you kill the loot, you kill the game - chris wilson

xenstar wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
I think its hard for ggg to take posts like this seriously about loot being so bad when it comes from someone with items like this only 12 days into the league.

1) Headhunter (~90div)
2) Awakened Multistrike Support (~90div)
3) Progenesis (~40div)
4) Both rings (~20div)
5) Boots (~30-40div) theres a single slightly better one listed for 50

list goes on...

OP's thread is bait.

to be fair its not that hard there is a couple ways to make this amount of currency really fast but its sure as shit not from grinding maps unless you grind 10 hours a day non stop

Uhh this isnt true either.

What do you think people who specialize in harbinger. One of the best currency generating strategies in the game, are doing the entire time???

starts with m and ends it apping.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:

Uhh this isnt true either.

What do you think people who specialize in harbinger. One of the best currency generating strategies in the game, are doing the entire time???

starts with m and ends it apping.

hmm sounds to me like you have no clue how much people make from harbingers

boss carry, sanctum, flipping (bulk tft), crafting is so much more currency than any map strat i personally seen this league but i might be wrond and would love to see an example of these godlike harbys
xenstar wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:

Uhh this isnt true either.

What do you think people who specialize in harbinger. One of the best currency generating strategies in the game, are doing the entire time???

starts with m and ends it apping.

hmm sounds to me like you have no clue how much people make from harbingers

boss carry, sanctum, flipping (bulk tft), crafting is so much more currency than any map strat i personally seen this league but i might be wrond and would love to see an example of these godlike harbys

I mean you can think this thats fine, but its simply not true. Fracturing orbs are $$$ every single league so, knowledge check on your end I guess.

Theres also people who fish cards on maps.

Looking at another thread you seem to be the t17 fomo believers. Thats fine if you think t17 is just amazing and everything else is bad but there are plenty of users, myself included, that have no loot or currency issues without engaging in these types of mechanics. (sim, t17, sanctum, harby, deli juicing, harby, boss carry etc...)

Seems like its just whatever list YOU specifically come up with that determines what is viable and not based on what you may have heard? And the goal post is now moving to TFT talking as well, as if anyone has any control over that.

Saying harbinger is bad would be like saying heist is bad. You have to specialize into it to be good... like every mechanic in the game for the most part.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 8, 2024, 11:17:09 AM
Mashgesture wrote:

I mean you can think this thats fine, but its simply not true. Fracturing orbs are $$$ every single league so, knowledge check on your end I guess.

Theres also people who fish cards on maps.

Looking at another thread you seem to be the t17 fomo believers. Thats fine if you think t17 is just amazing and everything else is bad but there are plenty of users, myself included, that have no loot or currency issues without engaging in these types of mechanics. (sim, t17, sanctum, harby, deli juicing, harby, boss carry etc...)

Seems like its just whatever list YOU specifically come up with that determines what is viable and not based on what you may have heard? And the goal post is now moving to TFT talking as well, as if anyone has any control over that.

Saying harbinger is bad would be like saying heist is bad. You have to specialize into it to be good... like every mechanic in the game for the most part.

dude you clearly dont know xD sure you can think i have fomo on t17 but no i dont i just dont think they belong in the game but thats just my opinion

to be clear EVERYTHING under 15 div/hour is bad so dont @ me if you dont understand high end grinding

thinking harby is good clearly shows the lack of knowledge
xenstar wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:

I mean you can think this thats fine, but its simply not true. Fracturing orbs are $$$ every single league so, knowledge check on your end I guess.

Theres also people who fish cards on maps.

Looking at another thread you seem to be the t17 fomo believers. Thats fine if you think t17 is just amazing and everything else is bad but there are plenty of users, myself included, that have no loot or currency issues without engaging in these types of mechanics. (sim, t17, sanctum, harby, deli juicing, harby, boss carry etc...)

Seems like its just whatever list YOU specifically come up with that determines what is viable and not based on what you may have heard? And the goal post is now moving to TFT talking as well, as if anyone has any control over that.

Saying harbinger is bad would be like saying heist is bad. You have to specialize into it to be good... like every mechanic in the game for the most part.

dude you clearly dont know xD sure you can think i have fomo on t17 but no i dont i just dont think they belong in the game but thats just my opinion

to be clear EVERYTHING under 15 div/hour is bad so dont @ me if you dont understand high end grinding

thinking harby is good clearly shows the lack of knowledge

Thats actually hilarious, not only do you NOT know how much currency harbinger generates, you set a standard at 15 div/hour and think it cant obtain that?? LOL!

Im sorry but you just get gotted yourself if you think harb cant hit that. That is so low of a requirement, you could probably get some of the worst rng in the game still hit that per hour with a proper setup, on a scuffed setup you can hit 11-13 on t16s. Ah man what a self snitch.

Comments like this tell me that loot/currency and strategies are only from what people hear and not what people actually know. Im guessing this poster doesnt even know why or how sanctum works.

Keep on thinking this friend, keeps prices higher on these mechanics with people not running them.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:

Thats actually hilarious, not only do you NOT know how much currency harbinger generates, you set a standard at 15 div/hour and think it cant obtain that?? LOL!

Im sorry but you just get gotted yourself if you think harb cant hit that. That is so low of a requirement, you could probably get some of the worst rng in the game still hit that per hour with a proper setup, on a scuffed setup you can hit 11-13 on t16s. Ah man what a self snitch.

Comments like this tell me that loot/currency and strategies are only from what people hear and not what people actually know. Im guessing this poster doesnt even know why or how sanctum works.

Keep on thinking this friend, keeps prices higher on these mechanics with people not running them.

proof please would like to see how you are doing that on t16 then i will consede and say you know better cuz all i hear is trust me bro and i dont xD
I don't even bother trying to argue with ggg apologists anymore. There's no point. It's like talking to a wall.

If GGG decides to keep going this route the long-term numbers outside of this one league will speak for themselves. The ONLY reason they aren't getting dunked on way more right now is the currency exchange.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
xenstar wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:

Thats actually hilarious, not only do you NOT know how much currency harbinger generates, you set a standard at 15 div/hour and think it cant obtain that?? LOL!

Im sorry but you just get gotted yourself if you think harb cant hit that. That is so low of a requirement, you could probably get some of the worst rng in the game still hit that per hour with a proper setup, on a scuffed setup you can hit 11-13 on t16s. Ah man what a self snitch.

Comments like this tell me that loot/currency and strategies are only from what people hear and not what people actually know. Im guessing this poster doesnt even know why or how sanctum works.

Keep on thinking this friend, keeps prices higher on these mechanics with people not running them.

proof please would like to see how you are doing that on t16 then i will consede and say you know better cuz all i hear is trust me bro and i dont xD

What do I need to do to provide proof? Do I need to repeat it from someone else in order to make it true? Seems to work for your other opinions on t17s and sanctum.

Read the last sentence of the previous post.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:

What do I need to do to provide proof? Do I need to repeat it from someone else in order to make it true? Seems to work for your other opinions on t17s and sanctum.

Read the last sentence of the previous post.

sure im just repeating xD im running the mechs myself i can send you vids of me or other people doing this shit for 100s of maps this is proof not just some text on a forum
xenstar wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:

What do I need to do to provide proof? Do I need to repeat it from someone else in order to make it true? Seems to work for your other opinions on t17s and sanctum.

Read the last sentence of the previous post.

sure im just repeating xD im running the mechs myself i can send you vids of me or other people doing this shit for 100s of maps this is proof not just some text on a forum

What mechanics are you running?
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

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