Thaumaturgic Dust

"This is a buff"

No, no it's not. I have to put almost 1,000,000 dust now to get the same bonus.

Undo this, it's completely absurd. wtf.

EDIT: After getting my ships back, I have decided never to send them out again. So, I can turn off my farm. Thanks GGG. You really don't want people to play your game.
~ Seph
Last edited by sephrinx on Aug 13, 2024, 8:44:00 PM
Last bumped on Aug 14, 2024, 1:04:41 AM
30K gold just to make the city stands a single hour.

input: 15k of each resource 100k dust

1-5 million cargo = 5 chaos, 20 chomatics, 15 fusing,2 stacked decks, random runes worth of 1 chaos, useless gear.

Only viable late game farm T17 and not every build can do it.

At this point i'm thinking i should send then my curriculum there is no way someone its getting paid for it.

No money until, GGG fix melee.
Yea its a buff on the high end and a nerf on the low end. You gotta put a lot more in, but you have the ability to scale a lot higher, where as before it was a diminishing return multiplier.

Glad I am done cause this was a L change lol
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Yeah when I logged in and went to send out a shipment and saw that even after putting in A MILLION DUST it did almost nothing I just logged out.

Instantly killed my desire to play.
~ Seph
They destroyed the league mechanic and lied about it. It's not a buff, not at all. That's... enough to bother me enough to quit the league.

Every mid league change that isn't a buff, like an actual real buff, not a lie, is unacceptable.
Now we have to spend all our good on makes lol. How weird the second random casuals start getting divine once every few days ggg destroys the mechanic.

Even though divs are almost 200c. At this rate this economy is gong to be much worse than kalandra.
I posted in the bug forum as well, but it seems like the dust in now tied to the value of the shipment and only gives a 1:1 ratio of value up to the value of the whole shipment. As soon as you go over the base value the value of the dust decreases dramatically. I have a hard time imagining that it was meant to be nerfed this hard, it's to the point where dust almost useless in shipping.

I knew the patch was coming, I watched what I was making in the last day or two (sending 2 ships, each ship has 750 of each plant, 8000 dust and ranks 7, 6, 6 and 5 sailors). Now I put in the same mats and I get less reward, a lot less. No, my Kingsmarch isn't maxed out nor is my farm, mine or anything. For me and apparently some people on this forum this change is a bit fat L for our ability to do anything with Kingsmarch.
Please fix.

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