you kill the loot, you kill the game - chris wilson

Too many nerfs.

Stop making changes based off reddit. Which you shouldn't listen to at all.

With the current state of this league, I wouldn't be surprised if this goes down as the worst league in PoE history. Even over Lake of Kalandra.

Chris Wilson warned about killing loot and that's exactly how this league feels.

Every aspect of the game was nerfed and its not fun!

Nerfed Atlas
Nerfed Mapping
Nerfed Loot Conversions
Nerfed t17s
Nerfed Scarabs
Nerfed Divination Cards
Nerfed Wildwood
Nerfed Recombinator
Nerfed and removed quant/rarity from league mechanics
Nerfed and removed quant/MF gear
Nerfed majority of skills

list goes on and on...

Last edited by sypher420 on Aug 7, 2024, 11:44:35 PM
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 3:40:29 PM
100% agree with you. The mechanic of having a fkn farm is stupid as well. Adds absolutely nothing apart from a bit of currency and items that by the time you get them aren't worth it. Map running to help the already rich do more maps lol.

Bad league.

Last edited by Sydneydonza on Aug 8, 2024, 12:03:06 AM
There is always someone like this.

Every league.
de99ial wrote:
There is always someone like this.

Every league.

maybe because its true?
While I was not happy playing trade league this season (just a me problem) and didnt find a mechanic I could keep playing to get currency my friend instead prints hundred of divines with playing the game normally.

I just accepted I´m more a SSF player who focuses a lot more of gear progression there instead of trading. Maybe trading is not for you aswell. Games fine.

Having a blast in SSF already and I´m like 12 hours in my char.

I think its hard for ggg to take posts like this seriously about loot being so bad when it comes from someone with items like this only 12 days into the league.

1) Headhunter (~90div)
2) Awakened Multistrike Support (~90div)
3) Progenesis (~40div)
4) Both rings (~20div)
5) Boots (~30-40div) theres a single slightly better one listed for 50

list goes on...

OP's thread is bait.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
OP's thread is bait.

No no no, he is complaining about Lachdanans loot beeing bad.

He literally can´t sell his items to that dude because that dude only found 6divs and he prices his items on the shop waaaaay higher so hes unable to run a profit without selling to him.

While I´m still having fun fumbeling in my topper
trying to pull out a pair of replica boots^^
de99ial wrote:
There is always someone like this.

Every league.

There's also someone like you every league, league can have 0 loot, have 50% of usual FPS, there could be 10k players at day 7 and you would go "i love this league keep making them liek this one!"
Every punch you take you insist to take another one, we call that stockholm syndrome
Last edited by robert2003 on Aug 8, 2024, 10:05:54 AM
Mashgesture wrote:
I think its hard for ggg to take posts like this seriously about loot being so bad when it comes from someone with items like this only 12 days into the league.

1) Headhunter (~90div)
2) Awakened Multistrike Support (~90div)
3) Progenesis (~40div)
4) Both rings (~20div)
5) Boots (~30-40div) theres a single slightly better one listed for 50

list goes on...

OP's thread is bait.

to be fair its not that hard there is a couple ways to make this amount of currency really fast but its sure as shit not from grinding maps unless you grind 10 hours a day non stop

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