The game is becoming worse and worse

Tinctures and warden freeze solved the game's nerf problems for me. Lightning Strike feels so good to play with tinctures giving attack speed/damage and freeze node permafreezing everything.
Chimmy81 wrote:
It is literally not enough to be res capped, have fortify and 6 endurance charges.
You also need max spell block or max suppression if you don't want to randomly die.

Fitting all that garbage into your build is the most tedious thing and kills most build ideas from the start.

No offense but I kinda feel like you’re trolling because you are playing RF chieftain this league and according to the 10 challenges you’ve completed and being level 90 you haven’t stepped into any content where these levels of defensives are necessary.

RF chieftain is probably one of the easiest builds to play and a lot of the defensives you’re saying are tedious to get are basically free with the build you’re playing.

Increasing maximum resist, reaching 100% spell suppression, raising block chance, getting high armor/evasion values, and accessing fortify have all become easier every league and especially this one with better bases and max resist rolls on jewels. And you definitely don’t need all of them at once for 99% of the game.

I would write a better post but no time.

1) Too many BS layers introduced just to create a mob to kill you. So then there can be a chase for items to mitigate the McGuffin, Bleed , no no no corrupted blood .. no no now bleeding isnt the same as corrupted blood . being immune to bleed isn't enough now you need .... etc etc etc.

2) Uniques are garbage put them in your build and its immediate C tier build.
Why ? well because of point 1 -- helmet NEEDS life .. so that rings can be max loaded with 35% of all resists on everything ... you need to get immunity to corrupted blood on a gem .. you NEED to create a build that paths to the gem slot to put it .... etc etc etc.

3) The league mechanic is time gating punishment. Kalandra was total trash but every league since Arch Nemesis mobs is annoying.
Mobs who don't die because you can't kill them .. and before the BS of its your build ... I have 10 videos of me standing still firing every attack I have at a mob who's hit points never even move . Im playing ED Contagion the SAME build Chris is using in the PoE 2.0 teaser.

I want to see that trailer redone... Watch everyone as the witch summons her army of skeletons .. watch as she screams DIE!!!! and bright lights flash as the skeleton army charges into battle... And .... nothing happens ... the skeletons die... more flashing lights ... the witch yells DIE!!!! and the mob just shrugs it off ... 30 minutes later as the video drags on .... the witch yells DIE!!!! and Chris turns to the tech and asks .... "If we cant kill the mob .. are we trapped in the encounter?, do we need to log off?" Ridiculous!. If you are too embarrassed to show that kind of play in official trailers... it does not belong in the game.

4)PoE used to have a nice flow, you could trance out to some music and map. Not pushing for new map clears, just chilling and loot hunting...

You can't now because every map has embedded in it a mob that will delete you.
And i don't believe it is random . I 100% think the game now reads your character and places mobs to kill you.

If you are all fire you are going to hit Immune to fire, if you do damage over time .. you will hit extra hit points and life regen with resists to chaos. I truly believe this is being done deliberately and not random affix.

These mobs are NOT bosses and yield NOTHING as a reward yet are 500% harder than a map boss.

They are not listed on the map .. .you cannot remove them , scour them ... they are inserted to kill you.

Regardless of what the map says , what affixes are on the map ... they are not listed so can be put in any map at any time to kill your build. An unavoidable unkillable mob ... I would NEVER play hardcore with this game !

The vibe was ruined . no more fun relaxing mapping cause if you do ... BOOM one shot ... 100% health to zero in 0.025 seconds, I have videos where i autopsy my deaths to see what killed me ... I can't tell ... literally in ONE frame of the video ... im 100% .. im dead .. full bars ... dead .. nothing in the middle ...
NO INDICATION that a mob with a better attack than a shaper beam is in the map.

I get too mad writing these .. gotta go

Last edited by Jitter912 on Aug 14, 2024, 4:36:38 PM
whats the point of even claim they buffed melee but they still get 1 hko with 4k+armor/HP and max endurance charges and a bunch of other defences
It all went downhill with the new acts. Every boss has immunity phases. This screams: NO YOU WILL NOT DELETE MY BOSS IN ONE SECOND YOU WILL LOOK AT THIS COOL FIGHT I MYSELF HAVE DESIGNED.

Last edited by Chimmy81 on Aug 17, 2024, 7:50:26 PM
Chimmy81 wrote:
It all went downhill with the new acts. Every boss has immunity phases. This screams: NO YOU WILL NOT DELETE MY BOSS IN ONE SECOND YOU WILL LOOK AT THIS COOL FIGHT I MYSELF HAVE DESIGNED.


It all went downhill... ...with the new acts.....


Why are you still here if you believe this?

You realize the last time they added an act was act 10 in 2017 right?

So you've just been suffering for 7+ years?
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 17, 2024, 9:01:35 PM
4k Armor? That's.. not a lot of armor.
Fapmobile wrote:
So much bs in this thread.


It's getting pretty deep, fellas
Chimmy81 wrote:
It is literally not enough to be res capped, have fortify and 6 endurance charges.
You also need max spell block or max suppression if you don't want to randomly die.

Fitting all that garbage into your build is the most tedious thing and kills most build ideas from the start.

Why would it be lol, it costs like 5 div to get all that. If an endgame build costs 5div, league would be over in 10 days max.

I honestly feel like the game is in the best state it's ever been since 3.15 (maybe even better)

That said, ground loot (items) is indeed garbage and in need of a rework - but GGG already knows this and are working on it. In fact, it's possible that this league is a bit of a testground for that - obviously I wouldn't know, but the rares you get from shipments are often pretty good (I've sold some for 10 div +, not to mention that about 75% of them are insane for early/mid game)

If GGG were to implement some of the logic applied to these items into ground rare drops, I really believe ground loot could become relevant again (obviously there would need to be a lot of scaling).
Last edited by Felix44 on Aug 18, 2024, 9:11:18 AM
Last edited by sownice on Aug 23, 2024, 7:13:26 AM

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