Gold's drop rate makes Kingsmarch feels like old league mechanic going core

Warning! Long rant ahead! Please be careful!

TLDR: we need more gold.

Full rant:
First and most, I do really like idea of Kingsmarch and I really WANT to interact with it... But I can't.

Every few months when PoE drops new league a new mechanic is introduced and it's almost everywhere. Players can easily interact with it without focusing on farming anything. Of course some people will find a way to abuse it and it's good for them, but average player can play WHAT THEY WANT as long as it's in maps and still be able to use league mechanic on satisfying rate. After league is over the mechanic goes core and becomes less frequent. Players need to focus on farming particular mechanic using atlas tree, scarabs, or sometimes just buy certain items from other players like sanctum tomes, or heist contracts. And here comes Kingsmarch...

I will put this straight: gold drop rate is a joke.

Second, I do believe that t17 are not and should not be considered new endgame standard. Playing them should not feel like something we need to do just to stay relevant. I based my rant mostly on red tier maps and blighted maps.

10k gold per map is not a bad number if you can speedrun through map in 2min. I like to use different league mechanics like Alva, blight, harvest etc. and it makes a single map almost 10min experience. Unfortunately using these does not affect gold. I was worried about my low income and tried to look for some tips how to farm gold and this is what I have found: to farm gold we MUST ignore every engaging league mechanic! sic! This feels exactly like specialising in old content. All we need more are just some atlas nodes for Kingsmarch and we have fully fledged past league experience. Fact that things like incursion, ritual or ultimatum does not results in lootsplosion of gold is already mind blowing for me. There are so many ways to add more monsters to maps and almost nothing works with gold because...reasons? My city is not even maxed and I already had to put it on hold due to my low income. Especially when I play blighted maps.

Speaking of blighted maps, non atlas related content need to drop A LOT of gold. Completing t16 blighted map with 3k gold in pocket feels like slap in the face. Most of the time its not even enough to cover currency exchange. I understand lack of gold in sanctum. Let's be honest, sanctum is already too profitable. The biggest problem with gold is that we CAN NOT BUY GOLD from other players. You rather play maps or enjoy your lvl 5 city with ships full of orbs of alchemy. Great choice!

Personally I think a player who plays regularly for example 2h per day should be able to easily sustain max lvl city 24h with one high lvl worker assigned to every job, excluding mappers and shippers and by one worker I mean e.g. 5 miners, one for every ore. Players with more gold could assign many many more workers, mappers etc. I also think it's a shame that we can not use shipping to generate gold. For example we could sent 50k gold worth of cargo, pick up only rewards we really want and then discard remaining items for something like 30k gold. I think such system could by itself fix gold drop rate issue.

And that's all I have to say. I know it's a lot of rambling spiced with grain of butthurt, but Settlers looks like it could have been my favourite league in long time. Unfortunately issues I mentioned above completely ruins this experience for me. I really hope to see some changes that will make Kingsmarch more accessible.
Last bumped on Aug 13, 2024, 1:43:43 AM
Totally agree! The only viable content for kingmarch is spamming maps. I like expedition logbooks - I can't pay my city. Any no mapping mechanic suck if u like kingmarch. Boss challenges? Forget. The most bad thing is choosing between gold for regular currency exchange and city. I just stopped play kingmarch. Mining lvl 12 for more gold from ores and that's all. I need gold for trading currency earned in my expeditions.And u know? I've got more divine per hour than afk stupid time wasting afk kingmarch of boring maps grinding. Mechanic could be good, but not this way. Maybe with different currency not needed for exchange chaos orbs, or gold drop should be better in no mapping activities. I gonna play league qol, but ending Kingmarch.
i'll chime in and repeat this.

gold rates are kinda fine i feel. you need to WORK to get decent amount of gold.

what is not fine is the upkeep.

the upkeep costs only go up with no easy way to keep them down.

i think that one way to fix this is to have the ability to make a "department" run at minimal capacity (rank 1) with rank 1 pay.

for sure we can do this right now manually.

that takes A LOT of time imho.

GGG, you want us to engage in your game and PLAY the game by killing monsters right? dont make us use too much time micro managing.

i actually let my gold run dry a few days now.

i almost got my mappers to rank 11 then i realized i was too tired to continue farming and i needed to use the gold i earned to pay for 1 days upkeep.

week 3 progress:

Everything maxed out except:

Map device (lvl 10)
Recombinator (lvl 2-3?)
Runesmithy (lvl 2-3?)

after that i ll be busy trying to roll for rank 10 hires/farming for upkeep.
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And here we have streamers farming 1 M/h.
if everything is based on streamers, the average/casual gamer can just forget about playing the game lol
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exsea wrote:
i'll chime in and repeat this.

gold rates are kinda fine i feel. you need to WORK to get decent amount of gold.

what is not fine is the upkeep.

the upkeep costs only go up with no easy way to keep them down.

No. Main thing is not fine imo is the only way to farm gold - MAPPING ONLY. And only a few ways with a few mechanics in game with many good mechanics to choose.

If they not adapt gold drops for boss sets rotas, expedition logbooks etc, they should adapt different atlas mechanics to fair gold drops. If there is only one or two streamer gold farming merthods, the diffrerent mechanics should be at least fair for handle basic city addon+ selling corrency.

Example: Pasives in atlas tree for gold drops in strongboxes, or if not touching atlas tree just changing gold drops from blights etc.
Last edited by Zakk777 on Aug 12, 2024, 9:22:10 AM
the league mechanic is horrible with 10 levels of upgrade?

Farm like more than 10 maps for one shipping quota?

If they add it to core, it would look like a vampire that suck all your gold, instead of a mini-game side quest of sim city.

Pretty sure gold will be core (at least in Poe 2), but the drop rate is a horrible thing to balance . if they drop more, then probably the currency exchange will cost way more , and in next league who still enjoy to play the sim city, again?

At least i haven't touched heist after the league end. Too many league mechanic so that it would create a high variance of coin balance for people never touch kingsmarch, and people actively playing it.

So that only logical thing would be Kingsmarch is not core, only the recominbator and currency exchange, and then without Kingmarch, the coin drop should be enough
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Gold just sucks because you can't really pick the league mechanics you want.

I haven't played Heist in quite a long time so I was gunna slot it but I'll go broke.
They really need to homogenize the gold gains for each mechanic.

When it comes to upkeep I tend to just keep lower Tier workers on Farming 24/7.

On a positive note. I guess their stress test for PoE2 gold is working?
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Whst i mean is, coin was meant to only for currency exchange and passive respec.

Even they drop from all other league mechanic, i would say there must have people that don't touch Kingsmarch at all next league if go core, and people farm rune from it.

That would create problem to balance coin drop among all players, unless GGG bold enough to balance at a point that it is ok level for people never play kimgsmarch next league, and cripple no life non stop farmimg level for people play Kingsmarch next league

Or just make it would not be core or at least most of it. And only gold in core and currency exchange
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Last edited by neohongkong on Aug 12, 2024, 7:39:33 PM
And some another moments: gold for trade is a mistake... We just need some fun, like affliction was (or better)! We need more gold, balanced league mechanics (farm any content without lucky drops, in equal) and don't need t17 (as separate tier. give to us atlas upgrade and current t17 make uniq maps drop from regular t16-17-18etc) and dont need scarabs (sextants, fragments in map device etc. we already have atlas tree, make it rewarding, don't spend our time).
I'm really dont understand, how u can have so many briliant ideas to upgrade the game and ruin it just because of holding on for outdated mechanics. Don't be affraid delete old content, as u done it with prophecy!

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