So tired of the player base in this game.

2nd time this league ive been scammed 10 divine this time because im busy with a group and trying to get a trade done and the person altered the whisper to be not what the listing price was on fracture orbs. i didnt even realise it till the person had the gall to whisper me laughing about how he scammed me
Last bumped on Aug 15, 2024, 1:32:43 PM
The truly sad thing is the playerbase actually defend those players, and GGG is not much better. Don't listen to anyone who comments saying how stupid you are or how it's all your fault. That sucks and it shouldn't happen as often as it does.
Not sure how that is allowed. I know it is, I just don't know why the whisper system works like that. Is there way to block those sort of trades?

(Not a great title, I would change that, cant blame everyone for one nob or a bad system)
Yeah, with an automated trade system it is not possible to scam this way. You can thank Chris Wilson. Im sure your game experience was better with the 'friction' regardless of what you or other players think they experienced.
Belegur85 wrote:
Not sure how that is allowed. I know it is, I just don't know why the whisper system works like that. Is there way to block those sort of trades?

(Not a great title, I would change that, cant blame everyone for one nob or a bad system)

Nope. The only way to avoid scams like this is to check the price you set for the wanted item before taking it out and compare it with the whisper. Did the person wrote you the wrong price simply ignore the guy and go on.
Maybe sudden influx into this new league will shake GGG up a bit.
People like QoL, silent majority like QoL.
And maybe after silent majority votes with playtime (and maybe wallets), GGG will bend the knee and put it some sort of a tool for automated item transactions.

Haven't bothered with selling any items other than currency.
Ain't no way I am going to waste time for smelly five chaos.

Kudos to those who do.
Last edited by WiseGuard on Aug 14, 2024, 3:30:44 AM
Brand new player here, and I agree. I haven't been scammed yet thankfully. I assume that is mostly because I only have 1 to 5c items right now. There are several QOL aspects in the game that are missing. I think it's the only aspect that D4 is even close to the same level or maybe better.

For example, I was wondering yesterday why the currency exchange doesn't do an auto conversion for us to enable less common exchange orders such as I want X Armourer's Scrap, I have Y chromatic orbs. The system should easily be able to use my Chromatic orbs to exchange for someone's chaos orbs then exchange those chaos orbs for a 3rd person's Armourer's scrap. If they really need it as a gold sink (which they clear don't based on what I hear about settlement mappers cost) they could automatically adjust the price if there isn't a direct trade available.
TayPoE wrote:
Belegur85 wrote:
Not sure how that is allowed. I know it is, I just don't know why the whisper system works like that. Is there way to block those sort of trades?

(Not a great title, I would change that, cant blame everyone for one nob or a bad system)

Nope. The only way to avoid scams like this is to check the price you set for the wanted item before taking it out and compare it with the whisper. Did the person wrote you the wrong price simply ignore the guy and go on.

You're ignoring the fact that its stupid this is even possible with the current "trading mechanic", much as less as prevalent as it is.

This is an easy problem to fix.
It is and it isn't. Anyone that played D3 will know AH just invalidated actually playing the game at a certain point. It does fix problems like this but there is a reason they have resisted it. Party because they monetized from stash tabs, but also they don't wan't the game to be an AH sim.

The system they have is actually really good for not getting scammed. It has two problems. You have to be paying attention and it can consume time.

I don't do a whole lot of trading, only started playing trade league again last league, but yesterday I did about 200 trades in a few hours. They all went flawlessly, except 2, both where I made a mistake. Firstly, I was doing two trades at once and put the wrong trade in the window. Other player noticed, did not accept, I realised and swapped it, everyone happy. Second, same thing, trying to do two trades, when I shift clicked 22 scarabs, I think I might of used the old shift click and only 2 went across. I actually didn't notice and thought the trade went through. Guy says "REPORTED", and when I question him he says he thinks I tried to scam him. We got the trade sorted out, no big drama, but it did look from their end like I was trying to scam. Both occurred because of my human error. Both also occurred because I was trying to juggle trades and both occurred because I was trying not to waste the other players time. I assume this is what has happened with OP, they are trying to not waste the other players time, and by trying to be as efficient as possible an error occurs. Still 99% of my trades were correct and happened in a few seconds. Not one player tried to scam me, perhaps because I am the seller, but I think it works pretty well in both direction. They biggest problem I ran into, was people not coming to my location, which is probably largely people learning, and maybe about 10% of trades, which is inconvenient but not that bad.

The currency exchange is working pretty well from what I've seen, they may well implement something like this permanently or for POE 2. I think they are getting revenue from more ways than majority stash tabs, so they may be able to do this. It's still is a fine line between it becoming the best way to earn currency in the game. The currency in this game is designed fairly well. There are too many types, but functionally thing are designed well, so it may be able to mesh better with an AH. We will see what they can come up with. At the moment having both options seems good, If they continue to improve it it might solve some of the scamming problems.

So the thing with the changing of the text, that is a major flaw and in my limited trading I have encountered this before. The system is bad and should not work like that. It's not reasonable to have to deal with. It's basically the thing that the double mouse over prevents where people would ninja swap the trade item. The allowed text manipulation is deceiving and I'm surprised that is in the game and not solved this long after launch. Human error happens, but this enables actual scamming and I don't know why it would be functionally allowed, particularly if you are setting a non negotiable buyout price on the trade.

Last edited by Belegur85 on Aug 14, 2024, 2:00:57 PM
ShadeyShadow wrote:
The truly sad thing is the playerbase actually defend those players...

I don't think I've ever seen that in here.

Are some people saying that this whole thing could've been avoided by using the in-game safe mechanics and paying attention? Yes. You as a seller do have all the power here.

That said, scammers are scum and should be perma banned. But until we reach that utopic goal, the seller has the power.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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