:
lmao just proves again that worst lowskilled players are gathered in TFT)

So the worst lowskilled players can run those mods but you can't?

The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Genadolf wrote:
lmao just proves again that worst lowskilled players are gathered in TFT)

So the worst lowskilled players can run those mods but you can't?


what mods you are talking about??????????????????????????
there is no mod which adds EMBEZZLER spirit which more dangerous than any other tormented spirit in 10 times, there mod which add 3-4 RANDOM spirits which most of time handleable.

all things simple if they dont log out instantly when they see embezzler they will eventually die, in 1 day in 1 week, if they dont understand that they are - ))

smart assumption to say i cant run it, when post about poor game balance and not what i can or cant, everyone can run anything, the time they run it before they void is differ
What is the counter play?
Draegnarrr wrote:
What is the counter play?

My thoughts too. You get two "bullies" in the forum that belittle and tear apart the OP.....while offering absolutely no constructive criticism apart from "TFT can do it!". What was the point in even responding?

OP might be wrong, but at least have the decency to write a single sentence on how to actually counter the problem.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 20, 2024, 12:24:05 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Draegnarrr wrote:
What is the counter play?

My thoughts too. You get two "bullies" in the forum that belittle and tear apart the OP.....while offering absolutely no constructive criticism apart from "TFT can do it!". What was the point in even responding?

OP might be wrong, but at least have the decency to write a single sentence on how to actually counter the problem.

Poking fun at an amusing admission by OP is now bullying? Thinskinned, are we now?

But fine, since you're also not adding anything substantive to the conversation, here we go:

The counterplay depends on the type of build you play. Mobs with Embezzler's Touch periodically summon minions that apply the debuff on hit, so the priority is killing those mobs and then using that timeframe to kill the possessed mob.

They have very little health and thus are easily demolished.

The Torment Spirit itself has a "nearby" aura with the recovery debuff, so staying away from it works.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Aug 20, 2024, 1:38:14 PM

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