Complaint about Settlers boss spawn rate

Before 3.25.1 i thought The Black Knight encounter as common. Had like 7 (or more) encounters with him when i completed Atlas. Now, in 3.25.1, after approximately ~150 maps zero Black Knight's. Do some Atlas passives, like Singular Focus, and running mainly only one map stops Settles boss spawn? Everything els seems to still spawn (Wildwood, Sentinel, reflecting mirror etc.)
Have completed 200 T14+ map runs challenge and no Sasan, the Bandit Lord encounter. What i am doing wrong?
After unlocking Kalguur port, on first shipment to there, i encountered Admiral Valerius and had one more encounter with him before 3.25.1. Now no pirate ransom demands. TBH i have shipped like 15-20 ships in 3.25.1 and it may be to low sample for complaint, but for Sasan and Black Knight i feel my concern is justified.

Suggestion - make Settlers boss encounter more common. Even modifying spawn change something like "after X amount maps, map runs (in Kingsmarch) or shipments its more likely to encounter bosses", would help.
Last bumped on Sep 11, 2024, 6:55:04 AM
ye its crazy INSANE rare... need multi mega buffs to spawn rate for all pirate bosses
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Run low tier ships crew and send em to short runs with low amount of cargo like 100-300 — and you'll need to defend your ships so frequent, what'll become profi on it.

I fight valeries like 3-4 times a day, and summarily I think, I downd him like more than 50 times alrdy. And I often go afk and left poe in background and working on another screen. So valeries is easiest to get from them if you sending 3 ships everytime.

Other two, yes, I got only once. One time sasan, one time knight. Thats it!
I've played since the start of the league, and met only Valerius like ca 6 times, but ZERO of the other two. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do to meet them.
Did you manage to spawn them somehow?
Got 2 power runes yesterday. From the Black Knight. The other two bosses don't spawn enough to matter, the Black Knight however has a pretty decent spawn rate
Shelion wrote:
I've played since the start of the league, and met only Valerius like ca 6 times, but ZERO of the other two. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do to meet them.
Did you manage to spawn them somehow?

I'm assuming because you're at 27 challenges that your mining is maxed out and you're running T16+, so you're already doing all you can do to increase your Black Knight spawn rate.

Kassan seems to be the rarest by far, just keep your map runners busy and he'll eventually show up.
Shelion wrote:
I've played since the start of the league, and met only Valerius like ca 6 times, but ZERO of the other two. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do to meet them.
Did you manage to spawn them somehow?

I'm assuming because you're at 27 challenges that your mining is maxed out and you're running T16+, so you're already doing all you can do to increase your Black Knight spawn rate.

Kassan seems to be the rarest by far, just keep your map runners busy and he'll eventually show up.

Yes, I'm running t16 - but all by myself. Mining and shipping I upgraded as first and only the sea pirate was a regular. Black Knight I met just today actually, but that's like after weeks of it being possible.
Now, Sasan is y fault it seems, because I upgraded mapping as the last, and I only just stared the atlas runners on red tiers, and less then ten were T16, so they are way behind (me and in general).
So, thanks, I'll focus on that now.
Ya i play a lot, im at 13 power runes (guildy gave me 2 for carrying his voidstones) and i still havent found the shield. ive gotten 2 gloves. i dont even know what the other guy drops yet.
Maybe nobody needs it anymore, but just in case - the trigger for Sasan it seems is a combination of T16 map PLUS a level 10 worker(s).
Shelion wrote:
Maybe nobody needs it anymore, but just in case - the trigger for Sasan it seems is a combination of T16 map PLUS a level 10 worker(s).

Nopers, just a rare mfer... Can spawn < t16(not sure where the actual limit is, t14 would be my guess, but could even be lower) and you do not need a lvl 10 mapper.

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